"Yeah, what are you looking at?" Yingquan looked at Murong Yu with a puzzled look. He only managed to enjoy the lanterns while drinking with Shen Yuexuan. How could he suddenly sink into his face.

Murong held a glass of wine in his hand and looked at the crowd outside the window with a cold eyes.

When I was in the city of lights, he saw her!

Although she is a man who is disguised as a man, he can still recognize her at a glance.

He wants to go up and look for her. In the blink of an eye, she has been taken away by a man. He thought she had met a man and immediately chased him up.


Murong’s twilight was colder. He saw that she was kissed by the man in her arms. She did not resist, but leaned softly on the man’s arms, let him ask for it, and she even took the initiative to hug. The man's neck.

He stood on the roof above the alley, the moonlight was bright, he could see the man's appearance, he was a man he had never seen before, but the most dazzling thing was the smile of her face shy surprise, that is he always Sweetness not seen.

Murong Yu never knows what it is. From small to big, he doesn't have anything he wants. He always does what he wants. He wants to do whatever he wants. He only meets Lu Hao, he wants her, but she does. Don't want him.

Who is that man?

It seems that it is not ink-filled, how can Murong Chong come to Wangdu City?

Murong Yi does not think that Lu Yi will like Murong Cham. Their Ye Jiahui family is broken because of Murong Cham, her sister is also died because of Murong Cham, how could she... will become Murong Cham Queen.

If it is not Murong Chan, who is that man?

"Six Ye, what's going on with you tonight, it seems to be absent-minded." Shen Yuexuan, who was sitting opposite Murong, said with a smile, he had some doubts that Murong Yu had just gone out to do something. After returning, his face has not been very good.

Murong said faintly, "Nothing."

Yingquan looked at Murong Yu with some worry. He had never seen Liu Ye before. I really don't know what it is because of it.

Shen Yuexuan was holding a beautiful woman in her hand and heard Murong’s still cold voice. He waved and let the people in the room go down.

"Six Ye, where are you not comfortable?" The room was full of confidants, Shen Yue Xuan asked.

"Is it clear that Bai Ziqi?" Murong Yu did not want others to know his own thoughts. He liked Lu Hao as his business. How to get her does not have to know with other people. As for what he saw today, today’s feelings The heart that was received was like a knife, and he didn't want to feel it anymore.

Shen Yuexuan said, "People have found it, but they are not willing to say anything."

"Cao Lei's treasure trove is definitely not just as simple as the treasure he has plundered for many years. Bai Ziqi is willing to risk killing Cao Lei and chasing Li Yuniang. This is not normal." Murong said.

"The meaning of Liu Ye... There are other things in the treasure house?" Shen Yuexuan brows.

“How do I know?” Murong Yu looked at Shen Yuexuan faintly. “I will see Bai Ziqi tomorrow.”

Shen Yuexuan smiled and bowed his head to drink. "Okay."

Murong’s mouth is slightly smirked. He is not interested in the secret between Bai Ziqi and Shen Yuexuan. People are looking for Bai Ziqi to prevent him from having the opportunity to hurt Lu Yi, if not to find Bai Ziqi, he I haven't found out that Bai Ziqi's life experience. I only knew that Bai Ziqi was framed by Ye Yisong. I recently learned that he used to be a pirate under Cao Lei, and Cao Lei seems to have a relationship with Ye Yisong eight years ago.

Things are getting harder and harder.

"That's it." Murong said, stood up and left the restaurant.

Looking at the back of Murong Yu, Shen Yuexuan looked dignified.

"Master, if the six masters intervene in this matter, I am afraid that they will not be able to keep secret." A middle-aged man next to Shen Yuexuan said.

Shen Yuexuan said, "If Bai Zi starts to talk, let him die."

"If you kill Bai Ziqi, then the things left by the old man are gone." The middle-aged man hesitated.

"How much gold and silver treasures are lost, and there is nothing left in the family." Shen Yuexuan poured himself a glass of wine.



The crowd of Lantern Festival gradually dissipated, but the lights on the street have not yet been extinguished, and the lanterns of the lanterns illuminate half of the capital city.

"Mu Ye." Wu Chong quietly came to the back of Murong Cham.

“Found it?” Murong Chong took his eyes back from the outside market, no longer thinking about the lingering with Ye Hao in the alley.

Wu Chong nodded. "The subordinates have been staring at Shen Yuexuan, only to find that Bai Ziqi has been caught by him."

Ink Murray smiled faintly, "Save the white child."

"The emperor, this way, may have to stun the snake, can no longer track Shen Yuexuan." Wu Chong said.

“You don’t have to follow Shen Yuexuan anymore, just check the ancestors of Shen’s family!” Murong Zhan said in a deep voice, he always thought that Lin Zhanhong’s name change would definitely be hidden from the ordinary, so he never thought that Wu Chong would go to check the name. Characters, even less thought that Shen Yuexuan may be the descendants of Lin Zhanhong.

Wu Chong and Shen Yi looked at each other and said, "Yes, the emperor."

"Looking at Bai Ziqi to see you." Murong Zhan whispered.

"Yes!" Wu Chong and Shen Yi quietly retired.

In the dead of night, Shen’s house sneaked into two black shadows. Before Wu Chong knew where Bai Ziqi was hiding, it was not difficult to find the hidden and secluded place. Shen Yuexuan was afraid of causing other people’s doubts and did not assign too Many people are here to guard Bai Ziqi.

“Where is this place?” Shen Xiao asked Wu Chong.

"Like a temple." Wu Chong said, "Save people first."

Actually shut people in the ancestral hall? Thinking deeply and wondering, and Wu Chongjin went to save Bai Ziqi.

The people who guarded Bai Ziqi here were martial arts, but after all, they were more than Shen and Wu Chong. They almost did not disturb other people and they would solve the four people who were outside the door. Bai Ziqi was locked in the basement of the temple. .

I have never seen it before I will dig the basement again. What are the rules? Suddenly in doubt, I saw a thick wooden door next door. He and Wu Chong looked at each other and opened the door in the past.

"This...how is there still a hall?" asked Wu Chong in surprise.

At this time, the original coma, Bai Ziqi did not know when he woke up. He pointed to the mourning hall and said, "That is the mourning hall of the Lin family ancestral ancestors!"

Lin? Wu Chong and Shen Yi looked at each other. It seems that Shen Yue Xuan is the person the emperor is looking for.

"Take him back first!" Shen said to Wu Chong, Shen Yuexuan should soon find it here.

"Who are you? Why are you saving me?" Bai Ziqi asked, he was killed by Shen Yuexuan in the past few days. Who knows that he is here?

"When you see our master, you will know." Wu Chong said.

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