Ye Hao went outside the palace gate, and she saw the familiar face, full of diligence and red dragonfly.

"Girl!" Hung Hom saw her, waved her hand happily, and walked over to Ye Hao. "Girl, the lord told us to pick you up first."

"Did you not live in the royal family?" Ye Hao handed the medicine box to Hung Hom and smiled and asked her about her family. "Is my brother going home?"

Hung Hom went to the Prime Minister’s Office in Dongqing State a few days ago, so she knew that their girl had a brother. "Girl, slave has not seen the young master, I heard that I have not returned yet."

Ye Hao stunned, didn't he say that he came back today?

Full of time, he put the ankle down. "Girl, the young master immediately entered the city, maybe you will meet him when you go home."

"Then let's go back!" Ye Hao can't wait to say, she feels that her brother has not seen her face for a lifetime.

Full of diligence on the side of the horse, told the small car to drive off.

The carriage slammed into the direction and headed for the direction of the Prime Minister.

Hung Hom was talking to Ye Hao about some people in Ye Family. "The slaves have lived for a few days, except for the next person who has not met anyone else. The girl, the master has no room for succession."

Ye Hao smiled a bit. She actually hoped that she would be able to return to the room and return to the room. It was only in the past two years that she only wanted to find her. She probably didn’t put her mind on this. As for her brother... he would not be anxious. I am dear.

"...the house is big, bigger than when it was in Lujia, girl, your yard is already ready, the water in the clean room will be open, there is a pool, I heard that this is Ye Daren built it in the way you liked before, and the slaves listened to the people in the house," said Hung Hom.

In the heart of Ye Hao’s heart, even if he arrived here, even if he had become a prime minister, he still had not forgotten to leave a yard for her. It was her favorite yard when she was a child.

But she can't say that it was her former yard. No one knows that she is Ye Hao.

"The street here is still very similar to Kyoto." Hung Hom said with a smile.

Ye Hao pressed down the sentiment of her heart and opened the curtain to see it out. It was probably because of the reason of the New Year, there were a lot of pedestrians outside, and they came out to buy, and they wanted to go home in a hurry, all kinds of things, but it was Very lively.

Listening to all kinds of screaming outside, watching the pavements are adorned with red couplets, and the atmosphere of joy and enthusiasm everywhere, Ye Hao feels in her heart, she never dared to think, one day she can still spend the New Year with her sister and her brother.

"Sweet fried chestnuts!" A sigh of drink into the car.

Ye Hao’s eyes lit up, “Parking!”

"Girl, what's wrong?" Hung Hom hurriedly asked.

"My brother likes to eat sugar-fried chestnuts. You go buy a bag and come over." Ye Yan said with a smile, remembering that she and her brother were rushing to eat sugar-fried chestnuts when they were young. Ye family could not give them sugar and fried chestnuts. Eat, but they just like to grab and **** it.

The red-haired girl has never seen a young master. How do you know that he likes to eat sugar-fried chestnuts?

"Girl, slaves go down and buy, you wait a minute." The carriage stopped, the red nettle slipped out of the car and went to the place where the sugar-fried chestnuts were sold.

The full-time walk in front of them found their carriage stopped, thinking that something happened, and hurriedly asked, "Girl, is it okay?"

Ye Hao said with a smile, "Nothing, just want to buy a packet of sugar-fried chestnuts."

Full of diligence nodded, and the horse went to the side to wait.

There was trouble in the red dragonfly.

The only bag of sugar-fried chestnuts is left. When the red dragonfly is about to give money, the sugar-roasted chestnuts in the hands of the hawkers are robbed by another hand.

"Little brother, this sugar fried chestnut, our lady wants, how much silver?" The person who grabbed the sugar-roasted chestnut was a girl dressed in a ring, and behind her stood a young woman dressed in gorgeous, it looks a bit Cold and proud look.

Hung Hom said with no anger, "This is what I want to buy. You want sugar-fried chestnuts to find others to buy."

"Are you giving money? Since you haven't given money, it's not yours." He looked at Hung Hom scornfully and directly put the silver into the hands of the hawker.

"You guys still don't make sense? Are you blind? Didn't see that I was giving money." Hung Hom could take her away from the sugar-fried chestnuts and directly hold the hand of the ring, force one Hey, grabbed the sugar-fried chestnuts and robbed them back.

That ring probably didn't expect Hung Hom to dare to grab something from her hand, and it was already stunned.

But the woman standing behind said that she had reacted. "Take her to stop me."

The little brother who sells sugar-fried chestnuts is already scared and crying at this time. He just came out to sell sugar-fried chestnuts. He left a bag and thought about selling it early to go home and his wife’s son for the New Year. How did he recruit this? ? I didn't think his sugar-fried chestnuts were so good on weekdays.

There are two women who have come forward to stop the red dragonfly.

Full of diligence found the noise here, immediately came over to see, "What is going on?"

Hung Hom, holding a sugar-fried chestnut in his hand, said, "These people are quite unreasonable. I have already bought this chestnut. They have to take it away."

"Small ring, advise you to give us the sugar-fried chestnuts, do you know which one we are?? Do you know what the family wants? Do you dare to grab something with the people of the Xiangfu?" Two women who want to catch the red dragonfly Sneering and said.

丞相府? There are several prime ministers in Wangducheng who are surnamed Ye?

Hung Hom and Man Qin looked at each other.

Ye Hao has already come out of the carriage. Looking at these arrogant people, she still hangs on the mouth of the government. She remembers the days when she was in Kyoto. At that time, Ye Family had no family to die. The descendants of the family went out to go side by side. No one dared to offend. What is the difference between these two women and their former people?

The few people saw the red dragonfly and they didn't talk, thinking that they were scared, and they could not help but smile.

"Then try to catch up with the 丞相府, what will happen next to it." Ye Hao stood on the rut, staring at the few people, the voice was clear and indifferent.

The young woman saw Ye Hao, and her face was more gloomy. "I don't know how to be good! Give them a lesson! Take them all to the government..."

The whole man snorted and slammed the two women who had come to grab the chestnuts.

The scene suddenly became messy.

"How dare you fight the Ye Family!" The young woman screamed.

Da da……

A hoof came, and at the other end of the street, a black horse came on a horse. On the horse was a man in gray armor. The man was handsome and his eyes were sharp and chilling. When he found confusion, He slowed down, and the handsome and deep purple moment attracted the attention of all the women on the street.

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