Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2709: Black dragon and white dragon

A few days later, Ye Hao had a little understanding of this nebula day. They are now in the North Sea and are the guardian of the Black Dragon. Because the Black Dragon is a rebellious existence on this continent, the North Sea is not the same as other places.

It's no wonder that Wen Tian wants to bring her here. If it is somewhere else, they should have been discovered.

No, Bai Long Wang is the king of the Dragon. If he knows that Wen Tian appears, he will definitely come to him for the first time.

"Why didn't Bailong Wang come to you yet?" Ye Hao asked puzzledly, she didn't want to talk to Wentian, but they are now in a strange place, she still can't find a way to go back, only Wentian knows Hee where they went.

Wen Tian whispered, "White Dragon King... It should be known, why not come to me, maybe first to find Xiaobailong."

Ye Hao frowned. "What do we do now?"

"Do you want to go to the White Dragon King?" Wen Tian asked.

"And Mingxi, I have to find Mingxi first." However, if Bailongwang has already found a nephew, the nephew must be with Mingxi, she will go to find Mingxi, will she also see Bailongwang?

The White Dragon King will certainly not let go of the smell.

Wen Tian sighed. "They should be in the East China Sea, a little far from here."

"We will go to them immediately," said Ye Hao.

"Okay." Wen Tian decapitation, "But we can only go to the East China Sea according to the mortal method."

Ye Yiyi, "Why?"

There is plenty of power here, and they can use teleports.

"Because I want to spend more time with you," Wen Tian said.

Ye Hao looked at him and stopped speaking.

The two walked silently for a long time, only to see the city gate, Wen Tian bought a carriage, and after a little rest, they continued on their way.

"Why is Black Dragon always playing against the White Dragon King?" Ye Hao whispered.

"White Dragon once sold black dragons." Wen Tian explained faintly, he was sitting in the rut, but his heart was never quiet. If he could, he would like to drive her for a lifetime. "Ten thousands of years ago, the first black dragon king It was made by the python, and it was not prominent in the dragon. For the Black Dragon family, he and Bailong cooperated to push the white dragon to the position of the dragon king, but after the dragon ruled the dragon, he abandoned the black dragon and confined the black dragon. The grievances of Black Dragon and White Dragon have been maintained for tens of thousands of years."

Ye said in a different way, "You gave the deaf to the Black Dragon King, that is... the python is illusory?"

Only in this way can you explain why Black Dragon promised to help the sky.

"Yeah." Wen Tian faintly.

"..." Ye Hao felt a little headache. "So, Black Dragon and White Dragon have a battle sooner or later."

Wen Tian said, "It is possible."

"But now that Black Dragon is still under the rule of Bailong, can Black Dragon have a chance of winning?" said Ye Hao. "What is good about fighting? You see that this continent is more peaceful. Don't make this place like the human continent."

"Oh, this is not something I can decide." He was just coming to the scene and just robbed the successful Black Dragon.

Ye Shuzui, "If the dragons are not destroyed, I don't think the dragons are in time."

Speaking of this, Ye Hao’s heart suddenly paused. Mingxi had the blood of the Dragon, and the White Dragon King could definitely see it.

"Ming Xi... can't be dangerous?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked.

"When he is with Xiaobailong, what danger can he have?" Wen Tian said.

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