In the next few days, in addition to the injured people on the ship, Ye Hao continued to treat the injury. The life on the boat was a lot calmer. As Shen Yuexuan took what the thief’s head would do, she didn’t care, she only cares. When can I get to Bohai City, as for other things on board, I have nothing to do with her.

"Girl, I can go to Bohai City tomorrow." Hung Hom went to Ye Hao and looked at the direction of Bohai City.

Ye Hao’s eyes were slightly bright, I don’t know if they started, and she thought her brother was in Dongqing, and her mood was full of expectations.

"We still have to go to Wangducheng." Hung Hom said.

"I hope to go to Wangducheng before the New Year." Ye Hao whispered that after Wangducheng, she should be arranged in the palace soon, but even if she became a medical girl, she still had to find a way to give the emperor I am sick.

"Certainly possible."

"It turns out that you are also going to Wangducheng. It is a coincidence that I am going to Wangducheng. It seems that we really have a fate." Murong Yi did not know when he came behind them and looked at Ye Hao with a smile.

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed a touch of impatience, how he always saw him in the past few days, and sneered and said, “There is more to go to Wangducheng here. It seems that this fate is also easier.”

Murong said with a smile, "How do I feel that I have a special relationship with you?"

“Do you often have this illusion?” Ye Hao glanced at him.

"Little girl, is this your attitude towards benefactors?" Murong Yan raised his eyebrows. He thought he did not offend her. How she ignored her every time she saw him.

When Ye Hao heard the words of his Tyan, his face became more ugly. "What attitude do you still want me?"

Murong Yu was about to talk, but the end of the eye swept the river and there were two big ships. He was cold and cold, grabbed Ye Hao’s hand and pushed her back. “Go back to the room, don’t let me hear anything.” ""

"Why should I listen to you?" Ye Hao cried in a sigh of relief, not finding the two big ships on the river facing them.

"Girl!" Hung Hom grabbed Ye Hao's hand and looked straight ahead with his eyes.

Ye Hao looked at the side and his face changed slightly. "Is those pirates?"

Murong whispered, "It should be to save Bai Ziqi."

"Then let him go." Ye Hao said, now they certainly do not have the strength to deal with the pirates hard, if those thieves forced to board the ship, they must only have a dead end this time.

"Let him go, if he continues to kill us?" Murong whispered to ask Ye Hao.

Ye Hao didn't know how to answer this question. She almost thought that the pirates were all moral. As long as they put Bai Ziqi, those pirates would leave.

"Go back to the room first, don't come out." Murong grabbed Ye Hao's shoulder and forced her into the wing.

Xiaoqi licked his mouth and licked his mouth, and the golden cockroach sharply looked at Murong.

Murong screamed and said to Xiaoqi, "I am protecting your master."

Hung Hom looked at him, but I wondered if the Emperor knew that the girl was entangled by such a man, would it be so angry that it would be violent?

"Small seven, red dragonfly, come in." Ye Hao did not intend to do anything, this is the Shen family's boat, should not be so easily robbed by the pirates.



Mo Rongzhan’s recent mood has been depressed to the extreme. With Ye Yiqing’s departure, the court’s minister seems to have breathed a sigh of relief and began to actively ask him to recruit the harem and open the branches for the Moh’s family. Now he does not have a prince. This is one of the things that all ministers care most about and care about.

Without the prince, it proves that the current throne has no orthodox inheritance. They have no longer dared to ask Murong Zhan to take back the imperial edict. Anyway, Lu Hao is not in Kyoto now. Can she return or another thing, if Persuaded the emperor to go up to the scorpion, and before the Lu Yi entered the palace, the gentleman, at least also occupied the position of an eldest son.

Mo Rongzhan did not want to establish a plan. He had chosen a lot of jealousy from the show last time. He didn’t want to touch it. Even if he tried to recruit more, the result was the same. Don’t think he didn’t know the group. What the old guy is thinking, his child can only let Ye Hao give birth, not another woman.

"Turn these songs and throw them away!" Murong Zhan picked up the memorial at hand, and at the same time he advised him to choose a woman. He threw the score and threw it out.

Fu Gonggong hurriedly held the memorials, and Murong Zhan saw the album sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and his mood became more depressed.

He never knew that he would be crazy about Miss Yeh on such a day.

Has she been safe to Dongqing, who will meet her on this road, will she meet a man who is better for her?

Most afraid that she will be tempted by others.

Ye Yiqing said yes, Ye Hao never had the opportunity to go outside, and even had no chance to know other men who were better for her. When she met him at the age of eight, she only thought about him.

He hopes that she will only think about him in the future.

"The emperor, where are you going?" Fu Gonggong returned after the memorial was sent, but he saw the emperor going out. "The aunt is coming to the aunt and wants to invite the emperor to eat together tonight."

Murong Cham has not gone to Ci Ning Palace for several days. He does not want to see the Queen Mother today.

Last time in Cining Palace, the words of the Empress Dowager were also to persuade him to obey the Minister. At this time, he would recruit the harem, and in the future those ministers would not strongly oppose him again.

The meaning of the Queen Mother, if he does not want to choose to enter the palace again, then choose a scorpion to give birth to the emperor, this is also a way to block those ministers.

This is why he did not want to go to the Cining Palace to see the Queen Mother. He knew that the Queen Mother did not persuade him because he was disgusted. She just thought that this would be better for him. At least those ministers would not continue to bother him.

The Queen Mother is a kind-hearted person. She is not enough to understand her, and she is not enough to understand Murong Cham.

Murong Cham has never been a person who will easily compromise, otherwise he will not leave Kyoto on the second day of his family.

"This is the old man's house?" Murong Zhan looked at the word on the threshold. He went out of the palace today for a more important thing. Although he missed Ye Hao very much, he would not miss her. And ignore the state affairs.

His Jin Guo now needs a prime minister.

Some of the court officials have been eager to move, thinking that he will promote a person between them into the cabinet to become a prime minister.

"The emperor, this is the old man's house." Fu Gonggong whispered before going up.

"Go knocking on the door." Murong Zhan said faintly, he is here to come to see the old man, to say that there is no one in this country who is qualified for the prime minister. There is only one person in his mind, that is, Xu is old.

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