Ye Yiqing responded to the minister who wanted to enter the palace to see the emperor in the royal study room. Ye Hao continued to give Li Wei acupuncture.

Fang Huang has been taking care of Li Wei in the dry dragon palace these days. She is also eating the medicine that Ye Hao gave her. She asked people to check her previous medicine, but she didn’t have any problems. She didn’t know where it came out. problem.

She called Ye Hao to the partial hall and took out the dregs. "Lu girl, this is the medicine I have eaten in this house. You may have a problem if you look at it."

Ye Hao knows that Fang Huang will definitely doubt the medicine he has eaten before.

However, this must be impossible to find any problems.

If it is so easy to find out, the Queen will not eat this medicine for so many years.

"Queen Empress, this medicine is right. If you take this medicine for a long time, Gong Han has already been cured." Ye Hao said that the Queen's illness is not only the palace cold, but also eats more medicine to cause her. Difficulty in pregnancy is a three-point drug. In simple terms, the Queen is a drug.

The Queen did not understand the meaning of Ye Yu’s words. "Do you mean that this is not the medicine for this palace?"

"That's a question to ask who is going to give the hens a cure." Ye Hao said.

The problem is not in medicine, but in people?

Fanghuang back color condensation, understand how to check, she thought that the people around her

Ye Hao point to the end, this Dongqingguo Palace is much more complicated than she imagined, especially in the Queen, there is no son, the emperor is ill, the palace and the other people in the court are all ill-intentioned, who knows what will happen next time.

Just when the Queen’s Queen was silent, her close-fitting lady said outside, “The goddess, the Wangui people are looking outside to see.”

When the Queen heard the words of Wangui, there was a slight change in her face. "Do she want to see the emperor?"

The palace lady said, "Go back to the maiden, the Wangui people ask to see you."

"Let her come to the temple," said the Queen.

Ye Hao noticed that when the Queen heard the words of Wangui, his face seemed to flash a strange look.

"Mother, then I will retreat first." Ye Hao whispered.

Fang Huang gently nodded, "The emperor will wake up, Lu girl, you first go to the emperor to drink medicine."

Ye Hao responded with a sigh of relief. He walked out of the temple and walked a few steps. He saw the Queen of the Queen lead a woman with a slender and delicate figure. The woman’s gesture was graceful, the facial features were delicate and delicate, and the eyebrows brought one. The stock is timid and timid.

This woman should be a million people, and Liu Guifei is a completely different person from the previous few days.

The Wangui people also found Ye Hao. When she saw Ye Hao, the whole person was stunned, and there was a flustered and sorrowful flash.

Ye Hao coveted, standing and let the Wangui people go out first.

Who is this? Wangui people only have this doubt in their hearts at this time, is it not... Is it not because the emperor is not sick in the past few days, but because of this beautiful woman?

"Wan Guiren, please come here." The palace lady found that she stopped and whispered.

"Good." Wan Guiren took back his sight. His face turned white and followed the palace lady.

Ye Hao looked up at her back and went back to the dormitory.

Just as Li Wei woke up and saw Ye Hao, he smiled faintly. "Lu girl, I feel that I am not so dizzy today."

"The emperor, your body will slowly get better." She used Lingquan to raise him every day, even if it can not be cured immediately, at least it has therapeutic effects.

Li Xiao smiled and nodded. "What about your father?"

"I heard that he went to the Imperial Study Room." Ye Hao whispered.

"Su Gonggong, who entered the palace today?" Li Wei looked at the Su Gonggong next to him.

"Returning to the emperor, is... some of the cabinets want to ask to see the emperor, and they are stopped by Ye Daren."

Su Gonggong replied.

Li Lan snorted. "It’s just two days without morning. Can they wait?"

Su Gonggong did not dare to answer Li Wei’s words.

Ye Hao came to the medicine from the side. "Emperor, you should take medicine first."

"Lu girl, when can I go to the DPRK?" Li Wei did not believe in Ye Hao's medical skills. He thought that without Huangfu, his illness would be more difficult to cure. However, he is now more and more spiritual. But let him look at the little girl.

"The spirit of the emperor is better. If you don't bother, you can go out and walk." Soon after the New Year, when you have to seal the pen, Li Wei can rest for a few days.

Li Wei nodded gently. "Who is there only?"

Su Gonggong hurried back, "The emperor, is the Wangui people seeking to see, is seeing the Queen Empress in the partial hall."

Hearing the three words of Wan Guiren, Li Wei’s twilight sinks slightly, and he is silent for a while. “Go and see what is going on.”

"Yes, the emperor." Su Gonggong immediately went away.

Ye Hao felt that the status of this noble person in Li Xin’s mind should be unusual. She looked at Li Wei and whispered, "The emperor, the minister has retired."

Only after exiting the Dragon Palace, I saw Ye Yiqing walked over with a young man wearing an official uniform.

The happy smile on Ye Hao’s face slightly converged. He meant that he didn’t want so many people to know her relationship with him, so she didn’t immediately call someone.

"Hey, did the emperor wake up?" Ye Yiqing glanced at her with a smile, and did not deliberately avoid her identity and talk to her.

"Already awake, hey, are you going in? There is a noble person who wants to see the queen, is in the temple." Ye Hao heard her name, and knew that the young man around him should be his confidant.

Ye Yiqing slightly frowned, "Wangui?"

Ye Hao decided that this noble person should be an ordinary person. Even if he heard it, he would frown. "Hey, what is it?"

"The niece of Wan Guifei." Ye Yiqing said faintly, "You are waiting here, I will go to see the emperor first."

"Adult, you go in," said the young man behind him.

Ye Yiqing said to Ye Xiao, "This is the champion of the Dongqing State and the third year of this year. It is also... my student, you can call him a big brother."

Dongqingguo's champion? Surname Cao?

Ye stunned, she almost forgot the things that Li Yu Niang gave her, and now I think of it and the vain picture. Is this Cao Big Brother Cao Yu, the son of Cao boss?

"What's wrong?" Ye Yiqing whispered to her daughter.

"Nothing!" Ye Hao hurriedly shook his head. "Hey, I still have one thing to tell you, wait a moment to say."

Ye Yiqing nodded with a smile and lifted his foot into the dormitory.

Ye Hao looked up at the Cao champion. "Cao Da Ge, are you the Cao Sanyuan Cao Yu that everyone knows?"

Cao Yu chuckled and said, "What Cao Sanyuan is making jokes, Lu girl, don't laugh."

Really Cao Yu!

There are really many coincidences in this world.

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