Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 531: Your life is mine

Ye Hao did not let Hung Hom go to find Manchu, they are still on the Shen family's boat, every move must be cautious.

Until dawn, Ye Hao did not go out, and no one to disturb her. She did not know how Murong told them how to talk to Bai Ziqi. Anyway, she had nothing to do with her. She only had to go ashore safely.

"Girl, the white child has gone away." Hung Hom ran back and said with a pant. "The slave looked at him and left in a small boat."

"Leaving?" Ye Hao slightly stunned, it seems that they talked with Shen Yuexuan, but did not know the result.

Hung Hom whispered, "I will soon go to Bohai City, and those pirates will not continue to follow, or they will be discovered by the sailors."

Ye Hao gently nodded. "I am going to see Li Yuniang."

"You don't have to go, she is no longer on the boat." Murong Yu appeared outside the door, and the bright scorpion looked faintly at Ye Hao.

"What do you mean?" Ye Hao frowned at him.

Murong’s voice said indifferently, “Shen Yuexuan handed her over to Bai Ziqi.”

"Bai Ziqi will not let her go, how can Shen Yuexuan hand over her to him?" Ye Hao's tone is a bit more unpleasant. Although she doesn't like Li Yuniang very much, she can hear that she was handed over like this. Some anger.

Probably because she was almost thrown away by Bai Ziqi yesterday, this is a kind of anger of rabbits.

Murong Yu looked at her deeply. "How does Shen Yuexuan treat his woman, only he knows."

"Bai Ziqi will kill Li Yuniang." Ye Hao said, "Shen Yue Xuan Ming knows the result."

"Little girl, before you want to fight the injustice, you must be able to protect yourself." Murong looked at her like a smile.

Ye Hao knows that he is reminding her that if she was not him yesterday, she might not be much better than Li Yu Niang’s end.

"Who are you?" Ye Hao looked at him and asked.

Murong’s nephew’s nephew got a smile, and he leaned closer to Ye’s face. “So want to know me?”

Ye Hao glanced at him coldly, "Not at all."

"Small girl, how many times have I saved you?" Murong's mild and gentle voice sounded like a stream of spring water, and even those eyes became more handsome and vivid because of the smile.

"I am very grateful that you did not let Bai Ziqi throw me into Bailongjiang last night." Ye Hao said seriously, she really owes him a kindness.

Murong slammed his lips and smiled, "Well, then?"

"And then..." Ye Hao raised her eyebrows, what else did she and him then? "The grace of life, will naturally be remembered."

“Is that the case?” Murong Yan looked at her with a funny smile. “It’s too cold for your savior.”

Ye Hao faintly glanced at him. "I think this is already the best."

Murong smirked out loudly. He felt that he definitely had a problem. He would like to see such a little girl more and more, even if she never had a good face to him, "I am going to Bohai City, I will send you Go to the capital city."

"I can go by myself." Ye Hao frowned. She didn't want to have a meeting with him after she came ashore. It is best not to meet again in her life.

"You are not afraid of Bai Ziqi people waiting for you in Bohai City?" Murong asked, raising his eyebrows. "Your life is saved by me. I don't want you to be caught by him in a blink of an eye."

Ye stunned. "Isn't Bai Ziqi gone?"

Murong said with a smile, "Bai Ziqi has a hatred for this person. He suffered a loss in the hands of a woman for the first time in his life. How could he let you go? He can't go ashore now, but he doesn't represent someone who doesn't have him in Bohai City."

"I can protect myself." Ye Hao said.

"You can't protect yourself." Murong said faintly, "Well, go back to the room, don't come out before you ship, don't worry about other people's lives, you can't protect yourself, you still think." Help others?"

Ye Hao heard the indifference in Murong’s voice. It seems that the life of others is irrelevant to him. He seems to be a passionate person, and he is actually a very ruthless person.

"You are right, you shouldn't be idle." Ye Hao said faintly.

It seems that no one knows that Li Yuniang has given her a slap in the picture. I don’t know if Li Yuniang gave Shen Yuexuan their fake plans. Before they find out, she is better off avoiding them.

Ye Hao returned to the room and waited. After about an hour, she finally saw the port not far away.

They went to Bohai City.

"Girl, we are here." Hung Hom said happily.

"Yeah." Ye Hao nodded and finally went to Dongqingguo. He said that someone would pick her up after landing.

After a short time, their ship slowed down and stopped at the shore with the help of the tracker.

On the river for a few days, when Ye Hao was on the land, he felt that the whole person was still shaking.

"Little girl, don't hurry to walk, stand for a while and then go." Murong's voice came behind her, has come to Ye Hao's side, looking at her with gaze.

This person is really like a shadow, Ye Hao glanced at him impatiently.

"My carriage is over there, come with me." Murong said.

Ye Hao said coldly, "I also have a carriage."

"Are you not coming to find a relative? Who will pick you up?" Murong picked up his eyebrows and did not believe her words.

"I can... rent a carriage." Ye licked his lips and couldn't tell Murong that someone would pick her up. Her identity is indeed a little orphan.

Shen Yuexuan came over from behind and had a gentle smile on his face. "Lu girl, Shen has not repaid your feelings, just as we are going to Wangducheng, it is better to go on the road together."

"Geng Ye is very polite, you have not owed me anything, after all, Li Yuniang did not come back together." Ye Hao said faintly, the tone was very cold.

"No matter what, Yu Niang is also a person I have ever loved. You saved her, I am very grateful." Shen Yuexuan sighed.

Really false and shameless!

Ye Hao smiles indifferently, "You are welcome."

Murong grabbed Ye Hao’s arm. "Don't talk nonsense, it's getting dark, and you don't have to go to the streets tonight."

"Let me go!" Ye Hao cried out awkwardly. "I will go by myself."

"Let the girl go." Red screamed and reached for the sorrow.

Murong Yu easily avoided the attack of Hung Hom, and swiftly swept through the small singer who wanted to rush to bite him. He whispered to Ye Hao, "I am for you, I don't want Bai Ziqi to take you." Grab, if you don't want to go, I don't mind holding you in the carriage."

Ye Hao took a deep breath. "Why do you do this? I don't want to be with you..."

"Your life is saved by me, so it should be up to me to say." Murong whispered, with a faint smile at the end of his eyes.

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