When she arrived at the restaurant, Ye Hao saw Ge Kuan looking for her everywhere. She glanced at Murong Zhan and deliberately kept a distance with him. She called Ge Kuan.

Ge Kuanzheng was anxious to find Ye Xiaonan saying that his sister had disappeared. He saw Ye Hao standing in the distance and calling him.

"Guo... the young master, where have you been?" Ge Kuan asked in a hurry.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "There have been too many people being squeezed out. I went back to the lamp market and came back. What about my brother?"

"The general is drinking over there, the young master, where do you want to go?" Ge Kuan decided to look at the grandmother more inseparably.

"I am tired, I don't want to go anywhere. I am worried that my brother will have trouble there. You should go to see your brother, don't let your brother get drunk." Ye Hao said to Ge Kuan.

In fact, Ge Kuan is also worried about Ye Yinan. He heard Ye Hao say something about his heart. However, he still remembers Ye Yinan’s instructions. "Son Master, I will send you to the room first."

"Good." Ye Hao smiled and nodded.

"Just upstairs, you will soon dance dragon and lion dance, you can see it when you go up," Ge Kuan said.

Ye Hao, "You go to your brother for a while, look at him and don't drink too much alcohol. That Liu Hebin is obviously not good."

Ge Kuan should be, "Oh, I know, I will definitely not let the generals suffer."

On the wing, Ye Hao said that he was very tired, just waiting for his brother to rest here, he sent Ge Kuan away.

After waiting for a long time, Murong Chan pushed in the door of the wing.

"How do you know that my brother has set a room in this restaurant? You will not always stare at him?" Ye Hao sees that Murong Chong does not worry about the confidence of the wrong room, he knows that he must know in advance.

Murong Chan held her on her lap. "Just happen, I live in the opposite inn."

Ye Hao did not believe his coincidence. "You can tell me, what is it for the king city?"

He did not intend to take advantage of her. "Hey, Ye Yaoyao has recovered his memory."

"What?" Ye Hao looked at him with surprise. "Who has cured her disease?"

Murong Zhan shook his head. "Suddenly, memories were restored."

“After restoring memory?” Ye Xie’s color is somewhat condensed. In terms of her current medical skills, she does not know which kind of disease can cause amnesia and inexplicably restore her memory. Ye Yaoyao is the person... The more she can't understand.

"She is not the real Ye Yaoyao, the real name is Ye Yaoer, the daughter of Ye Rongquan who was formerly Jiangnan Buzheng..." Murong Zhan told Ye Yaoyao's life experience to Ye Hao, and by the way explained Ye Rongquan's defamation case.

Ye Hao guessed that Ye Yaoyao had many identities, but he did not expect it to be such an identity.

"That said, it was really Lu Shide who brought her from the wilderness." Ye Yi asked differently, that Ye Yaoyao did not exist to replace her identity, but it was just used by Lu Hao.

Mo Rongzhan said, "If I didn't guess wrong, Lu Shide brought Ye Yaoyao from the wasteland for the sake of her hand."

"What?" asked Ye Hao.

"A book with Ye Rongquan was desecrated in the past, in addition to the collusion between officials and businessmen, and the thief teamed up to smuggle Jiangnan's salt tax to other places. Jiangnan was the most prosperous place in Jinguo, but the salt tax has not been transported for many years. Beijing, the emperor sent people to find out the matter many times, but they were all blocked by Ye Yisong. At that time, Jiangnan’s biggest merchant, Lin Zhanhong and Ye Yisong colluded, pretending to be robbed by the pirates... In the whisper, I will tell Ye Hao in the future.

Ye Hao was shocked and stunned, pirates? silver? How did she think of Cao Lei’s treasure map?

"Then you are going to Wangdu City to check what?" asked Ye Hao.

"Lin Zhanhong did not die in the same year, but changed his name to hide in Dongqing State, and the pirate who colluded with Ye Yisong was Cao Lei." Murong Zhan whispered, "Bai Ziqi and Ye Yisong had a deep hatred, he Will become a pirate or Ye Yisong, so he will kill Cao Lei for a very good reason. I am coming to Wangdu City, in addition to finding out who Lin Zhanhong’s incognito has become, and also to find Cao Lei’s son in Wangducheng. ""

Cao Lei's son! Ye Hao rounded his eyes, it was so clever! These two things are actually linked together.

Murong Chan knows her the most. When she sees her expression, she can know what she is thinking. "Do you know Cao Lei's son?"

"What do you mean, the silver that Cao Lei hid is the previous tax?" asked Ye Hao.

"I am afraid that Ye Yisong has spent a lot of money in the ink for years." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Ye Hao still has a lot of doubts. The reason why the pirates will become pirates, because life is helpless and forced, and there is greed for wanting money. Which kind of Cao Lei belongs to? He has guarded such a huge treasure house, why haven’t he moved in so many years? If he went to get the silver, he must have leaked the location of the treasure house. "Azhan, don't you feel weird? Cao Lei is a pirate. If a pirate is moral, he can't be a pirate. He will replace it. My uncle has kept the silver for so many years."

"So Cao Lei knows where the silver is hidden, and he can't get the silver." Murong Zhan said.

"Who can get the money?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully.

Murong Zhan looked at her meaningfully.

Ye Hao immediately understood what his eyes meant. "You think it is my uncle, but he is already dead."

"Ye Yuming is still alive." Murong Zhan said.

"That... How can Bai Ziqi kill Cao Lei? Does he know that Cao Lei’s silver is related to my uncle?" Ye Hao frowned.

Murong Zhan whispered, "Ye Yisong was framed by Bai Ziqi to cheating, and Bai Ziqi's mother was mad. Bai Ziqi was a dutiful son. He was forced to be a pirate. As for how he knew Cao Lei and you. Uncle collusion, then only he can be clear."

"You...you know who is Cao Lei's son?" Ye Hao whispered.

"Cao Yu." Murong Zhan said the name accurately.

Ye Hao tightened her lips. "How did you know?"

"What do you think I have been doing these days?" Murong Zhan said with a funny smile, kissed her on the cheek. "What else do you want to know?"

"Who did you find Lin Zhanhong?" Ye Hao asked.

Murong Chan frowned. "I haven't found out yet."

Ye Hao glanced at him and said on his shoulder, "Cao Lei's treasure map is here."

"What?" Murong stared at her. "Is Li Yu Niang giving you the treasure map?"

"Otherwise, Bai Ziqi found the place early." Ye Hao said, "I just have something very doubtful."

"What?" Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao thought for a moment and told his suspicion to Murong Cham. "Shen Yue Xuan seems to be very interested in the treasure map."

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