Xi was originally a one-legged, four-legged, sinister, ferocious beast. The original people were suffering because of the beasts of this beast. Later, with the help of a child named the year, everyone knows that the bamboo festival was thrown into the fire. On the eve of the eve, this is the origin of New Year's Eve and the New Year's Day. New Year's Eve is also called the old age, in fact, is the meaning of keeping the bamboo pieces.

"New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve." After eating a reunion dinner, Ye Yiqing took two children to the courtyard to put fireworks and firecrackers.

In the past, Ye Hao was most afraid of the sound of firecrackers. Every time he fired the firecrackers, Ye Yannan covered her ears.

"Civil, do you want me to lick your ears for you?" Ye Xiaonan asked with a low smile and a smile.

Ye took a look at him. "I don't need it."

"Then don't be scared and cried." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile, holding a candle in his hand and lighting the firecrackers.

The sound of firecrackers rang out, and the people shouted in cheers.

Ye Hao looked up at the fireworks in full bloom in the sky, and returned to the most happy time when he was a child.

In the middle of the night, Ye Hao was finally returned to Taoyuan, and Hongling had already prepared hot water for her.

"Girl, you are not wronged in the palace?" Red Ling asked for Ye Hao, while whispering.

"There are some people who will make me wronged." Ye Hao soaked in the hot water, the whole body was comfortable and the pores were stretched out. "Hong Ling, when you started from Jinguo, who found me to leave with me?" Is it fake?"

Hong Ling knows what Ye Hao wants to ask. "Masters are out of town when the sky is still not bright. No one knows that slaves are serving as substitutes."

Ye stunned, so, Murong Chong did not know when she left.

"Girl, slaves heard..." Hong Ling bit his teeth and didn't know if she would tell the girl what she had inadvertently heard.

"What?" Ye Hao opened his eyes slightly.

"I heard that the ministers are all playing on the emperor, and said that ... it is said that there is no emperor in the emperor, and it is the most important thing to open the branches and leaves." Hong Ling whispered.

Ye Hao’s look is very cold, and those ministers are still not dead!

"How do you know about this?" asked Ye Hao.

"The slave is inadvertently heard someone telling the old man, it seems... it seems that the old man left the eyeliner in Kyoto." Hongling whispered.

This is like what you will do. "Is the emperor promised?"

Hong Ling said, "The slave is not clear."

Ye Xin thought that Murong Zhan would definitely not agree. The former ministers were almost forced to compromise by death.

I don't know when I can see him again. It took less than two months to separate. She has already felt that it has been a long time.

"Girl, it's not early, let's rest," said Hong Ling.

"Yeah." Ye Hao gently nodded, she did not know that she could stay at home for a few days, saying that she would not go back to the palace tomorrow.



Ye Hao stayed at home for two days. Because she was afraid that Li Wei’s condition was repeated, Ye Yiqing still let her go back to the palace.

"Oh, the emperor's disease is stable. However, if the Queen's body is to be conditioned, I am afraid it will take a lot of time." She understands that she hopes that the emperor has her own nephew, but it is estimated that the emperor and the queen are now a little bit. difficult.

"There is the best, but not strong, you do your best." Ye Yiqing said to her daughter, "There is nothing in the palace that is worthy of your life. No matter what happens, you must keep your peace." ”

Ye Hao knows that the most important thing in her mind is her safety. "Hey, you can rest assured that I will protect myself."

The palace is also a lively event.

Li Wei's looks look better than the previous two days. Ye Hao thinks that her treatment should be correct. Even if she can't cure Li Wei's head, at least he can faint without letting him move.

In addition to Wang doctor is giving the emperor daily pulse, Wang Siyue as the most outspoken doctor in the palace, but also knows the emperor's condition, naturally also often to the dry dragon palace.

"Wang Zhengzheng, now I don't have to give the emperor acupuncture every day, three days is enough." After giving Li Wei a pulse, Ye Hao said to Wang Yizheng that Li Wei's illness was much better than her imagination.

This should be the credit of Lingquan. Her spiritual spring has become crystal clear, more exciting than before, and it can also discharge the impurities and diseases in the human body with sweat. Li’s sweat has become It is transparent, and the sweat after acupuncture is gray.

Wang Yizheng went up to Li Wei to take the pulse and was surprised to find that the pulse of the emperor was actually a lot stronger. He looked at Ye Hao, "Lu girl, everything is what you said."

Wang Siyue, who was listening to it, looked up frowningly, not pleased how his father could listen to the instructions of a little girl.

Retired from the Dry Dragon Palace, Wang Siyue looked at Ye Hao coldly. "If you don't have Mr. Huang Wei, you can't cure the emperor. I advise you to be a modest person. You have to hold yourself too high, otherwise the future will be It’s not someone who falls to death."

Ye Hao looked at her like a smile, and Wang Siyue didn't have a good face every time she saw her. It was the first time to be so unkind today. "Wang girl, I have never overestimated myself and I have not underestimated myself. However, you seem to be thinking too much about yourself. In my opinion, you are not qualified to tell me this."

As the first medical woman in the palace, Wang Siyue, the proper medical officer candidate in the future, how can he endure the anger of the heart when he heard Ye Hao, "What do you say?"

"I don't understand what I said?" Ye Hao looked at her faintly. "Wang girl, I haven't done anything sorry for you. You don't have to see me every time you see me, if you think I am not qualified as a medical doctor of the emperor, then you can go to Wang Yizheng or the emperor, if you have the ability to cure the emperor's disease, I will not be here."

"It’s not that you cure the emperor. You are just a fox and a tiger. If you don’t have your master, can you have today?” Wang Siyue asked unwillingly.

Ye Hao smiled. "That's a pity. It's my master, not your master, so you continue to envy."

"You..." Wang Siyue sighed, she only knows that this Lu Hao's fangs are more annoying.

"If you have nothing else, then go quickly, don't interfere with others doing things here." Ye Hao waved his hand and said.

Wang Siyue said, "You wait, I see when you can be arrogant."

Ye Hao gave her a proud look to her. "Nature is when you can't see it."

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