Ye Hao wants to ask where Cao Yu came from, knowing that his pirate dad has been killed, but she and his first meeting, he is a sly student, she has some questions. Export.

I can only tell you about this, let him ask him.

"Lu girl, do you have anything to say?" Cao Yu looked at her look different, and asked curiously.

Ye Hao shook his head. "No, listening to Cao's accent, it doesn't seem like the kingdom of the city."

Cao Yu is not very good at coloring, and the facial features are very ordinary, but his temperament is gentle and elegant. He seems to be a very gentle and elegant person. "I am not a man of the capital city, but a sea city."

"Oh, no wonder." Ye Hao smiled and nodded.

Cao Yu was going to ask why Ye Hao said this, and he saw that Su Gonggong had rushed out and said that it was the emperor who felt unwell and let Ye Hao rush into it.

Ye Hao did not talk to Cao Yu, and she hurried into the dormitory.

When I entered the dormitory, I found that the situation inside was subtle.

The Queen’s face stood a little ugly, and the expensive man squatted on the ground, squatting in the corner, and the emperor gloomy face did not speak.

Ye Hao walked down and gave him the pulse, and found that he was just angry and angering. She whispered, "The emperor, don't be furious."

Li Wei looked at her deeply and turned to look at the Wanren who was lying on the ground. "If you feel that you are not good with the three emperors, then send the three emperors to the Queen's Palace, and you will send them to Nie."

As soon as this was said, the faces of the Wangui and the Queen changed.

The tears in the eyes of the expensive people fell faster. "The emperor, the courtiers... the ministers can't bear you."

Ye Hao thought that this noble person seemed to be weak, but she really dared to say that the empress and the minister were here, she dared to be so obsessed with the emperor, she looked at Li Wei and saw him in his eyes. Heartache.

It seems that this expensive person is still very important in Li Xin’s mind, that is, he does not know how to compare with the Queen.

The Queen of the Emperor apparently did not want to raise the children of the nobles, and did not speak to the lips.

Li Wei said faintly, "Let's go."

The Wangui people had tears in their eyes, and they glanced at Li Wei with a glance. This was the exit of the Dragon Palace.

Ye Yiqing also retire after she retired.

"The lady is going to the decocting medicine." Ye Hao whispered.

There are only Li Wei and Fang Huang in the dormitory.

"Hey, come sit down." Li Wei patted the position next to the other Queen.

The Queen Queen stood still and her eyes were red, as if she was trying to control her tears.

She seems to have returned to the days of the sorrowful pains of the Prince's House. Wangui was the first to be spoiled by the Emperor. In order to suppress the Prince, she sent her relatives and daughters to the Prince to become Liangzhu. At that time, she was also the Li Zi of the Prince, in order to numb the eyes of Wan Guifei. Deliberately pretending to be addicted to the beauty of the nobles.

That was the nightmare of the Queen, because she saw that Li Wei’s fake drama was really done, and it was really a matter for the Wangui people.

Although Li Wei has not admitted the feelings of Wan Guiren until now, Fang Huang also understands that in his mind, he is the most important, but she will still feel sad or sad, he let her raise the children of the nobles, Isn't that digging her heart?

Li Yan looked at her gently, and said something again, "Hey, come over, talk with you."

The Queen Empressed all the anger of his heart and walked over with his head down. "The emperor still has more rest."

"Hey, you know that you are suffering, and you know that you are wronged." Li Wei whispered, "The Three Emperors are still small now. If you let you raise, you will be close to you in the future."

"The courtiers and the three emperors will never be as close as the mother and the child, the emperor." Fang Queen said in a rigid tone.

Li Wei was silent for a while. "I used to like her before, hey, that's already gone."

The tears of the Queen’s tears came out at once. “You still think about how to protect their mother and son.”

"You thought..." Li Wei smiled helplessly. "Hey, you are all for you. The big prince and the second prince are old, and the mothers are there. Only the three emperors... You have a child, and if you leave in the future, you will have to rely on it. If you die, you will die."

Fang Huang slowly squatted beside Li Wei and leaned his forehead on his knees. "The emperor, you will be good, and you will not want other children."

"Oh..." Li Wei still wants to persuade her.

The Queen said, "Chen Chen has stopped the previous medicine, and there is a girl who treats the court and will surely give birth to the emperor."

"Is there a problem with the previous medicine?" Li Wei immediately grasped the meaning of the Queen's words.

The Queen did not want to tell him about this, fearing that he would anger and hurt his body. "The emperor, this matter will be dealt with."

Li Wei whispered, "It’s not a problem with medicine. It used to be a medicine for people. It’s a human problem!"

The Queen Empress looked up at him. "Do you know?"

Li Yan sneered. "You didn't have a child before, remember when we were newly married? Just didn't keep it..."

"The courtiers will check it in the harem." Fang said.

"Give it to you." Li Wei said, "If you are not willing to raise her children, you will not force you. Anyway, the Three Emperors will call you a mother in the future."

The Queen of the Square smiled lightly.

"You have been tired for a few days, come up and sleep for a while." Li Wei whispered.

"Good." Fang Queen nodded gently.

The bedroom was finally restored to the warmth.

Ye Hao followed Ye Yiqing out of the dry dragon palace. She was looking for an opportunity to tell Ye Yiqing about the ambiguous thing, but she had no chance at all.

Cao Yu saw that they had already greeted him. "What is the teacher, how is the emperor?"

"I have a few words about your affairs with the emperor, but the emperor is in a bad mood today. It is estimated that I don't want to see you. I will come back tomorrow." Ye Yiqing said.

"Yes." Cao Yu has no objection. He has always believed in Ye Yiqing's words.

Ye Hao gently pulled Ye Yiqing's sleeves. "Hey, tomorrow is New Year's Eve."

"Yeah, your brother should be back tomorrow." Ye Yiqing showed a smile on his lips. "I will pick you up tomorrow."

Ye Hao originally wanted to go back to her and her brother to have a reunion dinner. When she heard Ye Yiqing say this, she was smiling with joy. "Hey, you will pick me up tomorrow morning."

She can go out to the palace tomorrow and talk to Cao Yu about it. It is not safe in the palace.

Cao Yu is a sly student. If someone knows that he is the son of a pirate, it is not good.

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