Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 291: She is not his cousin

Lu Yizhi has been with Murong Zhan for so long. It is already well understood by Murong Cham. If Murong Zhan really believes that he has nothing to do with this matter, he has already asked him to go to the palace to ask clearly. Now he has nothing. Q, just a secret investigation, obviously the emperor is doubting him.

"Big brother, what should I do? If the emperor doesn't even believe you, who else can save me?" Lu Shuanger changed his face and suddenly stood up. "I don't want to stay here, I don't want to stay for a quarter of an hour." In Nianci Temple, Big Brother, even if I let me go high, I will not return to Kyoto for the rest of my life. You will save me."

Lu Yanzhi held the shoulders of Lu Shuanger. "Don't be excited, sit down and listen to me."

"Big Brother, you don't know how much suffering there is, I really can't stand it." Lu Shuanger said with a whimper.

"I don't have a way to get you out." Lu Yizhi whispered. "Before I thought I could let you go back to the palace. Now I am afraid that I can't, the emperor is the one... I don't like others to deceive him."

Lu Shuanger heard a joy, "If you don't go back to the palace, just let me go out and let me go."

"Then I have to count on it." Lu Yizhi looked at Lu Shuanger. "I know that you don't like jealousy, but now, with her, Big Brother can't help you."

Upon hearing the two words, Lu Shuanger’s face immediately changed. “Lu Hao? Big Brother, how could she help me out, she can’t wait to kill me, no, can’t count on her, she’s just a princess, someday The Queen Mother is not happy, she is nothing."

"The emperor wants to make her a queen." Lu Yizhi whispered, "As long as she becomes a queen, she can make a decision to let you go."

Lu Shuanger felt that she had a problem with her ears. She just heard what Lu Yuzhi said? The emperor wants to set up Lu to be the queen?

"Big brother, are you kidding? Lu Yan, she is now a princess, how can she become a queen?" Lu Shuang's heart swelled, like a viper, licking her heart.

"You also know that you are not a real princess, you are a queen, but it is just a word from the emperor." Lu Yizhi whispered, looking up at his sister's face. "I know that you are not feeling well, but, 夭You are your sister, she is a queen, and it will always be good for you."

"No, she won't let me go." Lu Shuanger looked awkward. "I knew... I knew she had been carrying me to seduce the emperor. I really didn't marry her little monk, big brother, killing the land." Oh, kill her!"

Lu Yizhi hurriedly appeased Lu Shuanger. "Double children, you listen to the big brother, said that the big brother is still unclear in his body, and he can no longer stand for military service for the Lu family. The emperor knows that you are not the one who saved her. ..."

"You and your grandmother are both biased towards her!" Lu Shuanger screamed. "I know, you are all eccentric, big brother, are you no longer treating me as your most loved sister? You will help me, do you want to help Lu Yan now?"

Lu Yan’s smile, “I don’t need my help at all, she is not in Kyoto.”

"Big brother, why can she become a queen? Why... The emperor only gave me a noble, but was willing to give Empress Lu Hao?" Lu Shuanger felt unwilling, she did not feel that she lost to Lu Hao.

"I don't know." Lu Yizhi shook his head. Murong Chan might have known that Lu Hao had the same appearance as Ye Hao. If he knew that Ye Hao was the one who saved him...

Lu Yizhi did not dare to imagine what kind of endgames Lujia would have.

Lu Shuanger looked at him. "Big Brother, are you... no longer helping me."

"Double children, big brother will save you out." Lu Yizhi whispered to her, "When you become a queen, you can go out."

"You have been deceived by Lu Hao. She is not as kind and innocent as you seem. If she really did not seduce the emperor, would the emperor not want me for her?" Lu Shuanger screamed.

Lu Yanzhi sighed, "Shuanger, you are also our sister, she will help you for our Lujia."

"I don't think Lu Hao can be the daughter of San Shu!" Lu Shuanger snorted and said coldly.

"Double children, what do you say!" Lu Yan's frowning at her, how can she even say this?

Lu Shuanger said, "When I was young, I heard that Sancha and San Shu said that when she was born, she was hurt. It is difficult to get pregnant again. How can she get a landlord when she goes to the border town?"

"What?" Lu Yan was shocked to see Lu Shuanger. "Are you sure?"

Lu Shuanger bites her lip. In fact, she is already uncertain. However, she thinks that Lu Hao will become a queen. She wants to let Lu Hao die. "Yes, don't believe you to ask the uncle!"

"I will naturally ask this question. You are waiting in peace at the Cixi Temple. However, even if you are saved, you may not be able to go back to the palace. You are the most clear person in the emperor. He does not. Like others to lie to him." Lu Yan's voice gently talked to Lu Shuanger.

Lu Shuanger had already thought about the consequences when she asked her about it, but even if she loved Murong Chong, she would not be alone here for a lifetime. No matter where she went, she didn’t want to stay in it. Ci Temple.

"As long as I can leave this ghost place, I will be willing wherever I go." Lu Shuanger said.

"Then I will go first. You will endure for a few more days. I have already let the nuns who read the Temple of Mercy treat you more, and will not force you to do those rough work." Lu Yizhi whispered.

Lu Shuanger nodded with a look of grievances. "Big Brother, you will come to save me."

"Okay." Lu Yizhi took a picture of Lu Shuanger’s head, and then he turned and left the Nianci Temple.

When I came to the foot of the mountain, Lu Hao’s breath was breathing on his chest. No one could understand how excited his mood was. He might not be the daughter of San Shu, he... He actually felt an unprecedented surprise. And expectation.

If you are not the daughter of San Shu, then it is not his cousin!

Lu Yan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Is he... can no longer suppress her feelings for her? Don't think about marrying her early, lest he get deeper and deeper?

She looks too much like Ye Hao, and now he can't tell, whether he is obsessed with Ye Hao, or because he likes Shangyu, she is treated as Ye Hao.

He wants to go back and ask the uncle, if you are not his cousin...

In any case, he will not marry him, even the queen.

He has done it wrong once, lost it once, and didn't want to miss it.

Lu Yizhi suppressed the excitement and strode to the carriage under the mountain. "Go back!"

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