"Brother, big brother looking for an old master?" Ye Hao followed Lu Xiang, still did not resist curiosity to ask him.

Lu Xiangzhi said with a smile, "I don't know. Big Brother asked for a few times before, and Xu was closed to the door. He didn't know what the big brother was looking for."

Ye Hao gave him a sigh of relief. "You don't even know what he sees when he sees him. How can he ask for him? If he is old, he is not happy?"

"Hey, how do you still have such an attitude towards Big Brother? He is our big brother. No matter what, he should help him." Lu Xiangzhi smiled and pointed at Ye Hao’s head. "You, little girl." It’s a petty temper.”

"How is this stupid? Brother, you don't know, the last big brother said in the carriage that he wants to kill me." Ye Hao complained, she knew that Lu Xiangzhi had a brotherly affection for Lu Hao, but she did not. How could she, like other Lujia people, hope that Lu Hao’s everything goes smoothly?

Only the worse he is, her heart will feel better.

Lu Xiangzhi hasn't heard about it yet, and he looks at Ye Wei with amazement. "How come? What did Big Brother do to you?"

"I don't know." Ye Hao was very wronged. She took Lu Xiangzhi's hand and said, "He suddenly called me, and said what I owe me. Anyway, I don't understand. Then I said that I would kill me, my brother, I was so scared that day."

"Hey, Big Brother is definitely not intentional." Lu Xiang comforted Ye Hao. "He is poisoned, so sometimes he is unclear, and he certainly can't bear to hurt you."

Ye Hao whispered. "Brother, you always talk to him."

"He is our big brother. For everyone in Lujia, we can live a better life and go to Xiqiao to die. So we are poisoned. Hey, big brother is harder than each of us. We should understand him." Lu Xiangzhi Said softly with Ye Hao.

Yes, as a Lujia people, they must be grateful to Lu Yizhi. It was Lu Yu’s birth and death that they won the glory of today. But who knows Lu’s brother and sister is cheating on her body? Did she go today with her past?

How could she understand Lu Yanzhi like Lu Jia, she can't wait for him to die.

"Brother, OK, I don't blame my eldest brother." Ye Hao didn't want Lu Xiangzhi to see that she hated Lu Yizhi.

"This is what it is." Lu Xiang said with a smile. "Right, I may be transferred to other places..."

Ye said a little, "External adjustment? Is it the old meaning?"

Lu Xiangzhi nodded with a smile. "You are smart. The teacher thinks that my best place to go to Kyoto is Hanlin, but my father is already in Hanlin. The teacher means... I hope I can go to the military."

"I agree." Ye Hao nodded in favor. "Brother, your martial arts is also good. You don't have to be in Hanlin. If you have a chance to enter the cabinet in the future, then you can't enter the cabinet again. Anyway, the future is blocked. It is better to go to the army. Ministry, Xu Lao is hoping where you go?"

"Not sure, I am coming back today to discuss with you." Lu Xiangzhi said.

Now that the Xi’an rebellion has subsided, there is no war in the country. The only thing to guard against is the border. The south is Qi. The two countries have always been friends. There will be no war for the time being. The relationship with the country is relatively poor. If you want to make meritorious deeds, you are naturally going to the city.

"Brother, don't you want to go to the city?" Ye Hao asked quietly.

Lu Xiang’s round eyes, “How do you know?”

Ye Hao smiled smugly. "Look at you like this, can I still guess?"

"It seems that we are getting smarter." Lu Xiangzhi patted her forehead. "I heard that Brother Tang came to mention it?"

"Brother!" Ye took a look at him. "Where are you going?"

Lu Xiangzhi laughed. "Oh, shy? What is so shy, it is not easy for you to marry."

Ye Hao waved his shoulders with no anger. "What makes me marry is not easy. Can I look like I can't get married? Lu Xiangzhi, you stand for me, what are you running, come back!"

"I said it is the truth, you see the girl's family is so fierce, who dares to yell at you." One of Lu Xiang ran and laughed.

"I want to kill you!" Ye Hao screamed in the ground, and chased him up. When they went to the courtyard of the court, they went to the door. Lu Xiang immediately stopped and looked gloomy. The scene inside.

Ye Zhen catch up to the positive wanted to hit him, but found Pei courtyard of a kneeling woman wearing Eau clothes, pale woman, a pity I still see the way, is seeking to give her a chance to live with Pei.

The woman was called Xue Liu. She used to serve Lu Shiming. When Lu Shiming went to the border town, she stayed. She thought that if she returned, she would have a name when she returned, and the result would be counterproductive. Lu Shiming and Yu were deeply involved. I didn’t even think about what had been associated with the previous ring, and Xue Liu’s infatuation fell into disappointment.

In the house, Mr. Yu has been so angry that his chest is sore. If he is not worried about his reputation, she has long wanted to ask people to blow out the snow willow.

"What happened to you? Such a shameless inferiority should have been smashed out. Is it still mad at her here?" Ye Hao came in with a sullen face and yelled at the women next to him.

"Three girls, Xueliu sister has been ill for several days, we just want to ask my wife to ask her a doctor." Xiao Yan, next to Xue Liu, shouted loudly.

Ye Hao sneered, "I really think of myself as something. A person who is serving a person is seriously ill and dares to go to the lady. If you have the sickness, can you afford it? Haishu, don't let people pick up her things. It’s really awkward to send it to the back cover room!"

Xue Liu’s face changed and her cheeks still had tears. “The three girls are really good, and even the people who are waiting in your father’s house dare to teach.”


Haishu slaps the past, "Let's go, even the Princess's Highness dare to ask, Xue Liu, who gives you such courage!"

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "Haicang, don't have to say a few words with such people, take her out. The old lady asked, it is my idea, her illness seems to be not light, I am afraid Contagion to other people, for the sake of the body up and down, it is best not to stay in Lujia."

"Yes, three girls." Haiyan's face could not hide his smile. "Slave, then go back to the old lady."

Ye Hao solved this long-lost snow willow and turned into the house of Yu.

Standing on the side of Lu Xiangzhi has already seen stunned.

Just the little girl who is domineering... is it really his sister? I can't believe it!

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