Zhao Tianyi agreed to Ye Hao to collect medicine, but Liang must follow her.

The next day, the sky was bright, the mountain wind was slowly cool, and Ye Hao was carrying the small bamboo building and went up the mountain. Liang Shuan looked like her with no expression, and seemed very reluctant.

Ye Hao was too lazy to care about his reluctance. Anyway, her focus was not on collecting medicine. She just wanted to go to the mountain to see it. Maybe she could see the iron mine on the mountain. "The mountain over there is high, let's go there. Let's go."

"This is everywhere in the mountains. What kind of herbs do you need to go so far?" Liang Shu asked.

"Did you not find it here yesterday? Can you find it?" Ye Haotou did not return to ask, the herbs she wanted were actually very ordinary, but there were too many similarities, so Liang Shucai took the wrong every time.

Liang Shuo had nothing to say, so he had to follow Ye Hao to the highest hill.

When I went to the mountain, the sun had already risen. Ye Hao stood on the mountain and looked down. I saw the people who were mining in the distance.

"Your master is really courageous, and in one sentence, those people are afraid to make trouble again." Ye Hao pretended to look down on the medicine, but her eyes kept looking down the mountain. She wanted to find the familiar figure, but it was too far away. In addition to seeing the movement of the figure, she could not see which one is him.

Liang Shuming seemed to be very satisfied with hearing that Ye Hao praised his master and smiled on his face. "Our island owners are naturally powerful."

"Why is your island owner not his brother, but Zhao Tianqi?" Ye Hao asked curiously.

"The young master is weak since he was a child. There is no way to deal with the many chores on the island. Moreover, our second master is the descendant of the Zhao family. The young master... is not that." Liang said.

Ye Hao snorted. "The feelings of their brothers should be good."

Liang Shu said, "That is nature. The young master is very caring for the second master."

"If you really love your two young masters, why should you let Zhao Tianqi go to the Central Plains to open a private mine? You don't know if this is a very dangerous thing? He always hides behind him." Ye Hao said with a smile, how did she feel? Zhao Minghao doesn't sound like Zhao Tianyi.

She felt that Zhao Tianqi was being used.

The two of them were talking, and suddenly there was a scream from the foot of the mountain.

When Liang Shuo turned his head and looked at it, his face became iron and blue. "How can there be officers and men?"

Ye Hao rounded his eyes and looked at the mountain with horror. I don’t know when there were hundreds of soldiers and watched the costumes of those people... It didn’t seem like ordinary officers and men. "That is the soldiers of the military camp, not the officers and men of the government."

"Who did these people bring?" Liang Shuan looked at Ye Hao with a stern look.

"What do you think of me? I was brought here with my blindfold, except for the past few days, I have not even opened the door of the villa." Ye Hao said with no anger.

Liang Shu looked at the soldiers who had surrounded the entire iron mine, and their people were killed and caught. One of the generals dressed up was talking with two men dressed in coarse clothes and watching the general. Attitude seems to be very respectful.

"I will go back and tell the island owner!" Liang Shuo felt that the man standing under the hand was not so simple. Although he could not see his appearance, he could only feel his majestic momentum when he looked at his back.

Ye Hao stood at the top of the mountain and did not move. Now she can recognize him, but he is facing her, and she is standing here without seeing her.

"Go, go back with me!" Liang Wei was afraid that Ye Hao would run away and grab her hand to go back.

"You can't take me with you. Can I still run away? My master and two of my descendants are still in the village. You should go back and tell Zhao Tianyi. If those people find the villa, he will be in danger." Was pulled down the mountain and almost fell.

Liang Shu looked back at her and thought that what she said seemed to make sense. "Okay, but even if you run away, our island owner can also take you back."

"He can escape the pursuit of these soldiers and say it." Ye Hao said, thinking that Murong Zhan really said the same as Huangfu, he not only found iron ore, but actually brought the soldiers, this private mine is only afraid today Then it became a royal official mine.

Liang Shuzhen was in a hurry. He was really worried about the safety of Zhao Tianqi, so that regardless of Ye Hao, he would use his power to fly through the mountains.

Ye Hao breathed a sigh of relief and looked back down the mountain.

The man who was still talking to General Meng had looked up and looked at him. His eyes should be watching her. Although Ye Hao couldn’t see clearly, he could feel it. Almost at the same time he looked at him, he was already flying fast. The ground flew to her.

This is the first time she has seen the martial arts of Murong Cham. His light work is so powerful... Less than half a cup of tea, he has come to the top of the mountain, and there is no distraction in his breath. It’s just that the eyes are hot and scary. Ye Hao almost did not dare to look at him.

The easyness of the face of Murong Zhan has been cleaned up. There is no expression on the handsome face. If his dark and dark eyes are too hot, Ye Hao must suspect that he does not want to see her at all.

"Emperor...Imperial." Ye Hao thought that he looked a bit scary and couldn't help but step back.

"Where is the emperor?" Murong Zhan stopped, and the burning in the sputum gradually precipitated. The voice was low and dull, and it seemed to be very tired.

Ye Hao listened to his indifferent voice, and his heart was inexplicably blocked. "In the mountain village over there, there are two people."

"He will take you down the mountain first." Murong Zhan said coldly, and the rogue who always liked to hug her before was judged as two.

"Yes." Ye Hao wanted to ask him how he found it. When did the soldiers come, but looking at his cold and indifferent side, she couldn't ask a word.

Murong Zhan strode down the mountain, although she has deliberately slowed down waiting for her, but soon she will fall a long distance.

He stopped and waited for her without looking back. When she stumbled and walked over to him, he went on.

Ye Hao looked at his strong and generous back, and he didn't know what was wrong with his grievances. What does this mean? Are you angry with her? Still want her to ask for him?

She licked her lips and was caught here not what she wanted. What did he get angry with her?

"Hey will let people send you back to Kyoto first." Murong Zhan said coldly in front.

"I don't go back to Kyoto, I have to go to Huaijiang with Master." Ye Hao whispered back to him.

Murong Zhan stopped, looked back at her cold eyes, and her chest was ups and downs. "Do you want to go to Huaijiang?"

"I originally wanted to go to Huaijiang..." Ye Hao said, "I don't go back to Kyoto anyway."

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