Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 268: Will you marry me

Ye Hao looked at the back of Lu Jinger running out, just shook his head. Lu Jinger’s temper had a great relationship with Lu’s education. After all, it was a merchant, and she was thrown out, although the appearance seemed to be normal. The girl is no different, but in some respects it is still difficult to be elegant.

After she simply brushed it, she called the jade bottle and the eyebrows in to ask questions. She wanted to know what happened at home recently.

Nothing happened except for the big lady who was still crying in her yard. They didn’t even hear about her and Don Juan.

Ye Hao first went to find Yu.

"Mother, I am going to find Mr. Yu today. I will worship him as a teacher. Later, he will teach me medicine." Ye Hao saw that Shi did not ask Tang Yan, but first told her today.

Yan’s face was a joy, “Mr. He received you as a disciple?”

Ye Hao knew that he would like it. "Well, I went out to practice medicine with him for a few days. After I came back, I would not go to the palace as a doctor. Mother, you can say good."

"Of course." He immediately nodded. In fact, since she was named as a princess, she never thought that her daughter would enter the palace as a doctor. Now she has Huangfu as her master, and her identity. It's even more remarkable. It doesn't matter if you can become a doctor in the future.

"Master today said that he is studying how to detoxify his eldest brother. What is the body of the eldest brother?" Ye Hao pretended to have a worried look.

He sighed. "The previous seven knots of grass can also inhibit his toxicity. I didn't expect the poison of the seven days to be so strong. Nowadays, the seven-season grass is almost useless. Your big brother is now unable to sleep every night, and the whole body is bones. It hurts."

Oh, knowing that Lu Hao’s life is not good, Ye Hao thinks she can feel at ease.

"It’s just fine for Master to develop an antidote." Ye Hao whispered, and only wished that no antidote would be useless for Lu Yizhi.

I feel distressed by Lu’s heart, but I don’t want to say too much unhappy words in front of my daughter. “Yes, there is one more thing to tell you.”

Ye squinted and his eyes looked bright and clear, "What is it?"

"It's about Jing Ninghou." When he mentioned Tang Yan, he couldn't help but smile. "He wants to mention the pro, I mean what you mean, I feel very good, and the old lady likes him very much." Hey, what do you think?"

"Don Juan... come to mention the relatives?" Ye Hao round eyes, how is it possible? He has not answered his own question, how can he come to raise a relative? She thought that he decided not to give up everything in Kyoto, so he never said anything about the day, how suddenly he raised his relatives?

He smiled and said, "It’s not a mention of a relative. It’s delayed to test your awkward tone. Isn’t it Tang Yan’s entrustment?”

Ye Hao Xiu is close to her eyes. She thinks that Tang Yan is not the kind of person who has asked her to ask her if she has never asked her. Is it related to Lu Yi? Lu Yizhi, is this eager to marry her?

"The old lady knows that you are coming back today, I am asking early in the morning, go and ask her for peace." Yan did not notice the look on her daughter's face, just smiled to take her to the room.

"Mother, do you agree?" Ye Hao asked Xiao's hand and whispered.

He took some of her foreheads. "Mother has inquired about the young men in Kyoto. Nothing is more suitable than Don Juan. Don't you like it?"

Ye Hao said, "I want to see Tang Yan first."

"Good!" Yan smiled and nodded, but she felt that her daughter would definitely like it, but she wanted to be more sure of Tang Yin’s heart.

The mother and the daughter went to the old lady's house to ask Ann, and the grandparents and grandchildren were a relative. However, because there were other people in the house, the old lady did not mention Tang Yan’s business. She nodded and she knew the result.

Ye Hao did not go to the palace the next day, she was going to see Tang Yan.

Just before her front foot came out of Lujia’s door, Lu Lao’s wife also received the Queen’s mouth and entered the palace to be safe.

Tang Lan learned that Ye Hao wanted to see him. Today, he didn't even go to the palace. When the time came, he immediately went to the appointment to wait for her. After a while, he saw a Lujia carriage slowly driving. Come.

"Oh." Looking at the sweetheart who came to his face, Tang Yan’s heart was happy.

"Dang Da Ge." Ye Hao went to a ceremony, "I am rushing to meet you today, please also bear with me."

Tang Hao hurriedly waved his hand. "Hey, what is this little thing? Is there anything I need to help?"

"I heard that you are going to Lujia to kiss relatives?" Ye Hao did not have any shy nervousness, just looked at Tang Yan calmly.

"Oh..." Don Juan didn't think she was asking this question. He gave her a cautious look. The bright, clear eyes were as calm as water, not shy and not happy, and the clear and beautiful face with a trace of doubt. But it is the kind of shame that he does not expect. "Do you not like it?"

Ye Hao whispered, "I am not a problem that I like or dislike. Brother Tang, you know what the problem is."

"Do you have a problem with the emperor?" Tang Yan looked at her lowly and asked with a smile.

"Dang Da Ge..." Ye Hao's face changed slightly. What did he know?

Tang Yan said with self-deprecating, "On that day in the hunting forest, the emperor did not even save his life to save you, I have already seen it."

"I and the emperor are impossible." Ye Hao gently shook his head. "I am still saying that if I am married, I want to leave here in the future."

"As long as I am willing to give up everything to leave Kyoto with you, will you marry me?" Tang Yan grabbed Ye Hao's hand and looked straight at her.

Ye Hao seriously looked back at his eyes. "Don Brother, what do you like me? If you find out that I am not the girl you want in the future, will you still be married with me?"

Tang Yan looked at her in shock. "Hey, what are you talking about, I am full of you now, how can you not be the girl I want?"

"There are many things in this world that cannot be explained." Ye Hao said with a smile. "Don Tang, you are a good person. So, before you marry me, it is best to think clearly, is it... really willing to give up for me." all."

"Hey, do you want to leave Kyoto, is it because of the emperor?" Tang Yan whispered, he knew that she didn't have him in his heart, but he still... could not give up.

"Yes, it is not." Ye Hao said faintly, "If you know the emperor and me... then you want to marry me?"

Tang Yan looked at her firmly. "I always try it. I don't want to live in regret for a lifetime."

"You lied!" Ye Hao snorted. "It’s my big brother who asked you to come and kiss, isn’t it?"

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