"Girl!" Emei was brought over and saw that her own girl was crying when she was cooking a soup.

Ye Hao looked up and looked at her eyebrows with a smile on her face. "Emei, they can send you."

"Girl, how can you do this?" Emei hurriedly took over the work of Ye Hao, "Slaves help you."

“Can you still be a spoiled lady here?” Ye Hao smiled. “You help me watch the fire.”

Emei whispered, "Girl, what do we do now? Is it... can't escape in the future?"

Ye Hao took the herb in her hand. After a pause, she smiled and said, "How come, as long as they don't kill us, we will always have a chance to leave."

"Slavery is not enough, but I am worried about the girl..." The eyebrows are red, and if the girl is really surprised, what should I do?

"Don't think too much, let's do something first." Ye Hao patted the shoulders of Emei. Now, even if they are scared, they are useless. Can they escape if they are afraid? It is better to let Zhao Tianyi believe her, will not kill her, as long as they do not die, they have the opportunity to leave.

Emei gently nodded, looked up and looked at Liang Shu, who stood outside, and kept his head down and did not speak.

Ye Hao cooked the soup and let Liang Shuo send it to Zhao Tianqi's room.

When the water temperature is almost the same, Zhao Tianqi soaked in the medicine soup, just soaked in the medicine soup for less than a quarter of an hour, his meridians seem to be painful, even if he endured the pain, but the cramping pain Let him scream.

"Island master!" Liang Shuo screamed and wanted to take Zhao Tianqi out of the tub.

"Roll!" Zhao Tianqi snorted and said, "Go out!"

Liang Shu knows that his own island owner is proud from an early age and will never easily show weakness in front of others. He certainly does not want others to see what he is today. "Is the island owner, then I will wait for you."

Zhao Tianqi gasped in a big mouth. He had never hurt in his life. He was as proud as him. How to allow others to see his wolverine at this time.

"What exactly are you immersing in the island master?" Liang Shu walked out of the clean room and went outside to ask Ye Hao.

Ye Hao stood on the stone steps of the courtyard. She had already heard the screams of Zhao Tianqi. Such a painful voice sounded like a few dispelling hatred, and it hurts him!

"If he doesn't feel a little pain, then you have to worry, he can't do anything in his life." Ye snorted, because it hurts, it proved that his feet were not really necrotic.

Liang Shuo looked at Ye Hao with a cold look, and his body was murderous. As long as they had something to do with the island owner, he must first kill the woman.

After about half an hour, Liang Shuming heard the voice of Zhao Tianqi, "Come in!"

"Yes, the island owner." Liang Shuo screamed and ran in immediately.

"Call the woman in." Zhao Tianyi feels that the strength of the whole body has disappeared, but it seems that the heavy legs have always become easier.

Ye Hao came to Zhao Tianyu, "Zhaodao Lord, how do you feel?"

"Why is that medicine that will make me hurt all over my body?" Zhao Tianyi lay half-squinted and stared at Ye Hao coldly.

"This medicine has the effect of dredging meridians. The meridians of your body are blocked by evil spirits, and naturally it will hurt." Ye Hao said faintly, "Why, if you still have acupuncture today, it will definitely hurt."

Zhao Tianqi raised his hand and touched his legs. "How long does it take to soak... can I get through the meridians of my body?"

Ye Hao said, "I don't know, I have never cured your illness before."

"How did you know that you can cure the island owner?" Liang Shu asked with a deep breath.

"Is it really possible to cure it?" Ye Hao waved his hand, and any disease will have its first time. If this can cure Zhao Tianqi, then her medical case will definitely increase.

Zhao Tianqi looked at Ye Hao deeply, and then asked the same answer. At least his numb legs can now feel pain. This is a good phenomenon. "Let's go."

Ye Hao said, "I wrote a prescription and I have to drink it once a day."

"Liang Wei, go take the medicine." Zhao Tianyi said faintly.

"Two young masters, can't drink her medicine!" Mu Xue walked in from the door and looked at Ye Hao with a stern look.

Ye Hao didn't know who the black woman was. She only felt the murderousness and hostility that came from her body. It seemed to be...for her?

Zhao Tian’s color is condensed, and the feminine and beautiful face reveals a faint smile. “Mu Xue, when is it your turn to take care of me?”

"Two young masters, the subordinates are just worried about you." Mu Xue looked slightly changed, and his eyes flashed a sorrow. "This woman is an apprentice of Huangfu, and she is worried. She is worried that she will harm you."

"My business does not need you to control!" Zhao Tianyi said coldly, "Go!"

Mu Xue bit his lip and looked at Zhao Tianyi in a difficult way.

Zhao Tianyi didn't look at her, but he glanced at Ye Hao. "You go down, come back tomorrow."

"Good!" Ye Hao refused to leave quickly. She felt that Mu Xue seemed to want to kill her at any time.

Exiting the room, Ye Hao let Emei go back to the house to rest, she went to find the emperor.

Huangfu heard about Zhao Tianqi’s condition and looked at Ye Hao quite unexpectedly. This little girl’s medical talent is better than he imagined. Many medical books she read once I understand, and it seems that the memory is very good, almost what The medical record is very clear.

"I met him a few years ago and didn't think there was a problem with his meridians." Huangfu whispered.

"At that time, he may only begin to practice his internal strength, so you have not diagnosed it." Ye Hao said that if she changed Zhao Tianyu a few years ago, she certainly could not see what his cause was.

Huangfu gently nodded. "Hey, can you cure Zhao Tianqi's illness?"

"I don't know." Ye Hao looked at the outside, and she didn't know if she would be heard by Huangfu. "Master, I have never treated such a disease before, and I have not given others such acupuncture, so I can only hope to be useful."

"Since his legs have a feeling after acupuncture, it should be wrong." Huangfu said with a smile, "He didn't get angry with you?"

Ye Hao also feels that since there is a feeling, the treatment should be correct. "He didn't mean anything to me, but Master, do you know a woman named Mu Xue?"

"Mu Xue?" Huangfu stunned. "Is she here?"

"Yeah, Master, do you know?" Ye Hao looked suspiciously at Huangfu. She heard Zhao Tianyi calling the woman Mu Xue. I don't know if it is related to Mu.

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