Zhao Tianyi thought that Ye Hao’s acupuncture technique was taught by Emperor Huang, and the medical skills he had learned by Huangfu were not from his grandmother Qi Yuling? Therefore, the Qi's needle method mentioned in Ye Qikou is naturally the imperial concubine.

After about half an hour, Ye Hao took the silver needle back. He looked at his pale, bloodless calf and added some red spots. She overthrew the previous judgment. Zhao Tianqi did not get frozen disease. If you are frozen, acupuncture is not so numb.

He can't move, it's not a bone problem, but a meridian problem.

"What is the illness of the master?" Liang Shuo eagerly asked Ye Hao.

Ye Hao put the silver needle in the spirits to soak, while thinking about what Zhao Tianzhen was suffering from.

"Hey, have you heard that?" Liang Shu saw her ignoring, frowning and drinking her.

"Do you have any internal strengths?" Ye Hao did not pay attention to Liang Shu, but looked back and looked at Zhao Tianqi curiously.

Zhao Tianqi was waving his hands and heard Ye Hao asking, his eyes narrowed slightly. "Why do you ask?"

"Because... I think you are not sick." Ye Hao said earnestly, "It is when you hurt your body that it becomes like this. When my master gave you treatment, you just learned the internal strength. After a little better, you continued to practice, I guess right?"

"Why does the practice of internal strength make my feet unable to move?" Zhao Tianqi was surprised. He never told anyone about what he was doing. How did the little girl see it?

Ye Hao’s eyebrows thought for a moment. “I learned from your pulse that if a person enters a evil wind, the combination with blood and blood will fill the muscles and blood, which will affect the pulse. There are two kinds of evil winds, cold and damp. The evil invades the human body, it will make the skin converge, the muscles will be stiff, the blood will be chilled by the cold, and the qi will be damaged. If I have not guessed wrong, when your legs can still walk, there will be a lot of moodiness for a while, is it not? ?"

Zhao Tianxi looked at her silently. "Go ahead."

It seems that she is right! Ye Hao continued, "The evil spirits are divided into false signs and actual signs. They all originate in the five internal organs, and the five internal organs have five meridians, but the twelve meridians of the human body are connected with them. When you practice, you do not invade. At the beginning, I only stayed between the skin and the hair. Master has been treating you for a while. If you don’t practice at that time, you may not have such a result today. Unfortunately, you continue to practice because it is only the first illness, my master. I didn't see the reason for your true onset. Later, no one gave you timely treatment to clear the evil spirits. The evil spirits infiltrated the Sun veins. At that time, you have begun to feel uncomfortable, but you still have no treatment, but continue to practice, your blood is through the blood. All of them are blocked, so that your feet can't walk, the evil is not cleared, the blood of your meridians will not circulate, and sooner or later you will not move."

After listening to Ye Hao, Zhao Tianyi has been silent.

Liang Shu and Qiu Yuan exchanged a look, they could not find a rebuttal, because the little girl said ... seems to be very consistent.

"That... can my illness be cured?" Zhao Tianyi now counts Ye Hao into his eyes. It seems that Huangfu’s apprentice is really different.

Ye Hao looked at him. "I don't know. I have never treated such a disease before. I can only... give it a try."

“How long will it take?” Zhao Tianyu asked.

"How do I know that you don't want to practice your internal skills, or I can't save you." Ye Hao said that some internal strengths can strengthen the body, but some internal skills are slightly incorrect, and it will hurt your life at any time.

Zhao Tianyi nodded faintly. "What do you need to say to Liang Shu."

"I need to use some medicine, to remove the evil spirits in your body, you need to soak the medicine every day." Ye Hao said.

"You write down the medicine you need, I will prepare." Liang Shu said immediately.

Ye Hao said, "I can't do so many things alone. Can you call my ring and let her help me?"

Zhao Tianyi did not refuse this time, but just gave a look to Liang Shu, Liang Shu immediately said, "Lu girl, I will send your ring back in a while."

"Then I will go to prepare the herb first. You should rest first. It is best to relax your hands and feet." Ye Hao said to Zhao Tianqi.

Liang Shuo left with Ye Hao to prepare the medicine, and Zhao Tianyu sat on the bed and looked at his hands.

"The island owner, do you think... can Lu Yi believe it?" Qiu Yuan asked in a low voice.

"Besides her, who can tell me why I really can't walk in the past few years?" Zhao Tianyi asked.

Qiu Yuan thought carefully and thought it makes sense. "I am warning the island owners and the iron mines. I will not arrest people in the future. The inns of Gujia Village are also clearly explained."

"Well, let's go." Zhao Tianyi nodded faintly and let Qiu Yuan go down.

"She is the apprentice of Huangfu. Can you really believe it?" When Zhao Tianyi was left in the room, a woman in black clothes came out from the corner and looked at Zhao Tianqi and whispered.

“Why can't I believe?” Zhao Tianyi glanced at her. “How come you?”

The woman whispered, "The young master asked me to protect you."

"Mu Xue, go back and tell the big brother, I don't need his people to protect." Zhao Tianyu said coldly.

"Two young masters, Huangfu this person is not reliable, his people can not believe." Mu Xue frowned.

Zhao Tianqi sneered, "Why is Huangfu not reliable? Because you have killed Mu, so I think he will seek revenge for me?"

"My sister is not dead." Mu Xue said quietly.

"For Huangfu, Mu is dead." Zhao Tianyu said coldly, "Since his apprentice can cure my illness, even if it is not reliable, I have to give it a try."

Mu Xue said, "The woman is Lu Yu, the princess of Jin Guo. If she escapes in the future, everything will be discovered here. The young master and your efforts will be wasted."

Zhao Tianxiao said with a smile, "You don't need to be alarmed to scare me. This iron mine and the mountain village just squatting at me and not intervening in his affairs. Even if it is discovered here, it will not affect him."

"The young master is caring for you." Mu Xue sighed. "Moreover, it is Princess Jinguo, and may not be able to treat you wholeheartedly."

"If she can't cure my illness, I will kill her naturally." Zhao Tianyi's voice is cold. "If you dare to do anything to her before I agree, I will definitely let Mufei survive."

Mu Fei is the younger brother of Mu Xue.

Mu Xue’s face changed. “Two young masters, they don’t dare, but they have to stay to protect you.”

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