Ye Hao exhaled unsteadily in the arms of Murong Cham, his hands still caressing on her smooth back, and the rough fingertips brought a burst of tingling in her skin. She grabbed him. The clothes, "Brother is coming back."

Murong Zhan kissed her lips. "Hey, when will you go back?"

"I don't know." Ye Hao whispered, she also wanted to go back to Jinguo earlier, but now it seems that it is not time to go back.

"Who did you just think of me?" Murong Chong whispered in her ear.

"..." Ye Hao's face was slightly stiff, and she thought he had forgotten that she had just called the wrong name. "Is there? I don't remember."

Murong Zhan chuckled and bit his earlobe. "You know my ears are very good."

He has been a blind man, and his ears are better than ordinary people.

Ye curled up and narrowed his neck and said with a smile, "Whoever makes you feel like this, can't blame me for admitting the wrong person."

"Besides me, who else will be like this to you?" Murong Zhan kissed her pink lips and asked him if she knew who he was, the man who saved her on the boat. Is the man often entangled? She, otherwise she will not be that tone.

"No." Ye Hao said quickly, absolutely can not let him know that Murong barely kissed her, otherwise she bet that Murong Zhan will be mad.

Murong Chan touched her cheek. He would definitely find out about the man. "How do you doubt Shen Yuexuan?"

"I don't doubt him either." Ye Hao heard that he would finally turn back to the topic, and he was relieved, and he couldn't care for the hand he still stayed in her clothes. "I don't doubt him, I just feel a little strange. Even if Shen Yuexuan is not the richest man in the world, he is one of the best in Dongqing. How can he be so interested in the treasure house that Bai Ziqi said? And there is no doubt at all. When he disembarked from Bohai City, he followed Bai Ziqi."

"I don't doubt at all?" Murong Chan slightly frowned, Shen Yuexuan can have today, certainly not a naive and greedy generation, must have his plans and wisdom, how can he not hesitate to believe Bai Ziqi's words, how can he decide that Li Yuniang Is there a treasure map of Cao Lei?

"I think he seems to have known that Cao Lei has a treasure map." Ye Hao said.

Murong Zhan whispered, "That treasure treasure map you take it well, don't let people discover it, maybe Ye Haoming knows this thing, and there is a way to open the treasure house."

"You don't want a treasure map?" Ye Hao asked in surprise, thinking she would ask her for the map.

"Isn't it the same for you? It's the taxation of our country. Others can't take it. Now there are too many people staring at it, and it has been involved in too many cases in the past. Before it has been checked, this is It is good to approve the tax silver," said Murong Cham.

Ye Hao nodded. "I will protect it."

Murong Zhan kissed her mouth.

"How long will you be in Wangdu City? Will we meet again?" Ye Hao asked.

"To find out who Lin Zhanhong is, to clean up the case for Ye Rongquan, and to include Ye Yisong's greedy tax in the Jin Guoguo, this matter is finished." Murong Chan said.

Ye Hao's small mouth is slightly tilted. "After Ye Rongquan's reconciliation? What about Ye Yaoyao?"

"With her, if she wants to go out of the palace, she can restore her identity." Murong Zhan said faintly, he did not care about the days after Ye Yaoyao.

How did she feel that Ye Yaoyao was smart after she recovered her memory, otherwise she would not find Murong Zhan to talk about her father.

"You go, in case my brother to see you, certainly ...... will definitely beat you." Ye Zhen push the ink container Cham shoulder, "And you did not like the middle of the night to find me in Kyoto, and leaves home Not the same as Lu Jiake."

Murong Chong reluctantly took her hand out of her clothes, rearranged her clothes for her, and held her tightly in her arms. "If I want to see you?"

"When I return to Jinguo, can I not meet often?" Ye Hao bit his lip, and his bright eyes contained a sly smile.

"I live in Mingtai Inn." Murong Zhan whispered in her ear.

Ye took a look at him, "I won't go to you."

Murong Zhan held her face and bowed her head down. She let her kiss and breathlessly let go of her. "I won't stay here for too long."

"I know." Ye Yan said with a smile.

At this moment, there was a red and anxious voice outside. "Girl, the young master is back."

Ye Hao looked nervously at Murong Zhan. "Let's go, my brother won't let me see you."

In the heart of Murong Zhan, a sigh of relief, Ye Yiqing did not let her marry him, Ye Xiaonan did not let her see him, he wants to hold the beauty to wait until when?

"Azhan!" Ye Hao cried anxiously.

"I am in the next room." Murong Chan whispered. "I have passed. Don't intervene in this matter, be a daughter at home."

She hasn't had a comfortable day since she married him. Now she is with her family and she is definitely not the same.

Ye Hao looked at him, "Well."

Murong Chan smiled slightly, fell a kiss in her eyebrows, turned from the window and went to the next room.

Just as he landed, he heard the sound of opening the door next door, and Ye Yinan’s voice came at the same time.

"Brother, you are coming back." Ye Hao looked at Ye Gannan who was opening the door. A heart almost jumped out. Just a little bit, let his brother find that Murong Chan is here.

"What's wrong? Didn't go to see the excitement?" Ye Xiaonan did not find the same, he smiled and looked at his sister, "Is it uncomfortable?"

Ye Hao said, "No, it is tired, my brother, the smell of your body is so heavy, how to drink so much."

"I am not drunk." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile.

"You say so every time you get drunk." Ye Hao did not feel good, "Ge Kuan, support the young master, we went home."

Ye Yinan's drink is not too good, but his drunk is not the same as others. He doesn't look like drunk, his eyes are clear and bright, and his words are justified. If he doesn't know his leafhopper, I really can't see him drunk.

"Girl, the carriage is already downstairs." Ge Kuan said, he looked at Ye Xiaonan with a puzzled look, but he did not see that the general was drunk.

"Who is your brother drinking?" Ye Hao asked.

Ge Kuan said, "At the beginning, it was with Liu Hebin, but the guy was not a thing, deliberately angered the young master, the young master left with the country grandfather, and they went to drink two more cups."

Liu Hebin? It seems that my brother was drunk with that Fang Yu. In the face of unfamiliar people, my brother is never drunk.

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