Murong Zhan is really angry, but when she saw her, he just wanted to hold her in her arms, and then kissed her slyly, letting her know that his urge to find her for these days is already coming. Become crazy.

But at the moment she saw her back, his heart seemed to have a cold wind, and it immediately ruined his blaze.

She is still resisting him, and is not willing to accept his closeness. Even in order to avoid him, she would rather sneak out of Kyoto with the emperor. If he didn't go to see her that night, he didn't even know how long it would take her to leave. If it wasn't for him that he couldn't worry about coming to her, he didn't even know she had an accident.

As long as she thought of what she had suffered in this private mine, he was sore and swollen, and he wanted to smash the corpse of the private mine. But these moods are not as good as the heartache and heart that just saw her fear of retreating. Gray is cold.

He looked back and looked at her coldly and asked her in a low voice. "In order to avoid the shackles, would you rather go to Huaijiang than return to Kyoto?"

She went to Huaijiang really to avoid him. I wanted to think carefully about what to do next, but I didn't expect it to be... I was caught by Zhao Tianqi's people, but I didn't expect him to come to save them.

"I went to Huaijiang, and naturally I will go back to Kyoto." Ye Hao whispered, who thought it was a ruthless person who hated it. Suddenly he found that he was not like this. Everything was just caused by misleading concealment. The stock supported her soul to wander in the palace for two years. After reborn in her sister, she did not disappear. There was nowhere to go. She was very confused. She didn’t know what to do next and refused him. She was forced to die, he still refused to let go, but she was not willing to leave, she has not let Lu Hao get retribution.

Staying in Kyoto, I must face the feelings of Murong Cham, she even needs him to deal with Lu Yizhi, so she is in a dilemma, I do not know how to be good.

Murong Zhan took a deep breath. "Lu Hao, I have never put any woman in my heart in this life. You are such a bad heart, are you?"

"I am not..." Ye Hao wants to explain, but I don't know where to start, and I don't dare to look at his face.

"You are not what? You don't want to avoid you, are you not afraid to entangle you so you leave Kyoto?" Murong clenched her shoulders, pulled her to the front, and asked her in anger.

Ye Hao’s hands pressed against his chest. “I... I want to avoid you, but I also want to go to Huaijiang because...”

"You can rest assured that you will not entangle you again in the future. You don't need to avoid swearing. You are not really you, let your ruined heart." Murong clenched her shoulders, anger in his eyes. Burning, since she would rather escape in order to avoid him, what does it mean to force her to accept him?

"Do you really?" asked Ye Hao.

Ink Murray's thin lips sneered a sneer. "Isn't that what you expected?"

Does she expect this? Ye Hao himself does not know what he is expecting.

Seeing her silent, Murong Chong thought she was the default, and turned to want to go down the mountain.

Ye Hao frowned at his back and sank a little bit in her heart. She didn't know where the impulse came from. She suddenly ran up and reached for his sleeve.

Murong Zhan wants to open her hand, but the strength is not full, looking back at her indifferently.

"I just want to go to Huaijiang to help the doctor..." Ye Hao clasped his sleeves tightly, but did not dare to look up at him.

"Let go." Murong Zhan quietly spoke.

Ye Hao had been slamming his sleeves with an impulse. Now he was so drunk, his heart was ashamed, and his fingers were immediately released.

She glanced at him and turned and left.

Murong Zhan sighed in her heart, her long arm grabbed her thin waist, hugged her in her arms, bowed her lips, kissed her little tongue, sucked and kissed, lingering, sly, unstoppable. He wants her to know how much he misses and worried about her.

Ye Hao was kissed by his feet and his feet were tight, and his hands clung to his clothes. When he was about to breathe, he finally let go of her.

Murong Chong buried his face in her neck and sighed in a dumb voice. "Hey, who made you torture like this?"

"Who is tormenting you!" Ye Hao whispered.

"Go back first, Don Juan, they are still down the hill." Although there are still many words to tell her, but now is not the time, they have not found the person in the sedan chair.

Ye Hao hasn't spoken yet. He has been hugged by Murong Zhan and went down at a fast speed.

"Who is the person who spoke in the sedan?" Murong Zhan looked at her lowly, and was very alert to the people in the sedan chair that day.

"Zhao Tianqi, living in the mountain village over there, the private mine here is his." Ye Hao replied, "How did you find it here?"

Murong Chan frowned. She didn't seem to have heard of this person's name before. He held her tighter. "Can he hurt you?"

"No, in fact, Zhao Tianqi is not difficult to get along with..." Although some of his things are very cruel, she thinks that he is actually a good person. When he thought about helping the emperor, he was definitely not a really sultry person. .

I heard that the little man in his arms seemed to have a good impression on Zhao Tianqi. Murong Zhan’s heart was sour. "Have you been with him for more than half a month?"

Ye Hao said, "He is not good at his legs. I am treating him... He and Master are old-fashioned, but Master has been under house arrest for more than half a month."

Murong Zhan stepped in a footstep. "He puts him under house arrest, but let you treat him?"

"There was a misunderstanding between them because of the misunderstanding, so they refused to let Master cure him." Ye Hao explained, "Do you see what marks my Master left to know that we are here?"

"Hey, let people find you. When you get to Gujia Village, you will break the clue and find it in a few days." Murong Zhan whispered, "Is there any harm?"

Ye Hao gently shook his head. "No, just worry... can't leave here."

"I have said that no matter where you go, you will find you even if you dig three feet." Murong Zhan kissed her forehead and whispered her lips against her skin.

"I still have to go to Huaijiang." Ye Hao said.

He really should be worried about her, instead of her being slightly willing to approach him, she immediately put her in her arms.

Murong Zhan whispered, "Don't you go?"

Ye Hao shook his head resolutely. "I just want to go to Huaijiang."

"Hey, you would rather leave Kyoto and avoid swearing, isn't it... really reluctant to be with you?" Murong Chan gently put her down and looked down at her clear eyes.

"When I come back from Huaijiang, I will tell you something. If you still want to make me a queen at that time, then... then let's talk about it." Ye Hao said.

"Good!" Murong Cham daggers.

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