Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2673: You can't take it

Ming Yu has been practicing with her mother for a period of time. She already knows how to control to absorb the spiritual power and cultivation of others. Before she absorbed it with the spiritual power, she did not understand control. If she was not careful, those who were she Absorbed repair will hurt her.

Now she knows how to separate, only to absorb spiritual power, not to absorb cultivation, for her now, it is safer.

The spiritual power of the journey is stronger than anyone else she has absorbed before, and it also carries a cold breath.

However, these have no effect on her, her constitution will not absorb these spiritual powers.

When I felt that my spiritual power was dying, he was shocked and finally realized why there was a strange feeling when I saw this girl.

She is also a dragon!

"You and Mo Mingxi are dragons and babies?" asked him, he wanted to withdraw his hand, but found that the whole body could not move.

"I have already called Ming Xi is my brother. Do you know that I am her sister now?" Ming Yu turned a blind eye and felt that this old man was really stupid.

I took a deep breath and said, "You actually have this ability of the dragon!"

She is the sister of Mo Mingxi. All her abilities were absorbed by Ming Xi at the time of her mother's womb, but she survived because she inherited another ability of the dragon.

This pair of brothers and sisters...

Even when the dragon is still there, it is still against the sky, let alone now.

"You really shouldn't survive." Duo said that his palm appeared a black gas, and when he hit the chest of Mingyu, he was caught by the other palm.

"Grandma!" Ming Yu and Ming Xi also called.

The mother of the mother took Mingyu’s hand holding the degree and took it back. She pressed her hand on the shoulder of the degree. “When you do, the world’s mainland and the nine-day grievances have nothing to do with you. Why do you have to get in?”

"You..." I felt that my cultivation was lowering, and he looked at the mother in shock.

"I am also a dragon, you know." Wang said.

Looking at the holy beast that still does not show the original shape, "You know that I am sure to be holy."

"You can't take it," said the mother.

"It's still a cub, as long as I bring it back, it will definitely change."

Wang Mu took her hand back, "Ming Xi, let him see for himself, the mob is not a cub!"

Mingxi nodded, "Little monster!"

Although Mingxi did not say anything, but the mobs had already communicated with him, and immediately understood what Mingxi meant.

However, in the blink of an eye, the sacred beast that was as big as a puppy would grow taller and taller with the speed of the naked eye. The courtyard could not fit it. It flew in the air and covered half of the sun.

The face of the line suddenly changed.

"How could it be... impossible..." He shook his head and did not want to believe that the holy beast in front of him was actually tall and unprecedented.

It is clearly only a cub.

"You are right, it is not fully mature, because its mind is not really open." Wang said faintly, "But, do you think you can tame it?"

The eyes under the eyes flashed a fear, how could he tame such a holy beast.

"You want to make the Holy Beast use for the Protoss, and you want to change the laws of the heavens. It is your skill, but you should not be selfish to hurt the Holy Beast." The Queen said coldly, "That, you are It has to pay a price."

"Oh." The mob made a sound that rang through the sky.

The degree was brought to the front by a suction, and a glimmer of fire spit from the mouth of the Holy Beast.

"Ah..." screamed and hurriedly protected himself with a shield. However, he was absorbed by Mingyu and was weakened by the Queen. At this time, he was hit by the Holy Beast. Frustrated, hurried to leave here before the mobs want to spit out the fire again.

"The mobs, don't chase." Ming Xi called the mobs who wanted to chase the line.

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