Hearing that Bai Ziqi was going to throw her into the river, Ye Hao’s eyes were more chilly, and he knew that he should shoot him with an arrow!

Murong Yu gently put the glass on the table, "Impossible."

Bai Ziqi turned his head and looked at him. He snorted. "How, Murong, is this not your woman, even if it is your woman, what is it, throw her into the river, Lao Tzu gives you more Woman."

Ye Hao does not expect Murong Yu or Shen Yuexuan to save him. Merchants are profitable. They must only look at the interests. If they don’t cooperate with Bai Ziqi, there will inevitably be a killing of you. If you kill her, you can get the whole boat. Security, I believe they will not mind doing this.

"You give me more women, and can't compare with her." Murong said in a faint voice, "We talk about cooperation, it does not include people who want to kill me."

When did she become a Murong Yu? Ye Xie was in deep anger, but she still resisted and did not open her mouth.

Bai Ziqi whispered, "So, you don't want to talk about it? I have never been stumped by a woman, or killed this woman, or just fight one."

"You are so sure that you can win us?" Shen Yuexuan asked with sneer.

"On the basis of several boatmen on your merchant ship, I want to fight with the people of our two ships?" Bai Ziqi snorted. "We are living on the water, we want to fight with us, you want to be clear." ?"

Murong said faintly, "Did you not catch you once? Unless you can guarantee that you will not be arrested for the second time, you will not be qualified to negotiate here."

"That is not to talk about!" Bai Ziqi cried a table.

"Bai Ziqi, don't forget who you are still in!" Shen Yuexuan screamed.

"Hey, I have to shut down Laozi once again!" Bai Ziqi sneered, his eyes gloomy to Ye Hao. "Just for such a woman, are you really desperate?"

Shen Yuexuan knows that they are not playing Bai Ziqi now. If he chooses, he would rather take Lu Hao and Bai Ziqi to exchange. However, it seems that Murong Yu does not intend to do this. He looks to Murong Yu and waits for him to make a decision.

Murong’s face is still not changed at all. He didn’t even look at Bai Ziqi. “If you hurt her, I guarantee that there will be no living roads for your Baijiazhai.”

Bai Ziqi heard the words and laughed. "Can you live without knowing tomorrow, you still want to kill me Baijiazhai?"

"Bai Ziqi, he really can." Shen Yuexuan looked at Bai Ziqi and lowered his voice seriously. "You don't want to know who he is. How many people in this world think that I am worthy of my respectfulness." ?"

"Six Ye, you thought it was..." Bai Ziqi's ridicule was abruptly stopped, his eyes rounded up and looked at Murong Yu, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

Shen Yuexuan is very satisfied with seeing Bai Ziqi’s reaction. “White boss, still want to fight?”

Ye Hao heard inexplicably, what is the identity of Murong Yu, actually let Bai Ziqi fear this way, his face has become iron.

However, it is possible to make Shen Yuexuan so respectful, and think that it should not be an ordinary merchant. Besides, she has never heard of a big merchant with a surname Murong.

Bai Ziqi took a deep breath, "Well, your six-female woman, I don't dare to kill Bai Ziqi, then talk about... that's a slap in the picture."

Murong smacked a glimpse of Ye Hao and whispered, "Go back to the room first."

"Let them go." Bai Ziqi shouted loudly at his own men.

The two pirates face each other and took the knife on the neck of the red dragonfly.

"Girl..." Hung Hom hurried to Ye Hao's side, staring at the two pirates with vigilance.

"Let's go." Ye Hao took Hsiung's hand and turned to look at Murong's eyes. On his black and black eyes, her heart sank and hurriedly avoided his eyes. Said, "Go back to the room first."

The master and the servant returned to the wing, and nothing happened outside, but the pirate ship next to it was always followed, and it seemed that there was no intention to leave.

I don't know how long it took, the voice of Li Yuniang crying next door, and Hung Hom stood up and walked to the door with Xiaoqi.

Ye Hao knows that Li Yuniang is only afraid of being fierce, and that Bai Ziqi looks like a scholar. The feasible thing is completely a thief's head. He can't have a bit of pity and jade.

That map...

If you let them know about her, it is estimated that she will not let her go.

"Girl, there is no sound outside," Hung Hom whispered.

"Don't go out tonight, and leave immediately after landing tomorrow." Ye Hao whispered, it is best not to see them again in the future.

After about half an hour, the sky was dark, and a bright moon hangs in the air, and the water is shining. It can be seen in the eyes of Ye Hao, who has been watching the water for several days. This is not new, she is not in the mood to appreciate it. This scenery, because the pirate ship has been followed.

A door knock suddenly sounded outside the door.

Hung Hom immediately asked, "Who?"

"Lu girl, our grandfather let the small give you dinner." Yingquan outside smiled and said.

Ye Hao nodded to the red dragonfly. When he opened the door, he saw Murong’s little sister standing outside and looking at them with a smile.

"Lu girl, our father said that you haven't eaten for a long time, this is what he sent for a small special trip." Ying Quan said to Ye Hao.

"Thank you for your grandfather." Ye Hao said faintly, his eyebrows are still indifferent.

Hung Hom took the food box from Ying Quan. "Thank you, this little brother, you go slowly."

Ying Quan thought that their grandfather’s eyes were really strange. This little girl didn’t look good at all. Why did he make him so valued? "Lu girl, our father said, if you think of going outside, it is ok, those pirates are afraid of how you are."

"Okay, I know." Ye Hao said faintly.

"That small is the first to go." Yingquan lingered in his heart, this little girl is really indifferent, the same is true for their lord, what is worthy of the end.

After sending away Murong’s little sister, Hung Hom immediately closed the door. She put the food box down and looked at Ye Hao with a careful look. “Girl, this Murong... seems to care about you.”

Ye Hao frowned and glanced at her. "Don't say this later."

Hung Hom hurriedly covered his mouth. "Yes, girl, slave is wrong."

"Do you know who Liu Ye is?" Ye Hao asked in confusion, what kind of person in the world called Liu Ye can make Shen Yuexuan respectful?

The red dragonfly shook his head gently. "The slave has never heard of it before. Maybe...Do you know what the uncle knows?"

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