Lu Wushuang slammed the first collar of Quan Xian. "Is it my own little Kraken, dare to confuse me?"

"I am also forced to do things that are not my business." Quan said first, he only wants to go back to the Dead Sea, and never leave the ridiculous hell. The world outside is terrible.

"Why didn't Mo Mingyu kill you?" Lu Wushuang asked, when Mingyu was taken by Quan, but she took him with him, which is very suspicious.

Quan first whispered, "Maybe she thinks I am pitiful, or... want to use me."

Lu Wushuang sneered, "Come with me."

Although Quan is not as good as the Mermaid, it is still tempting to blame the mortal.

"What do you want to do?" Quan first asked with fear. "You can't let me catch the jade again, I will be killed."

Lu Wushuang smiled a little. "I want you to control everyone in the palace and let them out of this enchantment."

Quan first looked at her in surprise. "This... this can't be done."

"Then kill you." Lu Wushuang threatened.

"Don't, don't kill me." Quan first hurriedly begged for mercy. "You want the mortals to go out and enchant what to do, just outside now... can they go out and live?"

Lu Wushuang looked at him with cold eyes. "Are you still worried about the mortal life?"

"Oh." Quan did not dare to say that he was worried. So many mortals, how could they watch and die?

"Come on, call out those mortals." Let Quan first confuse those mortals as small problems, and those mortals can't resist the songs of Quan Xian.

Quan first looked at Lu Wushuang, "I... I think..."

Lu Wushuang slammed the neck of Quan Xian. "What do you do, what do you do."

"What do you want him to do?" Behind the two, a good voice was heard.

"Auntie!" Quan first cried happily.

Lu Wushuang was shocked and suddenly turned back. She saw a girl with a handsome appearance. She tightened the spring tighter, "Mermaid?"

"Let him go." Ah said coldly.

"How come you are here?" Lu Wushuang asked, she remembered that in addition to Gorefiend in Tianbao, no one else went to Kyoto.

Quan Xian’s neck was tightly grasped, and the pressure of the earthquake shook his feet to reveal the original shape.

A look at Lu Wushuang indifferently, sings softly.

Lu Wushuang has tried to isolate the sound as much as possible, but the mermaid's ability to incite is a hundred times stronger than Quan, and she can't resist it.

"This is a war between the Protoss and the mortal. Why do you want to intervene in your beast?" Lu Wushuang asked.

A did not ignore her and continued to sing in a low voice.

Lu Wushuang was afraid that he would be controlled by Ah, and she let go of Quan’s hand and turned and galloped away.

"Wow, I was almost killed again." Quan first called.

"Are you not following Mo Mingyu?" Ah did not ask, "What about her?"

When Quan first thought of Mingyu, he hurriedly stood up. "Auntie, Mingyu was taken away. Lu Wushuang had to take her, but Mingyu absorbed her spiritual power. She found me, and she Come and catch me, but there are other people who have taken Mingyu away."

A does not frown, she knows that Wen Tian likes Ming Yu very much, and certainly does not want that girl to have an accident.

"I am going to find her." Ah did not say, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Quan first called.

A not faintly said, "Then you stay, try not to let mortals leave the enchantment."

"Good." Quan first nodded hard. "Auntie, after the event is over, will you take me back to the Dead Sea?"


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