Wang Siyue was left by Ye Hao, and she had been a palace lady who had been in the palace for three years. She had never been so humiliated. Recently, she was a medicinal woman who had not dealt with her. Then the Emperor’s medical doctor, even the Queen is no longer looking for her. Although the doctor’s office has never seen Lu Hao, who has been in the Dragon Palace, she is very respectful to her. It seems that anyone who can attack Wang Siyue is theirs. Like allies.

She does not believe that it will be better than Lu Hao!

Ye Hao raised her eyebrows and looked at Wang Siyue's back. She felt inexplicable to Wang Siyue's hostility. It seems that only she can become a medical woman. Her mind is too narrow. Wang Yizheng is generous and generous, how to raise such a daughter.

"Oh." Suddenly a smirk came from the ear, and Ye stunned and turned to look to the side.

Murong Yi did not know when he came, leaning on the pillar and looking at her with a smile.

Ye Xiuxiu's eyebrows wrinkled, his face calmly receding and looking away.

"How do you run when you see me?" Murong stopped her way and looked down at her.

"Then why are you still not screaming, can you see you everywhere?" Ye Hao looked at him coldly, and she was still angry with his previous behavior.

Murong said, "I just saw you in the palace and you are fighting for the enemy. How can you interrupt you? You have to stand by and watch."

He guessed it was right, I couldn't hear her news outside, and I entered the palace more often, and I always met her.

Ye Hao said coldly, "Then you finished reading, I am not accompanying."

"Little girl!" Murong grabbed her arm, and the black scorpion looked at her with a burning and tender look. "I was wrong last time, don't you be angry?"

He knew that she was taken to the doctor's home. When he went to look for her, he had lost her news. He almost turned over the entire city of Wangdu. When he was almost desperate, he met her in the palace, although she It looks different, but he recognizes her eyes and can make his eyes open.

Originally it was just a delicate little girl. It was so amazing and beautiful. He was not a person who was greedy for beauty. He could see her true appearance, but he couldn’t help but be excited and he couldn’t help but bow down. Kiss her.

"Let me go!" Ye Hao shouted coldly. "I won't touch me in the future."

Murong Yu loosened her arm. "You say everything is good, don't be angry."

Ye Hao looked at him indifferently. "You won't touch me again in the future. I don't like it very much."

"Okay." Then she will let her like it if she likes it.

"That's it." Ye Hao said faintly.

Murong smiled and stopped her. "Small girl, you have to tell me, what is your name, you look fake, what about the name?"

Ye Hao’s mouth twitched slightly. “Are you not always calling me a little girl? The name is not important to you.”

"Little girl!" Murong looked at her helplessly.

"I don't know who you are. Why do you want me to tell you everything?" Ye Hao said with a sigh of relief. She used to think that Murong was not an ordinary person. He saw him go to the palace in Dongqingguo. Just as she came and went, she was more certain that his identity was definitely more powerful than she thought.

Murong smiled. "You want to know me, I will tell you."

"I don't want to know." Some things know more and more dangerous.

"Little girl..." Murong Yu felt a bit of frustration. This was something he had never encountered in his life. In this life, he has been going smoothly, never encountered any setbacks. Now it is a little girl who has tortured him.

Ye Hao looked at him and didn't feel soft because of his helplessness and frustration. However, she would like to ask the whereabouts of Bai Ziqi. I don't know Bai Ziqi knows that there is still a son in Cao.

Murong saw that she didn't speak, and whispered, "Do you still remember Shen Yaner? I didn't promise to cure her illness. She often asked you."

Sinking! Ye Hao’s eyes flashed a bit, and she almost forgot her nephew. “I certainly remember her. When I go out of the palace, I will go to her. Does her illness recur?”

"That's not there, I am asking you every day." Murong licked his mouth and at least he said something that would make her care.

Ye Hao said, "I will go to her."

Murong sighed with a sigh. "You are so intimate with your nephew, how can you be so indifferent to me?"

That is because others are not like him, making her feel very dangerous.

"If it is out of the palace, or be more careful, Bai Ziqi has sneaked into the city of Wangdu." Murong whispered.

When it comes to Bai Ziqi, Ye Hao looks awkward. "What did he sneak into the capital city?"

"Li Yuniang was killed by him. You are the one who has been in contact with Li Yuniang on the boat for the longest time. He will definitely come to you. Bai Ziqi is different from ordinary pirates. I am going to find him, but I have not found it yet." Murong He said that he naturally wants to protect her. No matter whether Li Yu Niang has given something to her, he does not care.

Ye snorted, Bai Ziqi did not find Li Yu Niang's map is not to die.

"Lu girl, Lu girl." A stone lady walked down the stone steps and walked over to Ye Hao.

It is the Omiya female jade around the Queen.

"Lu girl, Queen Empress has a request." Jade went to Ye Hao and said with a smile.

Ye Hao looked at Murong Yu, this is really a good opportunity to get rid of Murong Yu, "I will go right away."

Jade recognizes that the man next to Ye Hao is the Murong son who has been in and out of the dry dragon palace recently. His heart is amazed. "Lu girl, Queen Empress is in Kunning Palace."

"Okay." Ye Hao smiled and nodded, said to Murong Yu, "Mu Rong Gongzi, lost."

Murong looked at her helplessly and said, pressing down the voice, "Little girl, we will meet again tomorrow."

Ye Hao snorted in his heart and went to Kunning Palace with the emerald.

This is the first time that Ye Hao went to the harem of Dongqingguo, but it is no different from the harem of Jinguo. I heard that the palaces of the four major countries of the world are all built in the same specifications, in the foreground, the country’s emperor unified the world, except for the country, other countries. The palace is his palace.

"Lu girl, please here." Jade said politely, led Ye Hao into the Kunning Palace.

"Queen Empress." Ye Hao bent a knee.

The front end of Fanghuang sat on the top, and there were other women dressed in bright clothes on both sides. They were staring straight at Ye Hao.

"Hey, come here and sit down." Fang Queen nodded with a smile, and looked at the side of the ground and looked at Ye Hao. "This palace was originally intended to let you talk about it." My own words, but it is unfortunate that Chen Xianyu came to the palace to please."

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