For the first time in his life, Zhao Tianyu met a woman who dared to bargain with her, and she was still a little girl. She was only an apprentice of Huangfu. Even Huangfu could not cure him when he was not seriously sick. She was a young man. The little girl dared to let him guarantee with her.

Does she know who he is? In this world, only she dared to talk to him.

"No one can talk to me about conditions." Zhao Tianqi looked at Ye Wei and said lightly.

Ye Hao nodded seriously and saw that he was a person who would not listen to others' opinions. Such a person was only used to me. "That is because no one can cure your illness. I am at least sure, right?"

Zhao Tianyu has been looking for countless doctors in recent years, but no one can cure his illness. For the first time, someone who has not started to talk about his condition has said that he can cure his illness. This is for him. Full of temptation, "If you can't cure my illness, all of you will die. I kill a lot of doctors. I don't mind how many more people."

"You even kill my master?" Ye Hao raised an eyebrow. Didn't he know the emperor? Don't even let him go.

"Why do I have to let the imperial concubine?" Zhao Tianqi said with a smile.

Ye Hao thinks that Zhao Tianqi is really an elusive person. She asked faintly, "Are you sure you should let us go?"

"When you have cured my illness, come back to talk to me about conditions." Zhao Tianyu said coldly.

"A month later, as long as your illness is temperament, you have to let us go. We have more important things to do." Ye Hao took a few steps and looked at Zhao Tianyu seriously. She also went to Huaijiang.

Qiu Yuan screamed, "Do you think we really can't kill you?"

Ye Hao said, "I think you will kill me. If so, why should I cure your illness? If you are big, you will die together."

"Why is it a month?" Zhao Tianyu looked at Ye Hao with a gloomy look.

"A month later, we have other things to do. If we don't appear when we arrive, others will doubt that we have an accident. At that time, if you searched, can you avoid the officers and men of the court?" said Ye Hao.

Zhao Tianyi looked at her deeply. "Okay, I promise you."

"Then you talk and talk, don't swear at the time." Ye Hao said.

Zhao Tianyan’s eyes flashed with anger. “My Zhao Tianyi has never talked.”

Ye Hao walked back to the dwarf next to the bed and sat down, reaching for his veins. Zhao Tianqi’s disease is somewhat different from the frozen disease mentioned by Qi’s doctor, but the symptoms are the same. Frozen disease usually lasts for three years, but It seems that Zhao Tianyi has been in this symptom for more than three years.

“When did you start to walk?” Ye Hao asked, checking his feet while staring at the same medical record in his mind.

I believe that Huangfu must have seen Qi’s medical classics. If he used the same method to treat it badly, then Zhao Tian’s illness is different from that mentioned in Qi’s medical classics. What is this disease? ?

Liang Shuming answered Zhao Tianqi on the side. "The master is unable to walk a year ago."

Ye Hao nodded and checked his legs. It really didn't have any sense of consciousness. "Is there a broken bone?"

"No," Liang said.

"What is the time of the disease?" Ye Hao poked the muscles on his leg. She felt a little tricky for Zhao Tianqi's illness.

Liang Shu looked at her and said, "All the pain."

Ye Hao’s hand paused. “I don’t touch him, it hurts all the time?”

"Yes." Liang Shuo nodded coldly, his eyes looked at Ye Hao somewhat fiercely.

"You haven't encountered this disease before, so I'm not sure if I can cure you." Ye Hao looked at Zhao Tianqi's sturdy arm. "Do you feel that your hands are not working, and you are not starting?" Perceived?"

Zhao Tianqi opened his eyes, and the narrow scorpion, such as the sharp sword, swept to Ye Hao. "You can only cure it."

Ye Hao said, "I can only try it. If my judgment is correct, then your illness can be cured." Ye Hao said, "If you can't believe me, you can ask my master to come and heal you."

"If he is well cured, he will be cured soon." Zhao Tianyi said faintly.

It turns out that he felt from the beginning to the end that Huangfu deliberately did not cure him? "You seem to have misunderstood my master. My master's medical skills are better than me, and I can certainly cure you."

"Now you have your life in my hands, he naturally wants to cure me." Zhao Tianyu said coldly.

Zhao Tianyi thought she said that she could cure him, because the imperial concubine taught it? This man is really arrogant!

"Then I will give you acupuncture first." Ye Hao said, do not want to argue with him, anyway, he thinks about how he loves.

"Are you sure to give me acupuncture?" Zhao Tianyu asked.

Ye Xiao said with a smile, "You can't believe it, then don't take acupuncture. Of course, you can find my master. But, are you not afraid that my master will harm you?"

Zhao Tianzhao looked at Ye Hao calmly, "You are not afraid of me?"

"I am afraid." Ye Hao took out the silver needle and turned to Liang Shu. "Take off the clothes for your master."

Liang Shuo did not listen to her words, just looked at Zhao Tianyu and got Zhao Tianyi's consent. He only helped him in the past, and Qiu Yuan came to help immediately.

Ye Hao quietly looked at Zhao Tianqi. In fact, she was not sure about curing his illness at all, but now she is afraid to show a little hesitation when she is riding a tiger. Otherwise, as long as she shows her happiness, I believe that Zhao Tianyi will not hesitate to kill her. It is.

"Lu girl, please." Liang Shu politely looked at Ye Hao, although the tone is polite, his eyes look less gentle.

"The place where I want acupuncture is the legs and hands. If you feel pain, tell me." Ye Hao said to Zhao Tianqi.

Zhao Tianyi even answered her, but she looked at her coldly.

Ye Hao had to start acupuncture. She would pierce the twenty-four needles into the acupuncture points on his legs. His skin on his calves was fair, probably because he did not move, it looked a little thin. This is what Qi’s medical doctor mentioned. Is the muscle atrophy?

“Is there a feeling?” Ye Hao stabbed the last needle into his calf acupuncture point and looked up at him and asked.

Zhao Tianqi had a sweat on his forehead, "sweet."

"Oh." Ye Hao nodded and continued to apply needles in his hands.

"Master, do you feel your legs?" Qiu Yuan asked Zhao Tianyi with a few surprises.

Zhao Tianqi himself apparently did not respond. Until Qiu Yuan reminded him, he was shocked. His legs had not been conscious for a year. This is the first time he felt, even if this feeling made him feel a little unbearable.

“Who did you learn from acupuncture?” Zhao Tianyu asked, he didn’t have acupuncture, but he didn’t feel that way.

"Nature is the Qi's needle method." Acupuncture method no one taught her, she looked at Qi's medical classics, today is the first time she has such acupuncture for others.

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