Zhao Tianyu had acupuncture several times. It was not as painful as the first time. The hands no longer had stiff citrus. The legs that had no sense of consciousness had been able to move slightly. This is unprecedented for him. Good phenomenon.

"Your legs and meridians have already passed. You should go out and walk on your own on weekdays, and hold a cane. People can hold their hands. How can they do it? It must be done." Ye Hao packed up the silver needle. Said to Zhao Tianqi.

"Since I have passed the meridian, why can't I walk." Zhao Tianyi sat up with Liang Shu, and when he heard Ye Hao's words, he frowned at her.

Ye Haotou did not say back, "How long have your legs been moved, even if the meridians pass through, the muscles are shrinking, you must move more to recover."

"Lu girl, our island owner ... still need to soak those medicine soup?" Liang Hao asked politely.

As Zhao Tianqi's legs are getting better and better, Liang Shuming's attitude toward Ye Hao is more and more respected. He is no longer as vigilant as her as an enemy.

"Soak once in three days, don't need to soak every day." Ye Hao said.

Zhao Tianyi looked at her and said to Liang Shu, "Go out with me."

Liang Shuming should immediately be, when Zhao Tianqi was in a wheelchair and was about to launch, Zhao Tianyi said faintly, "You also come out together."

Ye Hao also planned to go to Huangfu, and he heard Zhao Tianqi say so, frowning at him.

Zhao Tianyi has already let Liang Shu push it out.

It has been more than half a month since then, and Huangfu is still under house arrest in the yard. Zhao Tianyi has not seen him until the first day.

"Zhaodao Lord, your legs have improved. Can you let us go?" Ye Hao stood by and watched Zhao Tianqi walk with Liang Shu’s hand and walked hard, though only gently moving the pace. But it is much better than being able to sit in a wheelchair.

Zhao Tianyi was sweating in less than a few steps. He looked at Ye Hao lazily.

Ye Hao watched him go back and forth a few times. He walked all the sweat and soaked his clothes. He didn't want to stop. She had to say, "I can practice one hour every day. I can't walk the road for too long, but instead of the body. No benefit."

When Zhao Tianyi heard her say this, she finally did not go any further, but let Liang Hao take him in and change clothes.

This person is really...

Ye Hao made a face behind him. If she didn't want to leave, she didn't want to cure his leg. However, this time she didn't use Lingquan. She relied on her real medical skills to make his legs better. This makes Ye Hao feel a little proud.

After a long while, Zhao Tianqi came back again. There was no such thing as sweating all over the body. He was so refreshing that Liang Hao pushed him to the pavilion in the courtyard.

"I heard that your chess is good, come and play with me." Zhao Tianqi's sultry and beautiful face with a smile, indicating that Ye Hao came over the pavilion.

"Where did you hear that my chess is good?" Ye Hao raised her eyebrows. She played chess with Master here. Is it really someone who supervises Master?

Zhao Tianyi smiled faintly. "His Royal Highness, you are anxious to leave here, want to go back to Kyoto, or want to go?"

Ye Haojing sat down from himself, "Huaijiang."

"Don't you be able to guarantee my legs after half a month?" Zhao Tianyu asked.

"I am not a god. Even if your legs are connected to the meridian, you need to work hard to practice walking. It is good to walk normally after half a year." Ye Hao said, "If you don't believe me, you can ask my master to ask." ask."

When it comes to Huangfu, Zhao Tianqi’s face becomes hard to look at. “Don’t prescribe him in front of me.”

Ye licked his lips, "That you..."

"How can you worship the emperor as a teacher?" Zhao Tianyi interrupted Ye Hao's words, but his eyes looked at the board and he played against himself.

Ye Hao said, "I want to worship him as a teacher and worship him as a teacher. Master is not only proficient in divination, but also skilled in medicine. It is my pleasure to worship him as a teacher."

“Bu a?” Zhao Tianqi sneered. “If he is going to have a divination, how can he not know what happened to him in the past?”

"Is it possible to figure it out, even if he wants to change, there is no way?" Ye Hao looked at Zhao Tianyi faintly. "Not all fates can be easily changed. It will not mean that he is a god."

Zhao Tianyi said a moment, "You are right, that is also your master is useless."

"It seems that you are very useful. You want to be so powerful. Can you practice yourself in this way?" Although Ye Hao didn't know what happened to Master and Zhao Tianqi before, she was so short-guarded. Can't say her master.

"You are not afraid of it." Zhao Tianyi looked at her coldly.

Ye Hao smiled. "Is there any terrible thing now? Big is a death."

When she said this, she suddenly felt a murderous face, and Ye Hao raised an eyebrow and looked at Zhao Tianqi.

Zhao Tianqi fingers holding a chess piece and gently placed it on the chessboard. "Mu Xue, I remember I said, you better not appear in my line of sight."

Mu Xue’s figure came out of the corner and looked at Ye Hao with a sullen look. “Two young masters, this woman is disrespectful to you, and the teacher teaches her for you.”

"Roll!" Zhao Tianqi shouted in a loud voice.

"Two young masters?" Mu Xue turned his head in disbelief. Before, whoever dared to be so arrogant in front of the second young master, he had already been killed. Why did the second young master let go of this woman?

Ye Hao looked at the chessboard that had already won the game, and smiled and picked up the sunspot. It seemed to be casually put down. "It seems that Zhaodao’s main man can’t keep up with him."

Zhao Tianqi is cold, "Lu Hao, don't provoke distraction in front of me."

His words were finished, but his eyes were attracted by the chess game on the board. Actually, one of them was defeated.

Mu Xue stood behind Zhao Tianqi, staring at Ye Hao indifferently.

"How did you do it?" Zhao Tianqi looked up and looked at her in surprise.

Ye Xiao smiled. "You didn't hear that my chess is good? I am telling you that my chess is really good."


"Master!" Outside the gazebo, Qiu Yuan rushed over and interrupted the conversation between the two.

Zhao Tianyi looked at him and said, "What is it?"

When Qiu Yuan saw Ye Hao at the scene, he went up to Zhao Tianyi and said in his ear, "The master, there is something on the side of the mine, saying that he wants to leave..."

"Do you want to tell me about such a small thing? Whoever wants to leave, who will kill." Zhao Tianyi said coldly.

Qiu Yuandao, "There are... there are hundreds of people who are making trouble."

Did you kill those hundred people? At least half of the iron ore work was done.

Zhao Tianyi frowned for a moment, looked up at Ye Hao, "You go with me to see."

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