Ye Hao was sent back to the house by Murong Yu, Shen Yuexuan handed him to Shen, and then they went to Murong.

"Girl, how did the pirate come again?" Hung Ho asked nervously. The white child Kai looked not a good person. He also said that he was a scholar. He couldn’t really see that there was a bit of book quality.

"I don't know. In the end, I will go out and meet them in the past few days." Ye Hao whispered, listening to Bai Ziqi's original meaning, as if he suspected that Li Yuniang had given her a slap in the face, but Shen Yuexuan did not seem to believe it.

That Bai Ziqi seems to have not wanted to let her go. If she goes to Wangducheng alone, he will definitely retaliate against her.

Do you really want to continue to get along with Murong? Ye Hao felt a little resistance from her heart.

Thinking of the words that Murong said, she felt a little scared and seemed to feel the danger.

"Lu sister, I am coming, we will soon be able to return to Wangducheng." Shen Yuer did not know what Ye Hao was upset, just to see her face is not fast, I want to say something to tease Ye Hao happy.

Ye Hao smiled and glanced at her. "Yeah, if you are here, are you relieved?"

"In the future, we will return to Wangducheng. Will you come to me?" Shen Yuer asked.

"Well, yes." Ye Hao nodded gently. "Is it time to take medicine?"

Shen Xiaoer’s small face showed a crying expression. “I don’t like medicine at all.”

"It is good to take medicine." Ye Hao said.

Until dark, the three men in Murong's house did not come out. Shen Shener took medicine and slept. The longer they talked, the more nervous Ye Hao's heart was, and they didn't know what they would do next.

Today, Murong is protecting her, so Bai Ziqi did not dare to tell her how. If Murong Yu was convinced by them, I believe she took Li Yuniang's things, then what would they do?

"We will leave tomorrow morning." Ye Hao whispered to Hung Hom.

The red dragonfly nodded lightly. "Girl, the slave said to clean up first."

Just after the words were finished, I heard the voice of Shen Yuexuan coming from outside. I was telling Huang Auntie to prepare some food for them, accompanied by the impatience of Bai Ziqi.

"Lu girl, did the baby sleep?" Not long after, Shen Yuexuan said outside.

Ye Hao didn't let Hung Hom open the door. "It has already fallen asleep."

Shen Yuexuan was silent for a moment. "That would make Lao Luan girl take care of Shen."

The door quickly recovered calm, and Ye Xiaomei was stunned, and more and more wanted to leave here.

The next day, when the day was still not bright, Ye Hao had already got up, and there was no silence outside.

"Girl, we have to leave the village first, the carriage is Murong's son, we must first go to find the uncle." Hung Hom whispered.

Ye Hao knows that full-time will definitely follow them all the way, but it is really unclear where it is now, no matter what, first avoid Bai Ziqi.

Only when I opened the door, I saw Murong, who was standing outside.

"How are you here?" Ye Hao was wrong, he heard what they said?

"Who is the uncle?" Murong stared at her with a burning eye. She found that she seemed to have a lot of things glaring at him. Even the appearance was easy. I don't know how much she said is true.

Ye stunned, "My father is in the world of Dongqing."

"You are not going to say goodbye?" Murong looked coldly at the baggage on the red dragonfly, and his chest was filled with anger. She actually wanted to leave.

"The pirate wants to kill me." Ye Hao said faintly.

Murong smiled awkwardly. "Do you think that you can avoid Bai Ziqi? If you leave yourself, it is the most dangerous. Little girl, I am here, no one dares to hurt you."

Ye Xin thought that she didn't know who Murong was. Who knows if he would suddenly cooperate with Bai Ziqi? When she went out, she could just believe that others could protect her life.

"You don't believe me." Murong met her without saying a word. There was nothing in her heart that he couldn't understand. He smiled and said, "Small girl, I will protect you, and I won't let Baizi start you a hair." ”

Ye Hao looked at his handsome and vivid eyebrows, and felt a warmth in his heart because of his words. Although she did not like him to always say something unfair, he had to deny that he really took care of her on this road. Without him, maybe she would be thrown off the boat by Bai Ziqi on the boat.

"What did he mean when he said yesterday? How could he mention Li Yuniang?" Ye Hao whispered.

Murong’s mouth was so cold and smiling. “It’s his own stupidity to be played by Li Yuniang, don’t bother him.”

"Don't he go to Wangducheng with us?" Ye Hao Xiumei, thinking of going with Bai Ziqi, she felt very resistant.

"If you don't like it, let's go away with them." Murong looked at her slightly tipped nose and seemed really unhappy. He chuckled. "I didn't intend to be with them." ""

Ye Hao looked at him and didn't want him to misunderstand what she was escaping. "I don't like Bai Ziqi. He almost threw me down the river."

"I know." Murong stunned his eyes with a smile. In fact, did Li Yu-Ning give her anything, which had no effect on him, even if she had something to do with Shen Yuexuan? Since Li Yu Niang gave her, it is her, as long as she does not want, no one can grab her things.

Ye Hao was a little worried when he smiled. "Then I went back to the house."

I really don't know who Murong is in the end, but I can expect that she will leave today. It seems that Wangducheng can't go.

"Girl, what do we do now?" Hung Hom whispered.

"No matter what, I will go to the city of Wangdu," Ye said.

After another two days, Ye Hao, they continued to depart for Wangdu City. Shen Yuexuan and Bai Ziqi wanted to follow the piece. Just after entering the city, it was not long before they found that there were portraits of white thieves such as Bai Ziqi everywhere. Bai Ziqi had to endure. The anger left again.

Before leaving, he looked at Ye Hao with a sly look, and seemed to have great grievances for her.

With Shen Yuexuan Tonglu, Shen Yuer was obviously very happy. Ye Hao was only dedicated to treating Shen Yuer on the road. For Murong Yu’s various hints of wanting to see her true face, she only could not understand, and went to Wangducheng, she After regaining the original appearance, Murong Yu will definitely not recognize her.

When they arrived at Wangdu City, it was already close to the year. There were many wanderers on the official road to go home. Ye Hao’s mood was also excited. Will she see her brother?

"Where is your fiancé?" Murong asked Ye Hao. He suspected that she had no fiancé at all. Maybe she had made up to lie to him.

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