When Ming Xi said this, it was still a smile, and the mobs playing in the sea had already run to him.

Qi Yan’s face remained unchanged, and said with a smile, “Let Ye Hao come to the new city for a few days, and there is nothing in the North City anyway.”

"I am not there. Although they are all soldiers in the northern city, my mother can't walk, and no one can talk, so I want to take my grandmother."

Ye Yiqing did not speak, and he did not go to see Qi Qi. He wondered why Ming Xi had to look at artillery and firearms today. It was originally intended to pick up Zhaoyang.

"Oh." Xiaoguai suddenly raised the artillery with one hand, a few hundred pounds of artillery, in the hands of the mobs as easy as holding a wooden stick, seeing Ye Yiqing and Qi Yan's face changed.

"Good." Qi Wei whispered that he knew that Ye Yiqing’s family was in the new city at this time, and perhaps Ye Yiqing could be retained. However, if he angered Ye Hao, it would definitely be no good for him and China.

Ming Xi said, "Then I will send my grandmother to the Northland City and come back to my grandfather."

Ye Yiqing frowned at him. "You have never seen an artillery before, can you know how to improve it?"

"My grandfather, you don't understand this." Mingxi lowered his voice. "You are a good gun and a musket, but you can only deal with the monsters that stand still. If you deal with high-level monsters, it is not easy, but if There are spirit stones in the artillery and the musket, and the power is different."

"Lingshi?" Ye Yiqing looked at Mingxi strangely.

Ming Xi glared at him and blinked. "My grandfather soon knew the role of Lingshi."

Ye Yiqing looked at Mingxi with a puzzled look.

"Little monster, let's go." Mingxi greeted the mobs and went to pick up Zhaoyang to Beichengcheng.

Qi Qi looked at Ming Xi’s figure and disappeared into sight. He took a deep breath and looked back at Ye Yiqing. “Ye Daren, how old are you this grandson?”

"Thirteen years old." Ye Yiqing said with a smile, "It's still a child."

How could it be a child!

This teenager who was recognized by him as a son in his life is definitely smarter than anyone.

"Take the artillery and the gun back." Ye Yiqing told him, "The emperor, let's go back."

"Ye Daren, if it is a monster that I saw two days ago, is our artillery still useful?" Qi Qi asked in a low voice.

Ye Yiqing said, "Oh, let's talk about it, it is a beast. What we see is only a ghost. It is actually not so terrible and will not hurt us."

Qi Qi recalled the scene he saw that day. He didn't think it was a shadow. The whole half of the sky was covered.

"The emperor actually saw the beast now." Ye Yiqing said.

"How can you..." He suddenly remembered the little monster who was next to Mingxi. "You mean, just holding the cannon..."

Ye Yiqing nodded. "If the emperor carefully observes, he will find that the mobs look very similar to the monsters we see."

Qi Qi took a deep breath and said, "It has become so small."

"Since it is the beast of Mingxi, it will not hurt us. The emperor can rest assured." Ye Yiqing comforted.

"Yeah." Qi Yan frowned, obviously not because of this sentence.

On the other side, Mingxi has already gone to Zhaobei to go north.

Zhaoyang had long known that Ye Hao would pick her up in the next two days, so she had already cleaned up in the dark, but she did not expect Mingxi to pick her up.

"Is the emperor really agree?" Zhaoyang whispered to Mingxi, worried that if he did not agree, he would do something about Ye Yiqing.

"There is nothing to agree with." Ming Xi said, "The grandmother can rest assured."

Zhaoyang sighed and she didn't want to be like this. After all, she was very close to Shen Mengxi. However, she felt more and more nervous and worried about Ye Yiqing. If their mother and child are safe, he may not be so worried.

Mingxi glanced at the little sister sitting opposite, his eyes falling on the mobs.

"Small, do you want to hold a mob?" Ming Xi smiled and asked, this younger than his younger, it is really a little uncomfortable to call.

"He doesn't bite me?" asked Ye Xuanxuan.

Ming Xi put the mob in his arms, "Do not bite."

Ye Xuan’s eyes are bright, and he is about to touch the head of the mobs. The mobs have already gone out.

I was scared of Zhaoyang, "Xuan Geer, don't touch it... this."

Even if it is a beast, it is also a beast. They are mortals in the end, or not too close.

"Ming Xi is not afraid, I am an elder, how can I be afraid." Ye Haoxuan called.

"It's right." Ming Xi haha ​​smiled.

Zhaoyang took a look at his son.

Soon, they went to the North City and went to the Yejia Mansion where they lived.

Ye Xuan is very happy, "Mother, we finally got home."

Zhaoyang sighed a little, "Yes."

Ye Hao is already waiting for them. "I said I can pick you up."

"But, what do you do, he is still there." Zhaoyang said.

"With Ming Xi, you are still worried." Ye Hao smiled.

Zhaoyang thought for a moment, and this is also true. She is indeed a worrying person.

"Mother!" Suddenly, there was a crisp voice behind him. "Is my brother coming back?"

"Ming Yu?" Mingxi looked at the back with surprise, and she saw her sister.

"Grandma, you see, my brother and I really have telepathic." Ming Yu proudly said to the next Queen.

Wang Mu smiled and looked at Ming Xi, and the eyes flashed a ray of light, really like it! Just like Azhan as a child, and like her father, Ming Xi and Ming Yu can have the blood of the dragon, it must be God.

She saw the mobs around Mingxi, and there was a enthusiasm in the depths of her eyes.

For thousands of years, she has forgotten what the sacred beast looks like.

grandmother? Zhaoyang stunned. She almost thought it was too late. It can be seen that this lady still has the charm and has never seen it. It is obviously not the queen who she thought, who would it be?

She heard that Murong Cham is a nine-day Emperor, isn't that the... the mother of heaven?

Zhaoyang was a little nervous.

Mingxi knew who the other person was at once. He looked at the mother in a curious manner. Hearing that he and the dragons of Mingyu were the grandmother of the group.

Therefore, grandmother should be very powerful.

"Ming Xi, come over." Wang Mu waved toward Ming Xi.

Ming Xi came over and bowed respectfully. "The grandson has seen the grandmother."

Wang Mu’s eyebrows are all smiling, she holds Ming Xi’s hand, “Let me see you.”

"Good." Ming Xi looked up and thought that the mother was looking at her, but she found that she was holding her palm and had a strange force into his sea of ​​air.

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