Mingxi looked at the mother in a strange way. She didn't know what she wanted to do. The silk force left in his breath.

"You have cultivated to the third floor." Wang mother looked at Mingxi with relief. She knew that Mingxi had the power of the dragons, and that the practice of ink-manufacturing him was the method of the dragons. Not so easy to cultivate.

Ming Xi made her feel very surprised, and she has already cultivated to the third floor of Xiaolong.

If it is able to cultivate perfection, then Mingxi is really invincible in this world, not to mention that he still has a holy beast.

"I can only cultivate to the third floor, and the mind behind it can't be understood." Mingxi honestly said that the words written clearly know each other, but every time he wants to practice, he will forget how to operate. Gas sea.

He can't remember the fourth layer of cultivation.

Wang Muxiao said, "You are very good, slowly."

"Yeah." Mingxi is not in a hurry, he feels that he must be too nervous to be like this.

"Where did you get the holy beast?" The mother looked at the holy beast with enthusiasm and learned that Mingxi and Mingyu had the bloodlines of the dragon family. She was very worried in her heart, afraid that the emperor would not tolerate them, afraid of her. Will not protect two children.

Now that there is a sacred beast, she doesn't have to worry about it.

The Holy Beast will be able to protect both of them.

She no longer has to worry that the Emperor knows the existence of these two children.

"When the last time I saved my child, the black dragon gave me the spirit beast." Mingxi said, "In fact, I don't know it is a holy beast."

"Black dragon for you?" The mother is very different, this is the answer she did not think.

She thought that it was Ming Xi's adventure in the midst of it. I really didn't expect it to be related to the Black Dragon.

"Yeah, I have been keeping the mobs in the space. When I last cultivated to the second floor, he broke the shell." Ming Xi said.

The mother looked at the mob and reached out to it.

The mobs went to her two steps and felt that she had a kind atmosphere on her body, which would make her mother close.

"I have... I haven't seen the Holy Beast for many years." The Queen sighed in a low voice. "It's good to see it again."

It is a blessing that the dragons have no genocide and the sacred animals have not been annihilated.

This time, she will not let anyone hurt the Dragon and the Holy Beast.

Moreover, these two children are still her grandchildren.

"Let's go in." The mother-in-law noticed that there was a breath of God outside, and gave the little monster to Mingxi.

"Madam, you also took Xuan Geer back to the backyard, and the room has already been picked up." Ye Hao whispered, she also felt an inexplicable breath near the big house.

Zhaoyang felt that it was not easy for him to come back. He knew that some things were not something she could ask, and she took a curious look at Ye Xuan first.

Ye Hao looked at two children.

"Mother, it’s time for me to go out, you go to the backyard with your sister." Mingxi said with a smile.

Ye took a look at him. "Children love what they want."

Where is his love, the Mingxi is not convinced, "I am not at home, I am the only man in the family, naturally I have to go to everything, I want to protect you."

"..." Ye Hao looked at him with a funny smile, but had to admit that her son is now taller than her, he really grew up.

"Ming Yu, you go back to the nephew first." Ming Xi said to Ming Yu.

My nephew originally wanted to be with Ming Xi, but she thought that she did not practice and spirituality now, and she would not speak.

"Good." Ming Yu said with the hand of the child.

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