Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2708: Possible accident

Xiao Honglong obviously has doubts about Ming Xi’s words. Although he has never seen the dragons, he is a dragon. He must have heard of this super enemy. According to the elders, the dragons have been annihilated and cannot be Appeared, and they now have no Protoss dragons in the nebula, here is the world ruled by the dragons.

But he just hates this person.

"Little Red Dragon, do you bring us to the White Dragon King?" asked the child, she could not feel the smell of the White Dragon King, which made her feel very strange.

For the dragons, the dragon king's breath is omnipresent, and any real dragon can detect the existence of the White Dragon King, let alone that is her father, her induction will be stronger than any real dragon.

"You...you are respectful to me, I am not sure if you are our dragon." Little red dragon squatting, this little girl does not seem to be big, the tone is like calling a Like a younger brother.

The nephew gave him a look. "You can't fix it, so you can't see if I am a dragon. If you take us to the White Dragon King, you won't know."

"Do you think that the White Dragon King is what you want to see?" Xiaohong Long snorted. "Where did you come from?"

Look at them, it seems that they are not the stars of the sky, if they are, they will be found out before.

"What do you want?" Mingxi asked, this little red dragon suddenly appeared to stop them, must be aware of the breath of Xiaobailong, but why not take them to see the White Dragon King?

There are doubts in Mingxi’s heart. Is it suspecting the identity of a deaf child?

"I want to determine your identity so that you can see the Dragon King." Xiaohong Long said.

"How do you determine our identity?" He looked at him with an eyebrow. "You can't even determine if I am a little white dragon. Where do you determine our identity?"

Xiaohong’s heart did not have any plans. He looked at Mingxi and his nephew. “You stay in Donghai City, you can’t go anywhere. I will find out your true identity and will come to you.”

"So what trouble to do, we all told you, as long as you see the White Dragon King, you will know our identity." Ming Xi said.

"If you want to assassinate the White Dragon King?" Xiao Honglong shouted, "In short, do as I said."

"You..." The nephew wanted to say that he was stupid and was pulled back by Mingxi.

Ming Xi smiled and said, "Well, we listen to you, don't know your name?"

Xiao Honglong saw that they were willing to cooperate and satisfied with the nod. "My name is Xuan Xuan."

"My name is Mingxi. She is a nephew. We will find a place to stay here and wait for you to come to us." Mingxi said.

"Choose you to know each other." Xuan Xuan snorted, "I will come back to you again."

When Xuan Xuan finished disappearing in the same place, the pressure of the surrounding spirit was relieved, and the surrounding mortals remained unaffected. No one found Ming Xi and his nephews different.

"Ming Xi, why don't you let him take us to see the White Dragon King?" He asked Xiaoxi whispered.

"Let's find a place to live." Ming Xi took the hand of the nephew and found a home in the cross street. When the two entered the room, he whispered to the nephew, "You don't feel very strange." ?"

The nephew looked at Ming Xi in confusion, she did not see where it was strange.

"He must have felt that you have the smell of white dragon, but still have doubts. If you want to see you to see the White Dragon King, everything will be true, but he did not do this, but worried that we will assassinate the White Dragon King, you, you Do you think Bailong Wang is so easy to assassinate?" Ming Xi whispered.

"How is that possible! The two of us have the ability to assassinate the White Dragon King." Even if her previous cultivation and spiritual power are not sealed, it is impossible to easily approach the White Dragon King.

Mingxi beheaded seriously. "So, if I didn't guess wrong, Bailong Wang may have an accident."

The look of the nephew changed, "What?"

"You don't want to be nervous, I just guess." Ming Xi said, "It may not be what I think."

"What do we do then?" asked her, she was a little annoyed. If her cultivation and spiritual power were not sealed, she must have found her father.

Ming Xi said, "We didn't know what we were when we first came. Let's wait and see what happens. Let's talk about it."

"Okay." It can only be like this now. "Right, what about the lady? Wen Tian took her away. Is it because I want to leave my wife here?"

"I will see if I can contact my mother first." Ming Xi said that he is only worried about his father now, and his father will definitely come to see her.

My nephew said, "The little red dragon just went to check our identity. We are not the people of this world."

"I can't find it, he will come to us naturally." Mingxi said with a smile.

"Then you have to be careful, don't take out the dragon knife. If you let them know that you are a dragon, you will definitely not let go of you." The child whispered.

Mingxi smiled lightly. "I know, I will be careful."

They lived in Donghai City like this, and they have already understood the situation in this world in a few days.

Xingyuntian is a world guarded by the dragons. It is separated from the southeast and northwest. It is the guardian land of Red Dragon, Qinglong, Huanglong and Black Dragon. Bailong is the patron saint of the entire nebula. They are now in the East China Sea where the Red Dragon guards. .

However, this is not really peaceful.

I heard that the Black Dragon is not convinced of the White Dragon King, and quite intends to rebel.

"...is a black dragon." The child whispered in a hurry. In fact, she was not so annoyed with Black Dragon. She had been with Black Dragon Grandpa for more than 10,000 years. If she didn't have Grandpa Black Dragon, she had already had a keel.

"This is all folk rumors, not true." Ming Xi said that many folk rumors are fictional fantasy, the truth, or ask Xiaohong.

My nephew said, "In fact, in the past nine days, the Black Dragon was a dragon in the Dragon, otherwise I would not be taken away by Grandpa Black Dragon."

"Grandpa Grandpa has told you the reason?" Mingxi asked, in fact, he still wants to understand now, how the Black Dragon King gave him the dragon knife.

Just to let him save his baby?

"It seems... a long time ago, when the Golden Dragon King was still there, Bailong was framed by the Black Dragon, and the Black Dragon family was confined for many years." The nephew said, "I have forgotten what it is."

"Smell him... seems to be a black dragon?" Mingxi suddenly remembered how to see the smell of Tianhuacheng into a dragon.

The nephew frowned. "It seems to be."

"Isn't the black dragon mostly made up of pythons?" Mingxi said strangely.

If this is the case, it can explain why Black Dragon became a dragon.

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