Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2694: I'm not familiar with you

Ming Yu was left in the palace. She originally wanted to help, but Ye Hao and Wang Mu did not agree. She had absorbed too much spiritual power last time. After she came back, she had a fever. If Ye Hao had a medicine, I don’t know. What will happen?

What's more, she has a strong purple color and stays in the palace to protect others.

"Ming Yu, what's the outside?" Lei Bingfu walked to Mingyu's side and looked at the misty sky. She couldn't see anything, but her heart was clear, and there must have been a terrible war outside.

"I don't know." Ming Yu whispered, she held the hand of Lei Bingfu, "Hui Fu Niangni, you have to go back to rest, there is no moon."

Half a month ago, Lei Bingfu gave birth to a son, this is the only son of her and Murong.

Originally, they also planned to wait for the children to live for a hundred days, and then the family went to the sea. I didn't expect that... I can't live now, it's all unknown.

Lei Bingfu said, "I am worried about your father."

"The father and the prince are in the front, and all of them are gods and soldiers. My mother will not let them go out, and now there is enchantment. They just want to go out and can't go." Ming Yu knows that Lei Bingfu is Worried about what, in fact, she is also worried.

"I didn't know the existence of the Protoss before, but since it is God, shouldn't we protect our mortals? How can we become a mortal, what are we doing wrong?" Lei Bingfu frowned, this question is almost every A mortal doubt.

Ming Yu sneered, "What god, some gods, even the monsters are not as good."

"Ming Yu, then... can we keep this place?" asked Lei Bingfu.

She listened to Murong Yu said that the nine-day Emperor was not only to capture the simplicity of Murong Cham, but to ruin the entire human continent.

That is the purpose of the Emperor.

Ming Yu really can't guarantee it, but she still smiled and said, "It must be."

"Hope, hope..." Lei Bingfu whispered, how could she not know that Mingyu was comforting her, how could their mortal be an opponent of the Protoss.

Ming Yu said, "Hui Yi Niang, I went to the father."

"You are going to the front?" Lei Bingfu asked. "You are still safe to stay here."

"If the outside **** will attack, no matter where it is, I will stare at my father, lest he run out of the palace." Ming Yu said with a smile.

Lei Bingfu smiled, and Mingyu said that there is a road. If the outside gods attacked the soldiers, it is that they have failed. The whole world will suffer, and they are all the same everywhere.

"You have a good rest." Ming Yuxi, let the palace lady look after Lei Bingfu, and then go to the direction of the Qing Palace.

At this time, the palace people in the palace were scarce, and everyone listened to the order to hide in the house and did not dare to come out. Mingyu walked all the way to the front, and the surroundings were quiet.

She knew that it was very lively on the palace, but she couldn't see it. She didn't know what happened to her mother and her brother.

If she had just learned to absorb spiritual power, she could go to help.

Even if she can't help fight, she can absorb the spiritual power of those gods.

It is the mother and grandmother who are worried that she can't stand it... This time the emperor brought more soldiers, and if she could not control her own ability, she would even be absorbed.

Oh, I really want to go out and have a look.

Ming Yu stopped and looked back at the palace lady behind her.

"Who are you?" She has never seen this palace girl.

There are not many palace ladies in the palace. Mingyu can almost remember everyone's face, but this palace lady is very face-to-face, she has never seen.

"Scorpio, I am in the palace of Hui Niang." The palace girl whispered.

Ming Yu turned and looked at her. "How did you get into the palace? In front of me, even the slaves did not claim to be self-proclaimed, but also pretending to pretend to be a palace girl?"

The palace lady looked up and looked at Mingyu faintly. "You are clever."

"How can you not be tempted?" Ming Yu said with a big word, "Who are you?"

"I?" The palace lady smiled and said, "Come to you."

Ming Yu carefully looked at her and pointed at her face. "You are easy to accommodate. Since they have all been discovered by me, why don't you reveal your true colors?"

The palace lady smeared her face, revealing a beautiful face, "Mu Mingyu, remember me?"

"Oh, it's you." Ming Yu laughed. "No wonder I haven't seen you. You have been hiding in the palace."

This woman who is easy to be a palace lady is not someone else, it is Lu Wushuang who has met with Ming Yu.

"Mu Mingyu, do you want me to ask you, or do you want to follow me?" Lu Wushuang asked coldly.

"You don't have to ask me, I don't want to go with you." Ming Yu spread his hands, "I am not familiar with you."

Lu Wushuang snorted. Last time she didn't have defenses, she was absorbed by the skunk and cultivated her spiritual strength. She couldn't easily recover her. This time, she won't let her succeed again. "You think, just rely on you." If you look at the dragon's small ability, can you protect yourself?"

Ming Yu seriously thought about it, "Of course not, I didn't think so."

"Your ability is not useful every time." Lu Wushuang said, reaching out to grab the ink.

She wore a silver glove on her hand, very thin and close to her hand. Mingyu grabbed her hand and found that she could not absorb Lu Wushuang's spiritual power.

Lu Wushuang proudly sneered, "Do you think that your ability is really omnipotent?"

"Oh, your glove is pretty good." Ming Yu grinned and turned and ran away.

"Want to go? Not so easy!" Lu Wushuang grabbed her back collar.

Ming Yu shouted, "Spring first!"

Lu Wushuang looked after him and watched the Ming Yu called the Kraken to help. "What do you think the Kraken can do?"

At this time, a sweet and melody sounded.

The song is not loud, but it seems to come from all directions, Lu Wushuang control the mind and not be tempted by the song,

"This is not the song of Quan Xian!" Lu Wushuang cried in surprise. Quan was first caught by her on the mainland. She knew the ability of Quan Xian, and his singing could not affect her.

But she felt a little embarrassed at this time.

Ming Yu’s machine was turned over and over, and the light of the stars floated from Lu Wushuang’s body.

She didn't need to hold Lu Wushuang to absorb spiritual power, and Wang had taught her more powerful exercises.

Lu Wushuang was shocked and jerked back a few steps. She noticed the position of Quan Xian, and immediately said coldly, "Bring Mo Mingyu to see Taidi, I will clean up the spring!"

Ming Yu stunned, is there anyone else?

Suddenly, she felt a pain in her neck and she was black in front of her eyes.

Lu Wushuang’s figure flashed slightly and appeared in front of the rockery behind the main hall. Quan first hid here.

When Quan first saw her, she immediately ran and ran.

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