Ye Hao and Fang Huang are living together for a period of time. Knowing what kind of person she is, she will not let her come to see other shackles in the palace. When she listens to the words of the Queen, she knows what it means.

"Queen Empress, this is the doctor of the Dragon Palace? It looks like Peugeot. It's no wonder that the emperor's illness is so fast." A young woman sitting at the bottom of her eyes looked at Ye Hao and asked The words are sour.

"Qiong Guiren, you are arrogant!" Fang Queen's face sank and looked at the woman with a stern look.

Qiong Guiren said that he had made a mistake and hurriedly succumbed to sin. "The Queen's maiden forgives her sins. It is the courtier who does not know how to speak, and there is no rule in the mouth."

The Queen said, "The Qionggui people did not know the rules and offended the emperor. They were banned for a month. Without the approval of the palace, no one would visit."

These words have just been spoken, and the faces of others underneath are subtle.

"The Niangniang, Qionggui people are still young, and it is inevitable that they will not know how to measure. Is this a punishment?" Another nephew sitting on the left hand side of the Queen's Queen said with a smile.

The Queen Empress gave her a faint look. "Where is this in the palace? Even if you don't understand the rules, you must be severely punished. Chen Xianyu, do you think the court is too strict?"

Chen Xianyi said that she didn't dare. She looked at Ye Hao and said in a whisper. "It is no wonder that Qionggui people will talk. The courtiers have lived for so many years. I have never seen such a color like this little doctor." The beauty of the beautiful, compared to the nephews of the harem, is really the national color."

"The world is big, you haven't seen many beautiful people, you don't need such a big fuss." Fang Queen said faintly, "This palace will tell you about the emperor's mind, if nothing happens, then you will be safe." ”

"Yes, Queen Empress." The four nephews secretly gritted their teeth. They had never seen the Queen, but they were the most liked by the emperor. Now they are more than a beautiful beauty. It’s hard to blame them for not thinking about it. Who knows if it is? The queen was arranged to the emperor for the sake of the pet or for the emperor.

At this time, no one wants anyone in the harem to regenerate the emperor, especially the queen.

After a few beggars were sent down, the Queen opened his face and said to Ye Hao reluctantly. "I don't know if this happens, the palace will let the emerald go to you, and they will come and ask for peace."

Ye Hao Fang has already looked at the maintenance of the Queen's Queen. She smiled at the Queen's Queen. "Thank you for your support, I am grateful."

Fang Huang let Ye Hao sit next to him. "Hey, you and the palace are telling the truth, what is the condition of the emperor?"

"Mother, why do you ask this?" Ye Hao looked at her doubtfully. Didn't the Queen visit the emperor every day? She was watching the emperor getting better every day, and how suddenly she was uncertain.

Fang Queen’s cheeks were full of two blushes, and some looked at Ye Hao with difficulty. If the other party was already a married woman, she had some words to ask for, but the other party was still a little girl. What did she say? Speaking shallowly, I am afraid that the other party can’t hear it.

Ye Hao looked at the look of the Queen, the more he felt embarrassed, "Mother, is the emperor's body repeated? Today I gave the emperor a pulse, and did not see the problem, the emperor's recovery is very good, now even the upper dynasty It's ok."

In fact, the emperor is now looking at the weight loss. With the help of Lingquan, his body really does not see the disease of incurable disease.

Fang Huang looked at Ye Hao slyly. "This palace is not worried about this. The palace knows that the emperor's body is much better."

Yesterday she was left by the emperor to stay in the dry dragon palace. She had not loved the emperor because of the affairs of the nobles. Although the emperor was doing a small low to please her, she thought that she was unable to give birth and was taken by the palace lady of Wangui, she was in her heart. I felt embarrassed, listening to the emperor whispering in her ear, they are inevitably somewhat emotional, she has felt his change in the emperor's arms, but both of them are worried about each other's body, so there is no next step.

She just wants to know when the emperor can... can have sex.

Ye Hao is more and more confused, and does not know what the Queen wants to ask.

"The meaning of this palace is... When can he be favored by the emperor?" The Queen of Queens thought for a long time, or asked the export embarrassedly.

It turned out to be this thing! Ye Hao's white cheeks flushed and shyly bowed his head. "The goddess, this... as long as there is energy in the emperor, it doesn't matter."

Fang Huang also felt extremely embarrassed, but, with Ye Hao’s answer, she still felt happy from her heart. She quickly transferred the topic. “Hey, this palace wants to leave you in Kunning Palace, are you willing?”

Ye Hao looked puzzled at the Queen, and did not understand her meaning.

"The emperor's body is getting better. As a doctor, you can't stay in the dry dragon palace. This palace can't help you live in a doctor's office. It's better to go to Kunning Palace. The body of this palace needs you to be well-conditioned. "The Queen said.

This is what Ye Hao had never thought before. She knew that the medical woman could not stay in the dry dragon palace. It was because of the special circumstances of Li Wei’s illness. Now the emperor has been able to go to the early morning, she should move to the medical woman. What she is, but she is not a real medical girl. She will not let her go to the medical school again. She said that she hopes that she will stay in Kunning Palace because he hoped she could adjust the Queen’s body. Until the Queen is pregnant.

"Mother, the girl is listening to your arrangement." Anyway, she will give the emperor acupuncture every three days. It is also very convenient to live in Kunning Palace.

As for the medical girl, there is Wang Siyue there, she will not go anyway.

Fang Huang knew the identity of Ye Hao. She knew that this little girl could not be treated as an ordinary doctor. Now she is willing to stay and help her. She is really grateful. "Hey, thank you for this palace."

Ye Hao said, "The goddess, I have a request, I hope the goddess can promise."

"You said," said the Queen.

"There are many people in the palace. Although I am a medical woman, I hope that I will only treat the emperor and the empress of the empress. Others can avoid it." Ye Hao said, I saw a few squats today. Knowing that it is not easy to deal with, in order to avoid future troubles, some words are still said to be good, and the majesty of the Queen in the palace, can still block those moths for her.

The Queen did not want to agree to it. "You can rest assured that no one can marry you except the emperor and the palace."

With the guarantee of the words of the Queen, Ye Hao was relieved.

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