The second thousand six hundred and seventy-seven chapter exchange

Hearing this voice, the Emperor’s eyes flashed a sly smile.

The mother looked up and saw a beautiful woman, holding a hand in her hand.

"Ming Yu!" Ye Hao's look changed, watching her daughter nervously.

"Yao Ji, you let go of the jade!" Wang mother shouted coldly.

The woman who is holding Mingyu is not someone else. It is Lu Wushuang’s mother, Princess Yao Ji, and also the cousin of Taidi.

Taidi immediately came to the side of Princess Yao Ji. He looked at Mingyu with a low-pitched look. He was as good as Xiaoyan, and she and her daughter were Murong Zhan.

"How do you catch her?" Taidi asked with a smile. He knew that this girl also had the blood of the dragon. When she caught her, she could threaten the ink and the mother.

"Let the open jade!" The mother is difficult to cover the tension, she is very clear that the emperor's cold blood is ruthless, even if Mingyu is his granddaughter, for his benefit, he will still hurt Mingyu.

Tai Tai’s big hand was placed on the top of Ming Yu’s head. “You can put her and exchange the holy beast.”

The mob snorted at the Queen Mother.

"Little mobs." Ming Xi whispered to him, his eyes staring indifferently at Taidi, and looking at the unconscious Mingyu.

"Ming Yu is just a mortal. You take a mortal to threaten us. Do you want to know all the world's emperor how shameless and shameless?" Ye Hao asked coldly.

At this time, the Emperor did not care about his reputation. Anyway, these people will die sooner or later. When he rebuilds the new continent, everyone will respect him as God and he will not know what he has done.

"Do not talk nonsense, two conditions, the sacred beast to exchange, or let Xiao Xiao from the exhaust of the sea and the gods!" Taidi said coldly.

These two conditions are impossible to promise!

Ye Hao hates Taidi, but she has never hated it so much.

"She is just a child, no matter how shameless you are, you shouldn't let people catch her!" said Ye Hao.

The mother came to the Taidi, "Let the jade go! She is the daughter of Azhan. If you dare to hurt her hair, Azhan will not let you go!"

With the temper of Murong Chong, if he came back to know that Taidi had hurt his daughter, he might have been overturned for nine days.

The emperor had hesitated for a moment.

Princess Yao Ji buckled the neck of Ming Yu and cried in a cold voice. "Small, take your life for your daughter, or I will kill her."

What she hates most is this little sister. If it weren't for this low-lying woman, she would marry the younger emperor long ago, and there would not be so many things in nine days.

Ye Hao took a deep breath, she wants to be calm! Be sure to calm down to save the jade.

"Yao Ji, I will kill you, so that you can never be born again forever." Wang said in a word.

"Then see if I killed you or you killed me." Princess Yao Ji is cold.

The war around them has not stopped. They did not find that the Emperor seized Ye Hao’s daughter. When he found it, he did not dare to act rashly. He could not guarantee that he could save Ming Yu before the Emperor’s hands.

Taidi looked at everything around him, and looked at Wang Mu and Ye Hao, even if Murong Chan came back? Is he afraid of his son?

He will never let any one of the dragons live.

"Put out the holy sacred!" The emperor threatened, "Otherwise, 朕 kill her!"

"By you, dare to kill Mingyu!" A low voice came from above.

The Emperor of the Emperor had already felt a strong spiritual pressure.

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