Upon hearing this voice, Ye Hao slightly stunned. Others have not heard who the voice is, but she has already heard it.

Smell the sky!

He actually came, is he not retreating? He will soon be robbed of the day, it is a critical moment, how can it appear here?

Taidi blinked slightly. Although he had been fighting Wen Tian for more than 10,000 years, he had never really seen Wen Tian.

He felt the pressure from the top of his head, looked up and saw a huge black dragon roaring.

No, that is not a black dragon!

It is a python! It’s coming.

Princess Yao Ji was shocked. "Tai Tai, is that a dragon?"

"Smell the sky!" said Taidi, gnashing his teeth, saying that one of his most disgusting big monsters, "it’s just right, he wants to commit suicide."

"Tai Emperor..." Princess Yao Ji glimpsed, the Emperor had already given Mingyu to him, disappeared in the same place, and galloped in the direction of the python.

Wang Mu wants to take the opportunity to save Ming Yu.

Princess Yao Ji discovered the intention of the Queen Mother and tightened her hand on the neck of Ming Yu. "If you go one step further, I will twist her neck."

Ye Hao and Wang Mu did not dare to go forward. Ming Yu is only a mortal. If he dies, he will not be able to return.

Taidi and Wentian have already played on it.

Many people have already felt the powerful pressure that Wen Tian has just released.

"That is... Lord!" Vatican called, "The Lord is going out."

"The Lord is here!"

The appearance of Wen Tian made the monsters who were not sure about it suddenly full of confidence.

Ten thousand years ago, Wen Tian once led them to attack the Protoss, and now they are once again fighting the Protoss, they will still win.

This time no dragons have appeared.

"Viper, this time you will seal you completely!" said the Emperor coldly.

"By you?" Wen Tian has become an adult, he stood in front of the emperor in a black robe, and his beautiful face was indifferent, and the narrow dark green scorpion looked coldly at Taidi. "You think, you have Qualification seal me?"

Taidi hates others and looks down on him. "Then you try."

Wen Tian showed a mocking smile.

"The python, you can't be a real dragon 10,000 years ago, you can't think about it ten thousand years later." The emperor screamed and slammed toward Wentian.

The two men fought fiercely in the air.

Their cultivation is powerful, and every practice is earth-shattering. Except for Wen Tian and Murong Zhan’s battle 10,000 years ago, there has never been such a strong fight.

The monsters and gods who were still fighting were stopped, all watching the fighting between Tian Tian and Tai Tai.

"That is the smell of heaven?" The mother whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao gently decapitated, while observing the fighting methods of Wen Tian and Tai Tai, she looked at the jade in the hands of Princess Yao Ji.

She must take the opportunity to save Mingyu.


Taidi was beaten a few feet by Wen Tian.

Princess Yao Ji was shocked, "Tai Emperor!"

Ye Xie's figure flashed and appeared next to Princess Yao Ji. The sword of the next day quickly penetrated into her Dantian and passed through her sea of ​​air.

"You..." Princess Yao Ji felt that the sea was sore and wanted to sweep away Ye Hao, but found that her spiritual power had disappeared.

"Niang!" Ming Yu pushed the hand of Princess Yao Ji and hugged Ye Hao's arm.

Ye Hao’s face is happy, “Mingyu, are you okay?”

Ming Yu looked carefully at the bottom. "I'm fine, but she must have something, and her spiritual power has been quietly absorbed by me."

In fact, Ming Yu woke up when Wen Tian appeared. In order not to let Princess Yao Ji discover, she kept her eyes closed, and because Princess Yao Ji’s attention was on the Emperor, even the disappearance of spiritual power was not found.

Princess Yao Ji wants to run the sea, but her spiritual power disappears too much, and the sea is hurt by the holy fire, and it can't work at all.

"Hey, I want to kill you!" Lu Wushuang saw his mother was injured by Ye Hao, and suddenly his eyes were red.

"After the mother, Ming Yu will hand it over to you." Ye Hao will give Ming Yu to the mother.

At this time, there was a long figure behind her. "Mrs, Ming Yu gave me, I will protect her."

Ye Hao looked at the people from different places.

Ming Yu has already happily cheered, "Yan Xiaoliu, you are back!"

Yan Xiaoliu, who has been practicing for a period of time, seems to be completely different from the previous one. It is obviously improved a lot.

"Well, I am coming." Yan Xiaoliu looked softly at Mingyu and reached for her hand. "Come here."

Ming Yu immediately rushed into the arms of Yan Xiaoliu.

At this time, Lu Wushuang had already come to Ye Hao. She supported Princess Yao Ji and saw the injury of Princess Yao Ji. She only wanted to kill Ye Hao immediately.

"You dare to hurt my mother!" Lu Wushuang hated.

"Even my daughter dare to threaten, even if I come to a few Princess Yao Ji, I will kill it!" Ye Hao said coldly, what is her Princess Yao Ji, even one of Mingyu’s hair is not as good as .

She still has nothing to hurt, it is not bad to completely break her sea of ​​air.

Lu Wushuang handed the Princess Yao Ji to the soldiers behind him and fought over Ye Hao.

"You, I was not my opponent 10,000 years ago." Ye Hao responded easily, "not to mention the present."

"贱人!" Lu Wushuang said, "It's all you, you don't show up, everything won't happen."

Ye Hao smiled. "You thought you were without me. Are you a young man?"

It’s naive!

"You give me to die!" Lu Wu's long whip in his hands separated into several lights.

Ye Hao’s whip of the next day has absorbed the holy fire and the ground fire. The only thing missing is the skyfire.

Lu Wushuang’s weapon is a long-day dance whip. The Taidi gave her the fire. She refines the fire into the dance whip, and the whip of the next day is intertwined with her dance whip.

The three fine fires began to compete.

Lu Wushuang is full of confidence in his own skyfire. Between heaven and earth, no matter what the holy fire, all will be swallowed up by the skyfire.

As long as she swallowed Ye Hao's whip of the next day, she was able to kill Ye Hao.

"Lu Wushuang, Lu Shuanger is a glimpse of the world you are divided into?" Ye Hao suddenly asked, in fact, she is not sure, just think that Lu Wushuang's temper is very similar to Lu Shuanger.

Lu Wushuang’s face is gloomy, “nonsense!”

"Sure enough." Ye Hao chuckled. "Azhan will not like you, no matter if he is a mortal or a protoss."

"That is because you have this monk." Lu Wushuang called.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "So, you are destined to be my defeat forever."

Her words were just finished, and the two fire whips that were entangled suddenly broke down.

The triumph of Lu Wushuang’s eyes has not disappeared, and he saw that his own whip has been disconnected. There is no skyfire on it.

"Oh, it seems that even Skyfire prefers to follow me." Ye Hao saw her whip of the next day turned into golden red, and her mouth was raised high. "Thank you."

"Ah, ah--" Lu Wushuang could not accept this fact and rushed to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao slammed the past and beat Lu Wushuang a few feet away.

At this time, the fighting between Taidi and Wentian is becoming more and more fierce.

Bang - rumbling -

There are several huge lightnings in the sky.

"What happened? Is anyone robbing at this time?"

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