Don Juan didn't want to have anything to do with Ye Hao, so she told her what Lu Yizhi was looking for in that day. He had already retired because he knew that the emperor had thought of her. Later, with the encouragement of Lu Yizhi, he only Regain confidence.

Ye Hao listened to his words and nodded gently. "I know, then I will go back first."

"Oh..." Don Juan couldn't help but stop her. "Are you... not willing?"

"Don Big Brother, I want to go to practice medicine with my master for a few days, wait for me to come back... If you still want to marry me, then let me mention this matter again." Ye Hao said, now that she disagrees, Murong Zhan is Will not agree to let her marry anyone.

She also didn't want to be tired of Tang Yan when she was not sure.

Tang Yan gently nodded, his mouth cracked a smile, at least she did not reject him now, then prove that he still has a chance.

Ye Hao, who is going to return to Lujia to ask for Lu’s question, but I don’t know if Lu Lao’s wife is talking about her marriage with the Queen Mother.

"...Do you say Jing Ning Hou and Hee?" The Queen Mother heard Mrs. Lu’s wife say that Tang Yan’s relatives had quickly put down the teacup in his hand. “Is this true?”

"Just to test the meaning, it should be that the young people look at each other's eyes, afraid that the elders do not agree, the ministers would have liked to ask for you these two days, today just have this opportunity." Lu Lao said with a smile.

The Queen Mother said, "The mourner knows that Tang Hao, who was with the emperor a few years ago, is a very good young man."

Mrs. Lu said with a smile, "Yeah, he and Yan Zhi are friends, we also know a little, how do you feel about the Queen Mother?"

"This is good. Tomorrow, the mourner will call him into the palace and take a closer look. If he really knows how to cherish it, then the mourner will give them a marriage." The queen smiled and she was really sad and loved. Naturally hope she has a good marriage.

"The Queen Mother, there is still something..." Mrs. Lu looked at the Queen Mother in a distressed way.

The Queen Mother smiled and said, "Old lady, what else can you say to the mourner?"

"Although I am already a princess, but... we all hope that she is married to Tang Yin, and she does not want her..." Lu Lao’s wife was afraid that it would make the Queen’s unhappy, and she couldn’t say it if she said half of it. It is.

"The mourner understands what you mean, and the emperor reuses Tang Yin, so that Princess Tang Yishang is indeed not suitable. If he really knows how to cherish love and love, the mourner will let him marry him." The Queen said with a smile.

Mrs. Lu is grateful, "Thank you for the Empress Dowager."

The two talked about Tang's family life, and more and more felt that it was suitable for shackles. The more he said, the more happy he was, and he did not immediately set the affair.

After Mrs. Lu’s wife went out of the palace, the Queen’s Queen couldn’t wait to let Cheng Aunt go to inquire about Tang Yan. If there were any houses and aunts in the house, she would definitely not agree to this marriage.

Cheng Auntu knows that the emperor thinks about Ye Hao, but she has no idea now. After all, one is the emperor and the other is the princess. Even if she had such a mind before, it is impossible now. She only spent a little while. I have inquired about the situation in Tang’s family.

"Don't say that it is an acolyte, not even a room, the personal service is Xiaoyan, the Queen Mother, this Jingning Hou is clean and self-satisfied." Cheng Aunt said with a smile.

The Queen Mother became more and more satisfied. "You go to the mouth of the mourner, so that Jing Ning Hou will see the mourner at tomorrow."

Cheng Auntu smiled and responded.



Lu Jia, the study room of the outer court, Lu Yizhi is reading a book, heard the subtle footsteps, he looked up and saw that Ye Hao slowly came over.

His expression has a moment of embarrassment, and the pain in the depths of his heart spreads up a little bit. There seem to be two figures in the front, one is the pretty Lu Yi, the other is the beautiful and beautiful Ye Hao, the memory of them two People seem to have a similar look, sometimes even the tone of speech is the same, he is going to be unable to tell who is who.

Ye Hao has come to Lu Yanzhi and looks at him indifferently.

“Hey?” Lu Yan’s call was a bit uncertain.

"It seems that your poisoning is getting worse and worse. Can't anyone even tell me?" Ye Hao asked with a sneer.

Lu Yan’s smile, “Hey, big brother is some gods, you are looking for me?”

"God can't understand why I am a leafhopper? You don't forget her in my heart. Shouldn't you do anything that I am sorry for her?" Ye Hao looked at Lu Yuzhi with a smile, she never believed that he would be because I missed it when I missed it. It must have been because she had killed her, so I was embarrassed. This poisoning made him unable to calmly control his will, only to treat her as Ye Hao several times.

"I really owe her." Lu Yizhi sighed softly and looked at Ye Hao gently. "Hey, are you looking for me?"

Ye Hao asked coldly. "That **** is wrong in the carriage and I mistakenly recognize it as Ye Hao. Why do you want Tang Hao to come to the relatives? Do I live in Lujia, so that you are so uneasy?"

Lu Yanzhi sneered out, "Hey, you misunderstood, it is Tang Yan who has had a heart for you. I just mentioned it for him in the premise of the three uncles. He told me a few months ago. Yes, it’s just... you didn’t go to college at the time, it’s not so good to say pro.”

"Is this reason very clear in your heart." Ye Hao said faintly, "You don't want to control my life, not who you want to marry me, who you are, every day, look at me, is it not? I feel very uncomfortable?"

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Lu Yan's gentle and smiling look gradually became cold. He reached out and held Ye Hao's shoulder. "How can I do this to you, don't think about it."

Ye Hao shook his hand away, "Don't touch me."

Lu Hao is a bit embarrassed, do not know how to make the little girl in front of him believe him, he wants to give her to Tang Yan, in fact, is dedicated to him.

"Big Brother!" The voice of Lu Xiangzhi came from outside the study. Ye Hao put away the indifference and looked back. Just saw Lu Xiangzhi coming into the door. He also saw her. "Hey, hey, why are you here too?" ?"

"Brother." Ye Hao showed a sweet smile. She had not met Lu Xiang for several days, but she missed him.

Lu Xiangzhi skillfully licked the head of Yan Ye's head and looked at Lu Yizhi. "Big brother, the teacher promised to see you tomorrow, let's go to Xujia tomorrow."

Ye Hao looked at one of Lu Yan’s eyes and thought about what he was looking for at this time.

"Well, the fourth brother, trouble you." Lu Yanzhi nodded with a smile.

Lu Xiangzhi waved his hand. "This is just a little effort. Big Brother, I will come back to chat with you later. I will talk to you first."

"Go!" Lu Yanzhi nodded with a smile.

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