Ye Hao was fascinated by Murong Zhan to go back to the clean room to clean the body, the water in the tub was still warm, her body was weak, her eyes were so swollen, no matter what he said in her ear She did not answer him half a sentence.

Murong Chong is not angry with her silence, just screaming at her with a smile. "Hey, you have already tasted all of you. Except you, no one can marry, remember."

Remember him! Ye Hao hated in his heart, only wished that he would not see him again in this life.

Since she knew that he had saved her brother and her brother, she felt very subtle about him. She wanted to avoid him, but she could not resist his entanglement. But she had no feelings about him before, and he loved him. The price was too heavy. She is not willing to come back again.

Murong Zhan knew that he was losing money today. Although he did not really want her, he was more than happy. He took her for a long time and saw her eyes open. She kissed her forehead and kissed her forehead. Go, if you don't want to go to the palace, then come back to see you in a few days."

Ye Xin thought that she would leave Kyoto after dawn, and he could not find anyone even if he came to see her.

"I really don't want to say a few words with you?" Murong Zhan asked with a funny smile.

The answer to him is the back of the head of Ye Hao.

"That's gone." Murong Zhan kissed her hair and finally left reluctantly.

Ye Hao turned around after he went out. She bit her lip and thought that she had just hugged him out of control. She was ashamed to dig a hole and buried herself.

Why is he doing this to her? Ye Hao hides her face in the quilt. For Murong Cham, she is resistant, but I don't know why. Listening to him doing a small low-lying land, she is pleased with her. She sometimes feels soft.

But she doesn't want to be soft, and she doesn't want to be soft! For him, she has too many reasons to resist.

As long as she thought of the loneliness and sourness of the Prince’s House in those two years, she would not be willing to marry him anyway.


She can temporarily avoid him tomorrow, and she can also think about what to do next.

Ye Hao was only sweating, and was tossed by Murong Chong for a long time. Now he relaxes a little and then falls asleep.

No one found out in the corner outside the yard, a slender figure stood silently all night.

Lu Yizhi stood here when the night fell. He was only going to think about something here. When he was ready to leave, he saw a familiar figure appear in the courtyard.

Whose back is that, he is too clear, Tang Yan’s words have been echoing in his mind.

The emperor really likes to be jealous...

After two hours, he saw the emperor staring away from the night, Lu Yan’s chest was full of an indescribable feeling, a bit sour, a little painful, and Mo Rong’s anger, he wanted to rush into questioning Hey, for a long time, she and Murong Chan have done something, but he can't. Once he goes in, many things will become unmanageable.

Lu Yizhi looked at the small courtyard and thought about what to do next.

The emperor seems to be not planning to take back the two children back to the palace. Everything they did before was in vain. I knew that... the emperor is so easy to be new and tired. At the beginning, he would not listen to the words of the two children, let Ye Hao drink the poisoned wine. Now, Ye Hao is dead, but he has taken his heart away.

If Ye Hao is alive... The emperor may not like it so much.

Lu Yan’s bitter smile shook his head. There are so many things that I knew early in this world. Since he has already taken the first step, he can only continue to go for Lujia.

In the past two days, I have to find a way to see a pair of children. If the emperor really wants to become a queen, then it will only let the children leave the Nianci Temple.



Royal Palace, Xinhe Palace.

Xu Huiru's look looks a bit whitish. She looks up at the beautiful and charming face in the mirror. In Kyoto, she thinks that she is very good. Even if she had the first beauty, Ye Hao, her limelight has not been reduced. I thought that without Ye Hao, no one could compare with her, but I couldn’t think of a Lu Hao.

She can't forget what she heard today at the Royal Garden.

The emperor actually... actually said that Lu Hao became a queen!

He is serious! Although she didn't spend much time with the emperor, she knew that he didn't say anything easily. He told Xiao Wang that he wanted Lu to become a queen, and that must be done...

Lu Hao is a princess! His famous sister, how can he fall in love with her?

Xu Huiru couldn't control the bottom of her heart. She loved him so much. He dismissed her and actually fell in love with Lu Hao.

"Animals, the emperor should not come tonight, you should rest soon." Qian Lan came in and watched Xu Huiru sitting in front of the dressing table, could not help but whispered.

"He naturally won't come." Xu Huiru sneered, even if he came to her, it was just to make a look at the eyes and ears. Maybe the emperor and Lu Hao had already darkened Chen Cang, and made a lot of shameful things.

Qian Lan saw that the girl who had been so transparent before was so gloomy and sharp, and she felt distressed. "The goddess, the slaves wait for you to rest."

"Thousands of orchids, you have heard the words of the emperor today. What do you think of this palace?" Xu Huiru asked Qian Lan’s hand and thought that as long as she did a better job, she would definitely get Murong Cham in the future. I like it, maybe I can still be enshrined, and today I know that no matter how hard she tries, she will eventually be defeated by Lu.

"Anniling..." Qianlan didn't know what to say. The emperor's favorite Lu Hao was not a real princess, and for the emperor, what kind of woman do you want, what is the importance of identity?

Xu Huiru’s eyes are tearful. “Is the Queen’s consent?”

"The Queen Mother likes Lu Hao, I am afraid..." It will not obstruct the Emperor’s decision too much.

"Lu Yan..." Xu Huiru looked down at his hands and said, "Can't stay in this world."

Qian Lan was shocked. "Mother, what are you going to do?"

Xu Huiru gently shook his head. "This palace can't do anything, but others can do it. You will send a letter to the big brother tomorrow, and I will give it to him to solve it."

"Mother, what should I do if the emperor finds out?" If the emperor found out, it would be a dead end.

"If the palace does not take a chance, wait for Lu Hao to become a queen, what retreat will you have in this palace?" Xu Huiru sneered and asked, she and Lu Hao can be regarded as tearing their faces, and they will have to compete for the same future. Man, how can she accommodate herself?

Lu Hao has the love of the Queen Mother and the emperor. It is easy to deal with her. Therefore, she can only be strong first.

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