"Full, what should I do?" On the other side of the port, a carriage stopped in an inconspicuous place, standing next to two men, one of which was full of diligence.

"The Murong Yu is mysterious. I am not sure who he is. I have saved the girl several times on the boat. I don't want to hurt the girl. We don't want to contact the girl. Let's go to Wangdu City first." Said.

"Adults should have already set off from Jinguo." The person next to him whispered.

Full of time, nodded. "Let's go, the girl should have settled in Bohai City today. That Murong Yu... Shen Yuexuan seems to call him Liu Ye?"

"There are more people calling Liu Ye in this world. How do we know who it is?"

"Or wait until the adults come back and ask again." Full Qin said.

Ye Hao was taken to the carriage by Murong Yu with his arm. "Do you want to go up yourself, or do I hold you up?"

"I go up myself." Ye Haohan squinted, slamming his hand and holding the red dragonfly on the carriage.

Murong looked at her with a smile. "Do you often reject the goodwill of others?"

"I don't think you have any good intentions." Ye Hao said coldly, "Forcing others to obey you, is this what you said?"

"Little girl, I am not forcing you to obey me, but to save you, Bai Ziqi will not let you go. His people will definitely catch you in Bohai City." Murong whispered, "I know yours." You will have a martial arts ring, you still have a white wolf, but this white wolf..."

Murong Yan saw the little seven who had already got on the rut. "I know it can protect you. However, it is only a wolf after all, and no one is so mean and shameless."

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "You still know that you are mean and shameless."

"You are really a sharp tooth." Murong snorted and said, "Little girl, don't you think this white wolf is smarter than you? If I am malicious to you, it has already bitten me, look at it. I just stared at me and didn't bite me. It knew that I saved you and knew that I wouldn't hurt you, so it doesn't bite me. It is very spiritual."

"Are you finished?" Ye Hao looked at him faintly. "You can hurry after you finish."

Murong looked at her helplessly. "You are really stubborn."

Ye snorted and put the curtain down to isolate the conversation with Murong.

This little girl! Murong Yu looked at the curtain and shook his head. He didn't understand himself more and more. He couldn't see the little girl at risk. He always felt that it would be a pity if she was arrested by Bai Ziqi or died.

"Girl, what should I do?" There were only Ye Hao and Hung Hom in the carriage. Hung Hom said in a low voice. "If they are behind us, they will definitely be discovered."

"Man Shu will not be discovered." Ye Hao patted her back and whispered, "In fact, Murong Yu is right. Bai Ziqi will definitely not let me go. If we go by ourselves, he will definitely Let people come to catch us, instead of letting the uncles take risks to protect us, it is better to let Murong take us to the capital of Wangdu, and he is ... who wants to know more about our true identity."



In the Bohai City, although the weather is still early, but because they just disembarked, Shen Yuexuan, who is used to taking the waterway, is still okay. Like Ye Hao, he feels that he is not used to it, and his tiredness has not disappeared.

They found a very intimate inn, the name is also very interesting, called again to the inn.

"This is the inn of Shenjia, take a good rest tonight." Murong Yu reached out and tried to help Ye Hao get off the bus. By the way, she explained the inn of this inn.

When Ye Hao didn't see his hand, he stepped off the footstool and looked up at the inn. The Shen family was really rich and rich, and even the inn had to be built differently from others, looking very luxurious.

Hung Hom looked at Ye Hao and found that her easy-looking skin looked strange. She hurriedly grabbed her hand and deliberately separated the distance of Murong Yu. "Girl, let's go in."

Murong smiled and took back his hand, letting Ying Quan lead Ye Hao and they went to rest.

They lived in the best room in the inn, or Shen Yuexuan specifically explained.

After the red singer and Yingquan said a thank you, they immediately closed the door. "Girl, your face..."

Ye Hao hurriedly looked in the mirror and found that her skin on her horns had floated up. Her heart was tight. "There was no dressing change on the boat for several days. It seems to have expired."

I can give her a tolerance of one month, saying that it is not easy to accommodate Dongqingguo. This is also for her skin. It will affect her for too long. It will take about a month now, if not When they met Bai Ziqi on the river, they might have arrived in Bohai City two days ago. She could not have been easy to accommodate.

"Girl, slaves go to fetch water to wash your face." Hung Hom whispered.

Ye Hao nodded, her easy capacity is to add syrup in the clear water to wash, ordinary water is useless.

Fortunately, she had learned from her master before, and she was worried that each time she would be a little different, what if she was seen by Murong? Ye Hao thought for a moment and decided to wear a hat from tomorrow. So, naturally, I am not afraid that Murong will find something different.

The red dragonfly soon drove the water. After Ye Hao added the potion, he washed the face easily and revealed a beautiful face, but the skin looked red due to the possibility of tolerance. .

"Girl, today we don't go out, it's better to wait for tomorrow, and your face looks a bit red." Hung Hom whispered.

Ye Hao loved beauty since she was a child. She was particularly concerned about her skin. She saw that the cheeks of white enamel and jade were tarnished, and naturally felt distressed. She planned to wait for Lingyang to raise a new one and then re-enable it.

"I didn't take a shower on the boat. You have to ask if there is hot water. I want to take a bath." Ye Hao said to Hung Hom, he fell on the river for a few days, and now he finally arrived in Dongqing. She must be relaxing.

Hung Hom smiled and said, "The slaves will go to give you hot water."

Ye Hao thought about using Lingquan bubble body for a while. When she was in Kyoto, she used Lingquan to raise her body every day, and she kept her skin more lubricated than jade.

"Lu girl." Suddenly came the voice of Murong.

Why is he here? Ye Hao was shocked. "What?"

"Shen Ye has a banquet tonight, would you like to have a meal together?" Murong asked quietly outside.

"I am a little uncomfortable and don't want to go," said Ye Hao.

Murong Yu was silent. Just looking at her did not seem to be abnormal. "What happened to you?"

Ye Hao said, "It is a little tired."

"Then rest well." Murong frowned, thinking that he thought that Shen Yuexuan would hand over Li Yuniang so he didn't want to see him.

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