Qi Wei was in contact with the usage and shooting of the musket, and was suddenly scared by a giant scorpion, almost hitting the guard at the side.

His face suddenly turned white, looked up and looked in the direction of the North City, and as he guessed, the monster that had appeared not long ago appeared again in the line of sight. If the last time it was just a short-lived one, he often doubted whether it was an illusion, then Today he is absolutely certain that there is an unprecedented scary monster in the northern city.

"Ye Daren!" Qi Qi called out, "The monster has appeared again!"

Ye Yiqing looked at the huge monster with a gaze. Ye Hao had already told him that it was the holy beast of the dragon family. It was raised by Ming Xi, and there was no Ming Xi’s command, and it would not hurt the mortal.

But suddenly it showed the original shape, I am afraid there was an accident there.

He still does not know that the emperor is going to attack the mainland.

"The emperor, I am worried about something going on there." Ye Yiqing whispered.

"Can our artillery kill the big monster?" Qi Qi asked, if even such a beast can kill, then it is even more difficult to deal with other monsters.

Ye Yiqing said, "That is the mob of Mingxi, it will not hurt the mortal. We can't use the artillery to deal with him."

Qi Yan frowned and looked at the Holy Beast. "How suddenly today... It has grown bigger."

Not only were they alarmed, but all the people in the new city saw the holy beast, looking at the monsters that were almost half empty, and many people were so scared that they sat on the ground and could not return to God for a long time.

So high, big monster.

You can step on the half-seat city with one foot.

The monsters that they had seen before were simply awkward.

Can they still have a chance to live?

"The emperor, the city is in chaos, and the people flock to the beach and want to leave the new city." Soldiers quickly came over to Qi Wei.

"You can't let the people leave at this time. It is even more insecure for them to leave." Ye Yiqing said in a hurry.

Qi Qi heard a shock, can not let the people appear chaos at this time, or the situation will be more chaotic.

"The emperor, I went to the port to stop the people from leaving." Ye Daren said.

"No, you go to Ye Hao and go and see what happens in the city. You will be properly disposed of here." Qi Yu said with a deep voice.

Ye Yiqing nodded. "Well, I will go right away."

He was about to rush to the North City, but he was in the city gate.

"Ye Daren, let me tell you, don't worry about the things over there, but they are chasing some idle people, etc. After two days, she will come to explain to you." Fire Phoenix stopped Ye Yiqing, not letting He went to Beichengcheng at this time.

Ye Yiqing looked at the behemoth who was still screaming in the air. "Hey and Mingxi are all right?"

"Of course there will be nothing." Huo Huang said, "Ye Daren, you can't help her at this time."

"Good." Ye Yiqing is sensible. He knows that he can't help at this time, and maybe even his daughter. "The New Town people saw the mobs, and now they are rushing to the port and want to leave the new city."

Mingxi Yiyi, "Where can they leave the new city? There are enchantments left by the Emperor, and the ordinary monsters can't get in. Other places are not necessarily, in case the monsters are not willing to cooperate with the Emperor. What to do if you attack a mortal?"

This is what Ye Yiqing is worried about.

"No matter what, you must stop them first." Ye Yiqing said.

Fire Phoenix frowned and thought, "I will go with you."

"Good." With the fire phoenix, maybe it is more convincing.

"Ye Daren, you still come up, riding does not know when to go to the port." Fire Phoenix squatted on the ground, let Ye Yiqing sit on his back.

Ye Yiqing glanced at him and came down from the horse. He carefully sat on the back of the fire phoenix. He had heard of the phoenix before. After seeing the fire phoenix, he felt that the legendary phoenix was not as good as the real one.

I really didn't think that I could sit on the back of the fire phoenix one day.

"Fire, you tell me the truth, is there something wrong in the city?" Ye Yiqing looked back at the mob and thought he was fighting.

"The emperor can't tolerate the world, wants people to ruin this place, and there is that degree. He wants to steal the sacred beast of Mingxi, or else he will go with the emperor and let the mortal lose the space for survival."

Ye Yiqing was shocked. Is the nine-day Emperor not the **** of this world? Doesn't God protect the weaker ethnic groups? Why is it ruining the human continent?

"Where is the Taidi sent?" Ye Yiqing asked, "Why did the Emperor destroy this place?"

"I don't know." Fire Phoenix whispered. "However, Taidi seems to have always disliked the mainland."

This has been the case since the past. Although he has not experienced the sacred war of 10,000 years ago, he has occasionally mentioned a few words. If it is not the emperor’s ravages of the monsters, he will not be in Tianbao. The emergence of, not even the smell of heaven to become the Lord.

To put it bluntly, everything is caused by Taidi.

In fact, the situation is still stable today, as long as the Emperor will unblock the Yan area, and the monsters will be transferred to the Yan domain. I heard that Tianbao will follow the Yantian, and the mainland will be able to resume normal order. There will be another monster to mess.

Whether it is against the beast or the mainland, it is the best arrangement.

Obviously, Emperor Tai did not think so. He didn't want the beast to go to the Yan domain. He only allowed the beast to go to the ridiculous hell.

That is, I don't want to give the monster alive.

In other words, Taidi wants to use the monster to destroy the human continent.

The beast has nowhere to go, they can only stay in the human world, and it is necessary to compete with the mortal for the site and food.

Ye Yiqing listened to the words of the fire phoenix, and the look in his eyes became more and more heavy.

"Come on," said Fire Phoenix.

The only port in the new town is already crowded with people, all of whom want to leave the city. However, there are not many boats, and many people are crowded to board the ship.

The soldiers sent by Qi Qi are trying to evacuate the crowd and prevent them from boarding and leaving.

However, the effect is not so good, the people have already conflicted with the soldiers.

"Stop!" Ye Yiqing shouted.

"Everyone stopped to listen to me." Ye Yiqing called.

"Quick stop."


No matter what Ye Yiqing said, no one heard his voice at all.

Huo Huang said, "Ye Daren, they can't hear, do you want me to help you?"

"...how to help?" As long as it is not fire-breathing, Ye Yiqing feels acceptable.

The fire phoenix stopped at the top of everyone's head, and used a little spiritual power. Although the sound was not high, it was clearly and clearly passed to everyone's ears. "All of them shut up!"

The port that was originally raging was quiet.

Someone looked up and saw a fire of fire, and almost scared.

Just... is this big bird talking?

Is this a monster?

The fire phoenix turned into a juvenile look and returned to Ye Yiqing's side. "Ye Daren, you see, they are all quiet."


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