Her ink capacity is in Jinguo!

Ye Hao said in his heart, and said faintly, "How do I know where he is? He doesn't know that I am going to Dongqing."

Murong’s mouth curled up and smiled. “Where are you going to go?”

"I... I can find a hotel first, and when I hear about his residence, I will naturally go to him." Ye Hao said.

"In this case, I will stay with you in the inn, what is your fiancé's name, I am going to help you inquire?" Murong asked with a smile, a pair of people who have already planned to help.

Ye licked his lips and smiled at his lips. "Mu Rong Gongzi, I have troubled you too much on this road. Now that I have arrived in Wangdu, I am able to find someone myself."

Murong Yu leaned close to her. "Little girl, I don't feel trouble at all."

This person! Ye Hao’s heart burst into a sigh of relief, how can he open him?

"I am willing to let you trouble." Murong continued.

Ye Hao looked at him with no expression. "Don't you have anything else to do?"

Murong laughed and said nothing, now he only does the most important thing for him, "Yes, you."

"..." Ye Hao opened his face and didn't want to talk anymore.

"The front is the gate of Wangducheng." Shen Yuexuan said in the car next to him, "Lu girl, if you haven't found a place to settle, it is better to stay in the humble home for a few days, until you find a relative."

I haven't waited for Ye Hao to speak, and Shen Yuer jumped up happily. "Okay, my sister Lu lives in our house."

Ye Haoqiang pulled out a smile, "Shen Ye, you are polite..."

"She doesn't live in Shen." Murong refused when she hadn't finished talking. "I will arrange the place where she lives."

The Shen family was in a mess, and Murong Yu was so willing to let her go to Shen, and she would be involved in trouble if she was not careful.

The carriage stopped outside the gate, and the soldiers at the gatekeeper came over to check their signs.

Ye Hao looked out to the outside through the window. This is the king city of Dongqingguo. It is a place that has never been seen before. However, because of her brother and her brother, she has a look forward to it.

"Girl!" Red Dragonfly whispered Ye Hao, indicating that she was looking ahead.

It is full of work! Ye Hao followed the red dragon's finger and saw the full flight in front of a carriage standing next to the city gate.

"Mu Rong Gongzi, I saw the person I was looking for. It seems that I don't have to bother you." Ye Hao turned back and said to Murong with a smile, then told the red dragonfly, "Red Dragonfly, go and tell us that we are Here."

"Are you sure?" Murong looked at her with a faint look, and his heart was filled with dissatisfaction.

Ye Hao nodded hard, "Yeah."

After that, she had already sneaked out of the carriage and walked over to the full door next to the gate.

"Little girl!" Murong's face was very ugly, followed by getting off the car and behind Ye Hao, reaching out and grabbing her. "How long have you seen that uncle, isn't you afraid of being cheated?"

Ye Hao waved his hand. "I didn't know you before, didn't you come to Wangdu City with you?"

"That's not the same." Murong said with a sullen face, he would not hurt her.

"For me, you are more untrustworthy than Manchu." Ye Hao looked at him and said that he was a stranger to her not long ago.

Murong’s twilight sinks and he only feels bitter and bitter. “Do you still feel that I am not credible?”

Ye Hao coveted, she knew that he was protecting her on this road. "Murong, I really have something to do, if I can meet again in the future..."

"Let me see what you really look like," Murong said.

"No." Ye Hao immediately refused. "I have a reason for it. If you meet again, you can recognize me. I will tell you why."

Murong screamed and laughed, did she deliberately murder him?

Hung Hom has been looking for a full time, putting the burdens of both of them in the carriage, and then coming along with full time.

"Lu girl, you are finally here, the small is waiting for you here for a few days, our lady is worried about you every day." Full of diligence looks excited, "thanks you still remember small, otherwise small almost Just missed it with you."

"Girl, Xiaoqi is already in Qin's carriage." Hung Hom whispered.

Ye Hao heard the sound of knowing the elegant, immediately understand the meaning of the red dragonfly, it seems that the full life is self-proclaimed Qin Shu.

"Qin Shu, I am bothered to pick you up." Ye Hao said gratefully.

"This is..." Full of time to look at Murong, he has been following this road. Naturally, this man has seen Ye Hao all the way, but he has been checking for a long time, and he can’t find out what Murong Who is it?

Ye Hao said, "This is Murong's son, we happen to be on the same road."

Murong Yan stared coldly at the full time. "Which servant are you?"

Full of diligence and said, "Mu Rong Gongzi, our lord is Wang Yizheng, no one in Wangducheng does not know."

Wang Zhengzheng? Murong stunned and looked down at Ye Hao.

Ye Xie is also very surprised. She doesn't know how to arrange her to enter the palace. Now, if she listens to the full work, she seems to be ready. This is to let her live in Wang Zhizheng's home temporarily.

"Well, I will visit again in the next day." Murong smirked with a faint smile. He had too many doubts about Xiaotoutou. It is impossible for ordinary women to be easy to accommodate. She not only has the opportunity to come from Jinguo to Dongqingguo. It seems to be looking for a relative, but the real reason is only she knows.

He has lived for so many years, and he rarely likes a woman. He doesn't want to provoke her to hate herself. Since she wants to hide the reason for coming to Wangducheng, he will do it according to her meaning. He will find out the truth on his own. of.

Ye Hao heard Murong Yu say this, and his heart finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Mu Rong Gongzi, thank you for taking care of you all the way, and leave."

"Okay." Murong squinted at her with a low smile, her eyes shining, "Little girl, we will meet again."

She will soon go to the palace, unless he can go to the palace of Dongqingguo, otherwise she thinks that her chances of meeting him again should be small, and most importantly, she is about to return to the original state, he can recognize come out?

Full of laughter and Murong smashed a ritual, and then asked Ye Hao to ride on the carriage.

Murong Yu stood there, looking at Ye Hao’s carriage and entering the gate.

"Yeah, Lu girl is gone." Yingquan next to him whispered.

"Go and follow, see where she went." Murong whispered, he would not let her go so easily.

Yingquan immediately responded, "Yes, the slaves will follow up."

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