Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 265: Mr. keeps me secret

Ye Hao did not argue with Qi Yu, because the Queen Mother and Murong Zhan did not agree with her, but she always had a way to follow Huaijiang.

The next day, it was the day when Ye Hao was alive. She went out of the palace early. She learned that Huangfu was going to detoxify Lu Hao last night. Her heart seemed to be blocking a sulking gas. Not comfortable.

She is going to find the emperor...

After leaving the palace, Ye Hao directly let the carriage take her to the bamboo forest in Shili, and Huangfu was in the medicine field behind the bamboo forest. He was surprised to see Ye Hao coming.

"Sir, I heard that you want to detoxify Lu Hao?" Ye Hao ran over after the carriage, and he still had some breathing.

Huangfu held a few herbs in his hand and put it aside and smiled. "I haven't found the most effective method. Because I have used a fire lotus before, the toxicity has changed, so be careful."

"Why do you want to help him?" Ye Hao's black eyes brightly looked at Huangfu. She knew that she should not ask Huangpu these words, but she couldn't help it. The only person in the world who could help Lu Yizhi was Huangfu. She had always thought that Huangfu would not shoot.

Huangfu looked at Ye Hao slightly. "Hey, you don't want me to detoxify your big brother?"

Ye Hao is not talking to her lips. She is now Lu Hao. Lu is the cousin of her family. She should like the rest of the Lu family. She is eager to hope that Lu Yizhi can clear the poison as soon as possible. She wants to ask Huang Fu. Don't save the land, but she can't say anything.

"Oh..." Huangfu looked at her lowly, and the stubborn little face was stretched tightly, like a secret hidden in the bottom of my heart, and I didn’t dare to say it.

Ye Hao didn't know what to do. In the past few days, she couldn't get out of the predicament. Now that she knows that Lu Hao has the opportunity to cure the poison, she has more confusion about what to do next.

"Is it because your sister Ye Hao, or for other reasons?" Huangfu whispered.

"Sir?" Ye Hao raised his head in surprise. Did the Huangfu know her life?

Huangfu sighed. "Let's go inside and talk."

Ye Xin was very surprised. She did not know that Huangfu had already known her relationship with Ye Family. He never said it.

When I arrived at the house, Huangfu gestured to Ye Hao to sit opposite the coffee table. She couldn't believe her face. He just smiled. "I was surprised how I knew your relationship with Ye Hao?"

"In addition to me in this world, probably not many people know." Ye Hao whispered that she had such an instant, she thought that Huangfu knew she was Ye Hao.

Huangfu said with a smile, "I have met your father more than ten years ago. I have had a glimpse of your sisters. Your father has helped me a lot, but because of my image, you have to I was sent out of Ye Family, so I secretly inquired about your message."

Ye Hao’s eyes widened, and she really didn’t know what to say. She suddenly remembered what Mr. Shan had said to her. “That... Mr. Shan is also you...please help me?”

"Have she mentioned it to you?" Huangfu frowned. I didn't expect Lu Yilian to guess it.

"Mr. Shan only said that someone is helping me behind me, but I don't know if it was you." Ye Hao whispered, she looked up at Huangfu. "Since Mr. is old with my father, then you know how my father is now life and death." ?"

Huangfu shook his head. "I don't know... At the time, when I learned that Ye Jia was copied, it was already too late. I couldn't save your family. Just, hey, I am asking for a sudden, you. Since you already know your own life, why don't you tell the Lu family, or what is your secret."

"If Lu Yizhi knows that I am the sister of Ye Hao, he will not let me go." Ye Hao smiled and shook his head. "Mr. I don't know, Ye Hao was killed by Lu Zhi's poisonous wine."

Huangfu lived. "What do you say?"

Ye Hao hesitated for a while and decided not to say that she had saved Murong Zhan. Anyway, she and Murong Chan had already cleared up, and Lu Shuanger was also abolished, so there is no need to mention it.

"I met Ye Hao's ring, Lu Yu's deception to take Ye Hao's trust, but for the sake of Lu Shuanger, pretending to give wine to Ye Hao, after Ye Hao's death, he burned Qin Wangfu, sir, I have not Living with Ye Hao, but in the end is a fellow sister, I can't forgive Lu Xizhi's despicable and shameless." Ye Hao said simply, but did not know whether Huangfu would believe it.

How can the imperial concubine be transparent, how can he not hear the concealment in Ye Xie's words, and believe that Lu Yizhi has done more than Ye Hao, but he will not hate him so much.

What did Lu Yizhi do so so much that he hated him? I heard that Lu Yizhi often went to Qin Wangfu, and he must be familiar with Ye Hao. As for Ye Hao... Because Murong Zhan did not come back in two years, will she be... motivated by Lu Hao?

This is the most likely thing, because paying the truth and then betrayed, this will make a woman sad.

"Hey, do you want to come and ask me not to save Lu Hao today?" Huangfu asked in a low voice.

Ye Hao said, "Mr. Da Renyi has a heart to save people. I dare not stop it. I just don't avenge Ye Hao. I can't feel peace of mind in this life. Lu family has good for me. I have to report it. I only ask the husband to suspend some time. Detoxification for him again, let him learn more lessons, but also for Ye Hao out of breath."

She did not dare to ask the emperor to refrain from detoxifying Lu Yi. Anyway, the toxicity of the seven-day pain will spread. The longer the time drags, the less beneficial it is to Lu Yizhi. She is not very familiar with the imperial concubine. Heart believes.

Even if Huangfu asked Mr. Shan to help her, she did not dare to trust others after she experienced too many betrayals.

Huangfu looked at Ye Hao deeply. This little girl had so many secrets on her body. He didn’t even see it at all. "Hey, Lu Shiming knows that you already know your own life?"

"I don't know, please ask me to keep it secret. If Lu Zhizhi knows that I am not my own daughter, I will not let me go." Ye Hao looked at Huangfu, showing a nervous and poor appearance.

"Good." Huangfu gently nodded, knowing that Ye Hao was the hand of Lu Yuzhi, and he felt angry in his heart. If Ye Yiqing knew it, he would definitely not let Lu Yizhi.

"Thank you, Mr...." Ye Hao glanced at him and hesitated with his lower lip.

Huangfu smiled faintly. "I will not hear what you said when I am here today."

Ye Hao really laughed, "Sir, thank you."

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