Taidi did not expect that the monsters would appear here. He thought that it was impossible for Wentian and Murongzhan to join forces, but these monsters obviously came to help those mortals.

This made him very confused.

It is a monster that ravages the human world. Now these monsters actually protect the continent in turn?

It is simply inexplicable.

"The Uighurs!" The Emperor was crying coldly, would he still be afraid of these monsters?

The beast is still better. He can stone two birds and eradicate the monsters. After the province, he will spend time to clear them.

"You can't even accept the people of the hustle and bustle, you are a great emperor." Ye Hao said sarcastically.

Taidi looked at Ye Hao with a cold eye. He used to hate this low-lying woman for a reason. She seemed to be weak, but she had no respect for him.

He can dominate everything in the world, and no one dares not to respect him.

"You, **** it!" the Emperor shouted coldly.

"I think you are more damn." Ye Hao smiled.

Taidi took a deep breath and "killed them all!"

Those monsters were originally followed by Abu, but Abu is not here today, and they all look to sleep.

There is a demon squad in his hand, "divide into two teams, attacking both sides."

Ming Xi and the Holy Beast attacked from the back with other soldiers.

The whole sky, densely pressed, has been unable to distinguish the demon and the soldiers.

Ye Hao and Wang Mu joined forces to deal with Taidi.

"On the basis of both of you, you want to be a rival of yours?" The Emperor was disdainful and dismissed them.

Wang Mu and Ye Hao looked at each other and she began to absorb the spiritual power and cultivation of the Emperor.

Taidi looked at Wang’s mother. "Do you think that the spiritual power of 朕 can be absorbed so easily?"

what happened? Wang Ma’s heart is wrong, and her ability is not useful for Taidi.

"When you know that you are a dragon, how can you not be prepared for you!" Tai Tai sneered.

"What are you wearing?" The mother's face suddenly became ugly, and even the voice was cold.

Ye Hao looked at Taidi from different places. How did he do it?

Even she can't avoid being absorbed.

"In my armor, there is a leather garment made from the skin of your dragons, which naturally resists your practice." The dragons are unable to absorb the same methods as the dragons.

The mother’s eyes showed a strong resentment. “You are actually... you are mad!”

"Do you know who I used to refine it?" Taidi asked with a smile.

"I want to kill you!" The mother's voice was hoarse, and I wished that the Emperor would be smashed.

Ye Hao saw that the mother's emotions were so excited. Is it the human skin that has already been guessed by the Emperor?

"What is the use of your brother's superiority?" Taisi asked with a smile. "It's not the same as the defeat of the man."

The Queen Mother couldn’t calm down anymore, and attacked the Taidi in an angry way.

Although Tai Tai is annoying and shameless, his cultivation is indeed not low.

"Mother!" Ye Hao was shocked. He saw the Emperor of the Emperor's mother slap a few feet away from the palm of his hand. The corner of his mother's mouth overflowed with a trace of blood.

Mingxi, who is not far from them, saw this scene and immediately came with a mob.

"Oh." The mob screamed, spitting a ball from his mouth and blasting it on the head of the emperor.

Taidi has just avoided, and a larger electric mine has appeared again.

Ye Hao’s arrow of the next day shot like a raindrop.

"Damn holy beast!" the emperor whispered.

The mobs’ electric thunders spit out one by one from the mouth. It also remembered that the emperor had just given him a meat that he could not eat.

The Emperor let the shield block the electric mine, the sword in his hand waved, the golden electric light appeared, the mob was hit, and a wound appeared on his shoulder.

"Hey!" The mob was furious and kicked the ball to the Emperor. The electric ball also turned into a bunch of huge currents.

For the first time, Ye Hao saw the mobs show his powerful ability. Now she can't insert her hand to help deal with the emperor.

"Stop!" A crisp voice rang at the top of their heads. "Wang Ma, let the Holy Beast stop, otherwise your granddaughter will be dead!"

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