Ye Hao was stiff, and she realized for a moment what his meaning could not wait for a year. If her strength is enough, she must have taken him out.

Her heart was angry and angry, and there was no way to take him around. Finally, a small mouth, biting his injured shoulder.

"Are you murdering your husband?" Murong Zhan suffered, and finally let go.

Ye Hao ran out of his arms. "Inkrong Zhan, you are a villain."

"If you murder your husband, don't you say it, dare you?" Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows. "See how you can clean up."

"Don't come over!" Ye Hao saw that he was going to catch himself and was scared to run out.

I couldn't run a few steps, and I was already hugged by Murong Zhan from behind. "Where do you want to go?"

"墨容湛!" Ye Hao was so angry that he didn't know what to say. This person did not speak at all. He said that he would not force her. Is it that she is willing to do what she is doing now?

Mo Rongzhan looked at her sulking look, haha ​​smiled and kissed her in the little mouth that she had pumbled. "I don't want to make trouble with you. Later, let you come to the Qing Palace. You can't make excuses to push the three resistances. Give you a year, but you can't see you in a year."

Ye Hao still resists his arms. He hears his words, just keeps his head down and doesn't talk. She never thought about what to promise. She won't marry him after one year. She will still be far away if she has the chance. Avoid him from afar.

"I have to go back to the hospital." Ye Hao whispered.

Murong Chan really wants to leave her with him, but he also knows that she can't push her too tight, otherwise she will avoid it even more.

"Yeah." He let go of her waist. "You just said that, did anyone say it to you?"

Ye Hao groaned, "What?"

"Is Xu Huiru talking to you?" Murong Zhan remembered the strangeness of Xu Huiru yesterday, and the twilight flashed a slap in the face.

"What does someone say is important to you?" Ye Hao sneered faintly.

Murong Zhan pinched her chin. "If it makes you unhappy, it is naturally important."

Ye Hao opened his hand and glanced at him. He said, "Let Fu Gonggong wipe the medicine for you after bathing at night."

"Hey, wait for you to come." Murong Zhan said firmly.

"Then wait for you." Ye Hao smiled and turned and went out.

Returning to the doctor's office, I saw that everyone was not in the house, but gathered in the courtyard to talk and saw Ye Hao coming back, someone waving to her.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Hao asked with a smile, sitting down to Chen Jinru to talk to everyone.

Xia Yaohua said, "Fang Cai Gong Yuan sentenced us to say that we must choose two doctors to go to Huaijiang along with Qi Zhengzheng. We are not discussing who will be picked."

Ye Hao’s eyes lit up, “Why do you want to go to Huaijiang?”

"In the past year, there was a frequent flood in Huaijiang. After the disaster, it was a plague. This year, Qi is planning to go to Huaijiang early to prepare, so as to avoid the plague and death of many people." Xia Yaohua explained with Ye Hao. .

"Who do you want to go?" Ye Hao looked at everyone and saw that they were all embarrassed. They seemed very reluctant to go. She smiled. "I want to go with Qi Zhengzheng, don't follow me. Fight."

Chen Jinru suddenly stunned. "Hey, are you really?"

Ye Hao smiled. "Is there still a fake."

" come with me!" Chen Jinru grabbed her hand and pulled Ye Hao back to the house.

“What's wrong?” Ye Hao asked. She remembered that there would be a flood in Huaijiang this year, and the plague was very powerful. It seems that there was still a case of Tucun. At that time, her soul was in the royal study room and she saw with her own eyes. This incident was furious and killed many officials in a row.

She wants to go to Huaijiang, not only can she temporarily avoid the ink-handedness, but also learn more medical skills. Now her medical books are seen enough, but the chances of actually treating the patients are few, so she wants To go out of the palace, in order to make her medical skills more exquisite.

"Hey, you don't have to go to Huaijiang. No one outside wants to go there. I heard that the doctors who go with each year are not able to come back alive. There is a plague every year, like a curse, you are Princess, no one dares to force you, and once you go to Huaijiang, don't think about it for half a year." Chen Jinru whispered to Ye Hao.

These are not problems for Ye Hao. What she wants most is to leave Kyoto for a while. She needs to think about what to do next because she finds that there is no such strong hatred towards Murong Chong. Lu Yuzhi got retribution, what should she do?

"I know." Ye Hao said with a smile, "I will change clothes first."

Chen Jinru looked helplessly at Ye Hao. "Do you really want to go?"

Ye Xiao laughed and said nothing. After she went to the clean room to clean up, she left the doctor's office and went to the Imperial Hospital to find out.

Qi Qi has been treating the drug of Lu Yan in the past two months, but she handed Lu Yu to Huang Fu in the past few days, and she returned to the Royal Hospital.

"Qi doctor is right." Ye Hao knocked on the door and confronted Qi Fufu, who was sitting behind the book case.

"Hey, how come you?" Qi asked with a smile, indicating that she came in and sat down.

"I have something to look for." Ye Hao said, his eyes swept over the book and found that Qi Wei was watching Huaijiang’s disaster and plague medical cases in recent years.

Qi Qi smiled and asked, "Do you want to ask your brother's condition? You can rest assured that the emperor gave the only fire lotus in the palace to your eldest brother. Auntie is developing antidote for your eldest brother. I believe that it will soon be able to Detoxify your big brother."

When Ye Hao heard this, the smile on the corner of his mouth froze uncontrollably. What? Did Murong Zhan give the fire lotus to Lu Hao?

"Qi Zhengzheng, last time my big brother did not take the fire lotus?" Ye Haoqiang smiled.

"Yeah, I hope this aunt can find out the way to really detoxify." Qi Yan sighed.

At this time, Ye Hao only thought of any way to make Huangfu unable to detoxify Lu Hao. She wanted to see Lu Yi live in pain for a lifetime.

"Hey, hey?" Qi Qi looked up and saw Ye Hao in a daze, and even a few voices did not respond.

"Ah, Qi doctor is right!" Ye Hao returned to God, his face looked stiff and looked at Qi.

Qi Qi smiled and asked, "I wonder how to help you big brother."

"Qi Zhengzheng, I am looking for you, there is one thing I want to ask you to help me." Ye Hao whispered, "I want to go to Huaijiang with you."

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Qi Qi had some doubts about whether he had got it wrong.

Ye Hao repeated it earnestly. "I want to go to Huaijiang with you."

Qi Yan immediately shook his head. "No! The Queen Mother and the Emperor will not agree."

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