I want you!

Ye Hao heard this sentence for a moment, in her memory, not long ago, a man overbearingly said this to her.

She looked up at Murong and said faintly, "I said, I have a fiancé."

"Hey, you are stupid." Murong smirked. "I like you, even if you are married to another woman, it is the same for me. How can I care if you have a fiancé?"

Ye Hao thinks that this Murong Yu is really arrogant. Does he think that the woman in this world is what he wants?

"Is it? Then see if you have any skills. I only have one of my fiances in my heart. Can you still make me reluctant to marry?" Ye Hao snorted.

Murong looked at her with a smile and said, "Would you like it, you will naturally know it in the future."

Ye Hao glanced at him indifferently. "Are you finished saying everything? You can leave after you finish."

"Where are you going to pack up? I don't want to avoid me again?" Murong saw the medicine box on the table and looked at Ye Hao. "What is your name, and the emperor calls you?"

"I was originally planning to enter the palace, not to avoid you." Ye Hao said with no anger, "I have nothing to do with you, who are you?"

Murong smiled and said, "Savior."

"..." Ye Hao could not refute, he did save her several times.

"Why did you go to the palace to cure the emperor? Is it really that Wang doctor is letting you into the palace?" Murong Yu suspected that what she said before was false. What parents died in Wangducheng to find relatives, if she really came How can I come to the palace to find a relative?

Moreover, almost no one knows the real reason outside of Li’s illness. How can she go to Ganlong Palace to treat him?

"I am a doctor in the palace, naturally I can serve the emperor." Ye Hao said faintly, did not want to be known by Murong Yu as the daughter of Ye Yiqing.

Murong knows that she didn't tell the truth. It seems that she still doesn't trust him completely.

"When the doctor has something good, hey, let's not be in the palace?" He used to think that she was cute and cute. Now that she sees her real appearance, he understands why she is easy, if she is not easy If you are able to go out, it will inevitably cause trouble.

"I like to be a medical woman." Ye Hao said with a blank expression, his eyes watched him with vigilance, for fear that he would suddenly kiss her again. This person did not have a little rule, knowing that she was a fiancé and she was thin. If she didn't know how to beat him, she would definitely beat him to find his teeth.

Murong knows that she can't persuade her for a while. Anyway, he now knows that she is in the palace. He already has at least her message. "Then you should be a doctor."

Ye Hao heard him say this, but he was somewhat worried. He didn't know what he would do next. "How do you want?"

"Don't think so bad about me." Murong said with a smile.

"It's hard to be a good person." Ye Hao saw him approaching himself and hurried back a few steps.

Murong saw that she was afraid of him because he had just kissed her? "Little girl, I really feel that it is hard to help myself. I haven’t heard from you for a long time. Seeing your true appearance, I will not be able to control you for a while. You can rest assured that unless you agree, I will not This is the case."

Ye Hao said coldly, "I don't agree, I will never agree."

"Good." Murong said with a smile.

"Cough." Suddenly a light cough came from outside the room, interrupting the two of them.

When Murong Yu turned back, he saw a man with temperament and dust standing outside, not seeing how old he was, but he looked elegant and elegant, and his eyes looked at him coldly.

Ye Hao saw Ye Yiqing outside, her face smiled, but she still wanted to hide her identity, so she did not scream, "Ye Daren!"

Ye Yiqing smiled lightly. "Is everything packed? The carriage is waiting outside the palace gate. You should go home first."

"Okay." I thought I could see my brother right away. Yeh's eyebrows were all clear and smiling, and the medicine box had already walked out of the door briskly.

Murong’s narrow and long scorpion flashed a smudge of darkness, and his eyes looked at Ye Yiqing, guessing what identity he was.

"Little girl!" He still doesn't know her real name. Is she already planning to go out?

Ye Yiqing's mouth smirked with a hint of laughter, and the smile seemed alienated and indifferent. "This Murong son, the emperor is still waiting for you in the bedroom."

"Do you know who I am?" Murong Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Yiqing.

Ha ha! Ye Yiqing smiled in his heart, how could he know who the **** wants to be rude to his daughter, but just went to see the emperor, Su Gonggong secretly revealed that a former friend of the emperor came, and now only appears in the palace. In addition to the Murong son, who is the strange face?

"Slightly heard, the emperor thinks that you have come out for a long time, just want people to come out to find you." Ye Yiqing said faintly.

Murong smiled and slowly prepared to go back to the bedroom. When Ye Yiqing was around, he stopped. "You are the famous Ye Zixiang?"

"There is no name to be famous, and the name of the surname Ye is indeed consistent." Ye Yiqing said.

"What is your relationship with Lu Hao?" asked Murong.

Ye Yiqing's mouth is smiling, Lu Hao? He glanced at Murong. "The relationship with her is naturally more intimate than anyone."

"..." Murong Yu felt that his heart was particularly uncomfortable when he heard this. "What do you mean by this?"

"I don't mean anything, Murong Gongzi, don't let the emperor wait for a long time." Ye Yiqing said with a smile.

Murong knows that Ye Yiqing couldn't ask anything here. He turned his head and looked at the direction of Xiaotoutou's departure. He decided to bid farewell to Li Wei and then chased him out to find her, at least to know where she would go.

Ye Yiqing is still in the heart, he does not know that the charm of the cockroach can be so radiant, this Murong son ... will not be the first time I saw the cockroach in the bedroom, I rushed to her, he yelled Is Lu Hao? Was he the man who was rescued by the full-fledged and saved the mysterious man on the Bailong River?

If it is him, then the identity of this person is really good to check.

Ye Yiqing glanced at Murong’s back and turned to the military plane to handle some things.

The military aircraft office was recommended by Li Wei after he became a prime minister. Whether it is for Li Wei or him, this department is very important.

"Ye Daren, General Ye Xiao has already entered the city not long ago."

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