Ye Hao waited for a long time in the wing, and she thought that she would hear the sound of the killing on the deck again. However, there was no sound coming.

"Lu girl, Lu girl!" Li Yu Niang's ring was knocking outside.

"What's wrong?" Red Dragonfly went to open the door.

The ankle ring stood outside the door and dared not come in. After seeing Xiaoqi, he was even scared and pale. "Land...Lu girl, our lady is looking for you, something to tell you."

Ye Hao nodded lightly and whispered to Hung Hom. "It seems that something is wrong outside. You have to see what happened."

Xiaoqi followed closely behind Ye Hao.

Li Yuniang has already woken up. She didn't look like a makeup. She just looked very handsome. It was just because she was injured. At this time, she looked very weak on the bed. When she saw Ye Hao coming in, she sent the two rings in the room.

The two rings looked at each other and looked at Ye Hao, and then they lowered their heads out of the room.

"Do you have anything to look for me?" Ye Hao came in and saw her looks better than yesterday, knowing that she was not looking for her because of the wound.

"Lu girl, thank you for saving my life." Li Yuniang had no chance to meet other people since she woke up. She had only seen Shen Yuexuan except her ring.

Ye Hao looked at her with a low faint look. "No thanks, Shen gave me a very generous consultation."

Li Yuniang smiled bitterly. "I still have some value."

"Are you looking for me to say this?" Ye Hao looked completely different from Li Yu Niang, but there was nothing disgusting in her heart. It was just her own special situation and she didn't want to have too many intersections with other people.

"Can you tell me what happened outside?" Li Yuniang whispered.

Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows. "You let your ring go out and see it."

"They are not my ring, they won't listen to me. If I don't feel uncomfortable, they won't come to you." Li Yu-niang said, "I have been like you, so rude to you, you are willing Save me, I know that you are a good person."

Good person? Ye Hao smiled a little, this description is fresh.

Li Yu Niang is strong and wants to sit up straight. "Is that Bai Ziqi still on board?"

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded. "You can rest assured that he is locked up and will not hurt you."

"Impossible." Li Yuniang shook her head. "He will definitely try to kill me, Lu girl, I want to ask you something."

Ye Hao wrinkled her eyebrows, she didn't want to agree, and the subconscious thought it would not be a good thing.

"I escaped from Caojiazhai. I originally wanted to go to Dongqingguo, but Baiziqi refused to let me go. I went to Jinguo, and I finally came to Shenyuexuan. I thought I could finally go to Dongqingguo to find Cao Ye. Son... I didn’t expect Bai Ziqi to dare to rob the Shen’s boat, Lu girl, this is what Bai Ziqi and Shen Yuexuan are looking for, can you hide for me.” Li Yuniang took a piece of parchment from her body and gave it to her. Ye Hao.

Ye Hao did not reach out to pick up, she did not want to agree with Li Yu Niang.

"Lu girl, if I am taken away by those pirates, or killed, please send this picture to Dongqingguo this year's champion, his name is Cao Yu..." Li Yuniang eyes with tears, "seeking You, Lu girl, I have no retreat."

Ye Hao looked at her pale and fragile face. "You said that the man is the champion?"

"Yes, you hand this over to him, beg you." Li Yuniang cried.

"Why don't you let Shen Yuexuan help you?" Ye Hao asked softly.

Li Yuniang laughed at herself. "How could he help me? Shen Yuexuan seems to be passionate, but in fact he is the most ruthless. If he gets this map, he will definitely not save me."

Ye Hao looked at her hesitantly. She didn't want to blend into the things of Li Yuniang and Shen Yuexuan. However, she said that Cao Yu was the champion of Dongqingguo, that is, her colleagues, and I don't know how to have a relationship with him. ?

"Lu girl, no one knows that this picture is on you, I will not say it." Li Yuniang looked at Ye Hao almost desperately.

"They all know that this picture is on you, if you can't pay it?" Ye Hao whispered.

Li Yu Niang said, "You can rest assured that I have been prepared."

"Do you want to give them a fake?" Ye Hao frowned at her. "What if you are found?"

"My life was originally saved by Cao Ye. Now, how can I care for his life? When they find fake, it will take a long time. Lu girl, beg you, help me." Cried and said.

Ye Hao hesitated a moment and finally took the sheepskin map from her hands. "I don't know if I can find Cao Yu that you said. However, I am going to Wangducheng. I can only give this to you for you."

Li Yuniang seems to have explained her wishes. The whole person relaxed and fell on the bed. "Thank you, Lu girl."

"Then I am gone." Ye Hao looked at her and turned and opened the door.

The two rings outside the door were still guarded. I saw Ye Hao coming out and hurriedly asked, "Lu girl, don't worry about our wife's wounds?"

"You pay attention to some, do not touch the wound when scrubbing, have not healed, it is easy to crack open." Ye Hao said coldly.

The two rings look at each other. "We know."

Ye Hao returned to the wing and took out the shackles in his arms. After thinking about it, he put the map into the dark space inside the medicine box.

What happened to the outside? If there is a pirate, there should already be a sound of killing and killing, but it is still so quiet.

The red dragonfly who went out to inquire about the news had not returned yet. Ye Hao waited for a while and didn’t see anyone. He planned to go to the deck to see it. He just walked out of the wing and saw a pirate ship next to their passenger ship. There are still many pirates on it.

In Ye Xin’s heart, these pirates are a bit strange, they don’t seem to be doing anything.

She hurried to the deck and saw the red dragonfly on the neck of the two pirates with a knife.

"Girl!" The red dragonfly saw Ye Hao coming out and his face changed slightly.

"What do you want to do?" Ye Hao's face was covered with frost, and his eyes looked coldly at the three men on the deck.

Shen Yuexuan did not know when Bai Zikai had been released. Now they are drinking with Murong Yu sitting on the deck of the dwarf, and her ring is threatened by two people dressed in Hai Ze.

"Is this little doll confusing me?" Bai Ziqi saw Ye Hao and immediately stood up and drank. "Take her to me!"

When Ye Hao’s face sank, he was about to prepare the sleeved arrow, but he listened to Murong’s cold drink. “Who dares to touch her?”

Bai Ziqi looked black at him. "Mu Rongzhen, Laozi has no other requirements, and wants to negotiate with Laozi, then throw her down the river!"

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