The thunder is constant, and it doesn't look like an ordinary thundercloud. The dark clouds in the distance are getting thicker and bigger.

Wen Tian and Tai Tai still played fiercely, and neither of them found that Lei Yun was moving closer to this side.

"You are a little snake, you still want to be a real dragon, you can't think about it!" Taisi said, but also did not forget the irony.

"Tai Tai, you are so afraid of my robbery, is it worried that you will be killed?" Wen Tian said faintly, "Since you think I can't be a real dragon, then you still frame me?"

"Hey, I don't even bother to care about you." The Emperor simply refused to admit that he had been smothered.

He is a monarch, but is he still thinking about a monster?

The sword of Wen Tian was swallowed on the body of the Emperor.

Taidi wanted to avoid this sword, but he did not think that Wentian’s sword would be so fast, and his shoulder was still hurt.

Without God will exclaim, "Tai emperor!"

So strong! When Wen Tian became so powerful, he did not have such a repair 10,000 years ago.

Was he not sealed for 10,000 years? How to repair it to become more powerful without reducing it?

The emperor’s eyes flashed a bit of annoyance, and he was hurt by Wen Tian in front of so many people. He felt very embarrassed! The thought of wanting to kill Wen Tian is stronger.

He did not believe that without the dragon, he could not deal with the smell of heaven.

"Smell, you must die!" said the Emperor coldly.

"You have a poor cultivation talent. If you are not blessed with weapons and spirits that no one else has, you can't have today's cultivation." Wen Tian looked at the Taidi indifferently, although there was no disdainful expression, every word and every sentence Like a whip, I hit the face of Taidi. "Look at your own son and threaten your granddaughter. Under the heavens, probably only you can do it."

"Shut up!" Taidi was furious, and he never admitted that his talent was inferior to that of Murong Cham.

Wen Tian's thin lips floated with a sneer. "I am angry and angry. Although I don't like Murong Cham, I really sympathize with him. If you don't have him, he is already a nine-day Emperor."

This is the biggest pain in the heart of Taidi, and Wen Tian actually said it in front of so many people.

There was a white radiance in the hands of Taidi, and the wound to the chest was wiped, and the blood of the wound stopped.

He and Wen Tian fought again.

"The Thundercloud is coming over us." Ye Hao said to the mother.

And Thundercloud is several times larger than she has just been. She has never seen such a big thundercloud.

The mother’s look is heavy. “Is there anyone who wants to rob?”

However, such a big robbery cloud, how to be strong in the robbery.

“Robbery?” Others have also found that the black clouds are approaching, and the sky is already dark.

"A big robbery cloud..."

"Who is going to rob?"

Thundercloud has almost covered all the light, obviously white, but now it is similar to the night.

"What happened?" Taidi also found this group of thunderclouds.

The huge thunderclouds have floated to the top of their heads, and the thick currents of the arms are surrounded by dark clouds, which seem to be brewing more powerful lightning.

Wen Tian also frowned and looked at the sky, this robbery cloud is really not the time.

"Small sly, bring Mingyu back to the palace, if the lightning of the robbery cloud is down, the people around can't avoid it." Wang said immediately.

Many gods have already escaped from the gods.

Princess Yao Ji holds Lu Wushuang, "Tai Tai, go!"

A big battle suddenly stopped, each avoiding the huge lightning that was coming.

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