Ye Hao screamed out loud, but because of the noise around her, no one found her strange. She was thrown out of the crowd by a pair of iron walls.

"Ge Kuan!" Ye Hao shouted loudly.

Her mouth was shackled, and the whole person was held to the end of a small alley. She could still hear the excitement outside the street, but she felt that the alley was quiet and scary. In the moonlight, she saw her catching her. Here is a tall, straight man with his arms pressed against the wall behind her and her in her arms.

"You...who are you?" Ye Hao asked with fear, "Murong?"

Her words just finished, the man had lowered his head and blocked her pink lips, and the hot and intense kiss instantly swallowed her, and the familiar positive breath penetrated into her senses. Ye Hao took a moment and couldn’t believe it. The person who holds her in her arms is the one she is familiar with.

"Oh..." There was a tingling pain in the lip. It turned out that he was punishing her distraction. He kissed it deeply and deep, as if he wanted to integrate her into the blood.

"Azhan!" Ye Hao vaguely screamed, raised his hand and hugged his shoulders, screaming and shyly responding to his kiss.

Originally, she still had a stomachache. She had just called out the names of other men. Murong Chong suddenly had a soft heart. The arms around her waist were loosened. His strong and overbearing kiss gradually softened and tangled with her lips. All the thoughts are in the middle of it.

It wasn't until both of them couldn't breathe, he let go of her, and the dark, sly scorpion looked at her with enthusiasm. "Who is this?"

Ye Xie’s face was still buried in his chest, his hands hanging on his arm and whispered, “Rogue, bandits, people turn!”

"What about now?" Murong Chan's fingers were gently scraping on her flat chest. The white rabbit, which was originally soft and jade, was tied to this, and she treated his baby like this.

"How come you are here?" Ye Hao finally looked up at him, a pair of affectionate scorpions with a sweet smile, he looked at the face is completely different, but the eyes are as dark and deep as her memory.

Murong Zhan looked at her lowly. "You said why I am here?"

Ye Hao couldn't help but pick up his toes and kissed him. "I miss you."

"Yeah." Murong Zhan's mouth curled up, and his heart was a little bit unhappy.

"Azhan, when did you come? How come you come here?" Ye Hao softly leaned in his arms, letting his fine kiss fall on her face.

Murong said with a dumb voice, "It’s a bit of a thing to check out. It’s been a few days, I heard that you have a good time in the palace."

"Have you been a few days?" Ye Hao groaned, pouting his mouth and pushing him away. "Then you come to me now!"

"I'm afraid you don't want to see me." Murong Zhan whispered. Since Xue Lin said that there is a strange man around her who has repeatedly rescued her, his heart is somewhat uncertain, and he always remembers what Ye Yiqing said.

She is so beautiful, this world wants to be a good man for her. If she meets another man who has never hurt her, he is also very good to her, then she will not be heart-warming? Will you think he is actually a jerk?

He was afraid to see the hesitation in her eyes.

Ye took a look at him. "How can I not want to see you."

Murong Zhan’s heart smiled, how could she understand his hidden worries and fears, “Hey, how are you doing here?”

"Okay." Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows. "Hey and my brother are here. How can I have a bad time? It is you. I heard that you have a good companion."

“A little rumor can be jealous?” Murong Zhan pinched her nose. “How do you make yourself like this?”

Ye Hao smiled and asked, "Is it like a handsome student?"

Murong Chong's hand slipped into her hem, and a light stroke was made. The white cloth on her chest was broken. Two pieces of nephrite bounced in his palm. "School, huh?"

"You... how can you do this!" Ye Hao snorted, his hands tightly covering his chest.

"Do you dare to treat my baby like this?" The thin lips of Murong Chong stick to her ears, the voice is hoarse and mellow, and it is as addictive as the old wine brewed for many years.

Ye Hao cheeks floated two groups of red, "What your baby, you don't talk nonsense!"

Murong Zhan gently squeezed, "Is it nonsense?"

"Azhan..." Ye Hao was soft and whispered to him. "You haven't told me yet, what are you going to check out here?"

"I will tell you later." Murong shouted and muttered, and kissed her lips again. The slender fingers took the two groups of nephrite out of various shapes.

Ye Hao’s placket did not know when it was open, revealing the slender and thin clavicle. The ink was sweating and the thin lips fell to her neck and kissed.

"There will be people!" Ye Hao cried in anxiously, wondering if it was because of tension, she actually felt that her body became soft and hot because of his kiss.

Murong Zhan naturally knows that this is not a good place. He just wants to understand the pain of Acacia. "No one will come in."

Ye Hao didn't understand what he meant for a moment, and he was angry for a moment. "Is there someone else to take the wind for you?"

"It's a sinking and your ring." Murong Zhan laughed softly, and the thin lips struggled to leave her tender skin, and she re-made the cloth inside for her, while she buckled her clothes and said, " Don’t tie it so tight next time, what if it hurts?”

"I won't hurt." Ye took a look at him and didn't know what he cares about.

After finishing the clothes for her, Murong Zhan took her hand and slowly walked out of the alley. "This is not a place to talk. Let's go to the restaurant and find a place to sit down."

"My brother gave me the room of the restaurant." Ye Hao said.

Murong Zhan smiled and nodded. "I know."

Ye Hao shook his hand and complained, "You know everything, but I don't know if you came to Wangdu. If I didn't come out today, would you not want to see me?"

"No." If she didn't come out, he would see her at night.

"Then, did you have a draft into the palace?" Ye Hao asked again.

Murong Zhan sighed in his heart, it was a little vinegar bucket! He even felt that he was happy. "No."

Ye Hao just laughed. "I know you won't."

"You trust me so much, whoever has a small mouth must go up to the sky." Murong Zhan laughed and teased.

"Nothing." Ye Hao opened his face and groaned.

Just out of the alley, Hung Hom rushed over, "Girl!"

Shen Shen stood behind the red dragonfly, he silently gave a ritual to the ink, such as invisible people generally stand next to it.

Hung Hom looked at Murong Zhan with a glance and bowed his knees. "The slaves have seen the emperor."

Murong Zhan looked down at Ye Hao and gently pinched her palm.

"Don't be when he is that person, call him Moye!" Ye Xiaomei eyes squinted at him, said with a smile.

"Yes, girl." The red cockroach was in charge, but my heart was nervous. How did the emperor come to Dongqing?

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