Murong Chong took her back to her arms and bowed her hand to her little mouth. "What do you want to do?"

"Do you say that the year is empty talk?" Ye Hao lowered his voice, but it was difficult to hide his tone of anger. If she became a county lord, would he bring her directly into the palace?

"He said that giving you a year is not a fake, one year is to release the knot to you, not to let you marry someone else." When it comes to this, Murong Zhan naturally thinks that the Queen sent her and Tang Yan to her, and his chest is rippling. The tender feelings all turned into jellies.

Ye Hao had a dim sum, whispered, "I was the grandmother after they decided it. I already wanted to stop the grandmother from talking to the Queen Mother, but it was a slow step."

Murong Cham's big palm covered her chest and said with a low voice. "What do you think in your heart? Is there no objection, do you marry Don Juan?"

"Then I can't marry anyone except you?" Ye Zhaoxing yelled at him.

Her clear and clear eyes are as beautiful as the morning stars in the night, and more radiant because of her anger. The ink and the heart of her heart are soft and soft, and the low-pitched and mellow voice is more firm. "Besides you, who dares to marry you."

Ye Hao became more and more aware that it is right to go to Huaijiang with Master. She is now a little afraid of facing Murong Cham.

"Don't you marry you, I can only marry for life?" Ye asked him.

"How can you let you not marry for life? Marrying people is naturally going to marry you." Murong Zhan took her little hand.

"Don't do this! Don't..." Ye Hao knew immediately what he was going to do, and he was anxious to retract his hand.

"Then you are willing to look at the other women?" Murong Cham forced her to hold, biting her earlobe and asked dumbly.

Ye screamed, "What's more in your palace, you go to them! Go find them."

"You are not jealous?" Which one in his palace is not intriguing and hopes to get more of his favor, even Xu Huiru, who looks dignified and generous on the surface, is just like this. Seeing that he is better, he wants to use it immediately. Ye Hao came to disgust him, but the little girl in his arms didn't seem to care.

Jealous? Ye Hao thinks that she really won't be jealous at all. She doesn't care who he wants to be lucky, just don't come to her.

Her silence made Murong Zhan's heart sink a little. He sucked her lips hard and rolled her little tongue and lingering on him. "Little Jiaojiao, you are sweet."

Ye Hao only has one hand free, and he can't push him if he wants to push.

After Murong Cham had solved it, he snorted low on her body. He was also a king of a country. Now, for a little girl, he still can’t enjoy the house sex. He still feels so sweet, so he kisses her. Being with other women will make him a hundred times faster.

"You get up!" Ye Hao endured the uncomfortable, and did not want to see his numb hand.

"Hey, you are embarrassed, no matter who is telling you to be a relative, you don't want to be down, you don't want to force you into the palace." Murong Zhan took the initiative to leave her body, and in the past a basin Water came over and wiped the traces left by her.

Ye Hao screamed angrily. "Are you not forcing me now?"

Murong Zhan’s deep scorpion looked at her in a scorching manner and whispered, “When I learned that the Queen Mother is going to give you a marriage today, I am very angry. I have never had a woman who is so worried about it. No one can let this be so Angry."

I used to think that the story of the bonfire drama is ridiculous. How can the emperor act ridiculously for a woman? He only heard that she wants to marry another man today. She is already angry and wants to kill all the men who marry her. Is it not ridiculous? ?

Ye Hao wanted to say that she was not at all rare in his stomach, but she knew the consequences of this statement, and she did not say anything about her lips.

"Hey, I know you are still not willing to marry you. In the future, you will always be willing." Murong Zhan kissed her cheek, "No more hiding."

"Then you talk and count, don't come back to Lujia." Ye Hao whispered.

Ink Murray laughed and said, "What do you do when you think about you?"

This **** is really different from what she used to know. How could she not know that he was so rogue?

"I don't want you." Ye said.

"You yell again." Such a so soft little man, he did not know how to hurt her, as if she was with her once, she buried deeper in his heart.

Ye Hao is as good as the flow, "Emperor, please be self-respected."

"Xuan Zang." Murong Zhan told her the word, he wanted to hear her call him.

"How can I call your name." Ye Hao opened his face, whether it was before or now, she first knew that his word was Xuanzang.

Murong Zhan sighed long in her heart, and she refused to open her heart and accept him.

"Oh..." he whispered to her.

Ye Hao avoided his gaze and said in a hurry. "You are not going back, let people discover what to do."

"If you don't leave, you will find it better. You will be the queen of tomorrow." Murong Chan lay down beside her, a rogue in the end.

"No, you are going!" Ye Hao was really anxious, sit up and push him.

Her thin body was slipped to her waist, and her chest was cool. She remembered that she had nothing to wear inside. Ye Hao exclaimed, and hurriedly grabbed the thin and was re-capped.

Murong Zhanyi was able to let go of such an opportunity, and threw her down with lightning speed, and the big hand was torn apart.

Ye Hao is not in the air, and Murong Zhan’s eyes are deep and dark.

"Don't..." Ye Hao cried, she felt strange and scared.

Murong Cham’s voice was low and dumb and said, “Let’s taste it...”

Ye Hao didn't know what he was going to do, she couldn't help but cry out. "Mo Rongzhan, Murong Zhan, you are going, don't do this, I am so uncomfortable..."

“Where is it uncomfortable?” Murong Zhan said with a smile.

She couldn't tell where she was uncomfortable. It felt like she was spreading from the depths of her body to her limbs. She had no strength in her body.

Murong Cham's eyes are dark and dark, even he himself does not know that there is such restraint, actually can not bear to ask her.

His hot breath lingered between her legs, and Ye Hao had been scared to talk and stuttered. "You... what are you going to do?"

It was his heavy breathing to answer her.



Recommend another party, and this article is a series.

"The evil king Sheng Chong: doctors cover the sky"

Brief introduction: Crossing into the first door of the capital, Xiuyuan Yuan, has the largest silver number in the country and one-handed anti-day medical skills.

Qi Yuling's ideal: kill those who want to kill her, then take Jinshan Yinshan and travel around the country.

However... the black man who saved her twice had a sloppy smile and smiled with an elegant evil spirit. Is it swollen?

Let her be a king? Oh, I am sorry, the man is the same as the toothbrush, the girl who has been used is not rare.

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