Seeing Murong Yu, Ye Hao was shocked, but soon she remembered that the other party did not know that she was Lu Hao. She has now recovered her appearance, not as easy as on board, he has never seen her. of.

However, what shocked her was that Murong Yu actually knew Li Wei, and even the cabinet minister could not simply be in the situation of the emperor. He could still sit in the dormitory and accompany Li Wei in...

"I can't think of it so fast for a long time." Li Wei saw Ye Hao take medicine and smiled and put down the piece in his hand. "Hey, aren't you going out of the palace today?"

When Murong Yu talked in Li Wei, he looked back. He was first stunned by Ye Hao’s hibiscus-like appearance, and then he only stared at her eyes.

This is a pair of eyes similar to the little girl he missed many days.

Lu Hao also has such a pair of eyes, clear, clear, like a sturdy spring.

"Return to the emperor, the minister will only leave the palace for a while." Ye Hao knew that Murong was watching her, she did not dare to look at him, afraid that he would recognize it.

Murong’s narrow nephew was slightly smashed into a line, and the eyes stared at her more unscrupulously.

Li Wei gently nodded. "Today's New Year's Eve, you should go home and have a reunion dinner with your father."

Ye Hao smiled and didn't talk. He watched Li Wei take the medicine and replied to him again. He whispered to him. "The emperor, calm and calm can cure the disease. You must not make a big fire."

"You have said this many times, remembering it." Li Wei said that he would be on fire yesterday. He did not expect that the Wangui people would actually be behind the queen. He liked thousands of people, but that is He thought that she was different from the Wanjia people. As a result, she was just like Wan Guifei, but her mind was deeper and she was able to wear so many years of weakness.

Ye Hao sees that Li Wei’s mood today is much better than yesterday. She didn’t say anything more, and she retired after the ceremony.

During this period, she did not look at Murong Yu. She certainly knew that he had been staring at her. However, he should not know that she was Lu Hao.

"Who is she?" After Ye Hao left, Murong asked Li Wei immediately.

Li Xiao smiled and asked, "What happened?"

"Looking like some old people." Murong whispered, almost sure that this woman is the person he thinks about day and night.

“Looks like you?” Li Xiao chuckled. “That must be your confidante.”

Just fine! Murong Yu smiled in his heart. "Is she crying?"

"Well, her identity... I can't say it." Li Wei said that even if he had known friends before, he could not arbitrarily tell Lu Yan's identity.

Murong Yu did not ask any more. In Wangdu City, he has been looking for her for so long, but he hasn’t even heard a message. Today, when he saw an eye so similar, he was already very sure in her heart.

"You are going to stay in Wangdu for a few days this time? Auntie, you haven't really tired of the habit of going around for so many years." Li Wei asked.

Murong said faintly, "Where there is a fate, I will stay there for a long time."

"You have been wandering outside for so many years, haven't you found a place where you feel fate?" Li said with a chuckle.

"Maybe I have to find it." Murong said with a hint.



Ye Hao confirmed that Li Wei’s condition has stabilized. As long as it is not a sudden sorrow and great anger, there will be no unexpected situation. She confessed that Su Gonggong gave the emperor medicine on time and went back to the house to pack things up.

When she entered the palace, she was in a hurry. She didn't bring anything in. Apart from a medicine box, she didn't have to spend any time. She had already packed things up.

Before she came to pick her up, she saw someone who wanted to avoid it.

"You...who are you?" Ye Hao almost asked how you would be here, she should not know Murong.

"Little girl, this is what you really look like." Murong looked like a smile and smiled at Ye Hao, and the bright scorpion was burning like a fire.

Ye Hao said with a cold face, "I don't know what you are saying, do you admit the wrong person?"

"You have these eyes... Can I still admit the wrong person?" Murong Yan's long finger touched her eyebrows. "Lu Hao, I finally found you."

If there is doubt before, and now hear her voice again, his mind will be more certain.

"I don't know who you are talking about." Ye Hao said coldly. "This is not the place where you can come. If you don't leave, don't blame me."

Murong stepped into the room one step forward, forcing Ye Hao to step back and shouting.

"I want to know if you are the person I am looking for is very easy." Murong squinted at her in a low spirit.

Ye Hao was shocked by his heart. "I don't know what you said, you let it go."

How could Murong Yu let her go easily, her long arm slammed her, and gently put her in her arms, the familiar fruit scent got into his breath, his mouth was high and raised, "even the taste is so similar, Do you still say that she is not?"

"Help!" Ye Hao cried out loud.

Murong thought and didn't want to bow her head, her thin lips covered her pink and moist lips, and sucked her sweetly.

is her! Besides her, who else can make him so unpredictable?

Ye Hao was so angry that his cheeks were red, and he bit him hard, and he bitten Murong’s mouth.

Murong’s mouth hurts. He didn’t let her go immediately. Instead, she tightened her tightly. “A few days later, you become a little wild cat?”

"Roll!" Ye Hao angered, "Don't be a child! Rogue! Bastard!"

"What about you? Little liar." Murong whispered in a low voice, "Don't you come to Wangducheng to find a fiancé? How come to the palace?"

Ye Hao pushed him hard. "Whatever you do, I don't know you!"

Murong slammed her lips and smiled. Because her lips were bleeding from her, she seemed to feel very demon. "Don't you know? Do you want to know more deeply?"

When Ye Hao listened to what he meant, he cried out, "Murong, what do you want?"

When she heard her name, Murong’s eyes seemed to have a bright flash of fireworks. She even knew his name and said that she didn’t know him.

"Oh..." Murong looked at her tenderly. "Are you yelling or swearing?"

"What is it about you, how are you here?" Ye eagerly asked, she thought she would not see him again. Who would have thought of seeing him in the Queen of Dongqing, I don’t know what it is. edge.

Murong smiled and said, "Li Wei is a friend I used to meet. Every time I go to Wang Ducheng, I will enter the palace and play chess with him."

"Then you will play chess, what are you doing to me?" Ye Hao rolled his eyes.

"I want to know, your true identity, Lu Hao, I want you, so you have to know everything you have." Murong said.

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