If you want to turn over the case for Ye Rongquan, then it must be involved in the Ye family. Ye Yisong has a lot of crimes. It doesn't matter if he has a few more crimes. However, if someone wants to take Ye Yisong's charges against Ye Yiqing?

This is Ye Weinan's concern. He is very clear that although Ye Family has changed places to survive, he still has not got rid of Ye Yisong's influence.

"Hey, you go back first, we have something to say... the king of the kingdom said." Ye Xiaonan looked at Ye Hao and whispered.

Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan sideways. "Brother, what are you talking about, can't I listen?"

"You all go down." Ye Yiqing said faintly, "The emperor, please go to the study with the next official."

Ink Murray’s bright scorpion looked at Ye Hao deeply and nodded to Ye Yiqing. “Ye Daren, please.”

"Hey, I will go too." Ye Xiaonan cried.

Ye Yiqing swept away, "You go to see, look at your sister."

"Hey!" Ye slammed his feet and wanted to say that you should not bully him, but she knew that if she really said this, then Murong Cham would be even worse.

"Emperor, please." Ye Yiqing said that if there is no innocence, please Mo Rongzhe and he went to the study.

Murong Zhan only looked at Ye Hao with a smile and smiled, as if he was calming her, and she had already left the hall with Ye Yiqing.

Ye Hao, Ye Xiaonan, "Brother."

"Don't call me." Ye Xiaonan said with a sigh of relief, "Every time this is the case, your heart is too bad when you meet Murong Chong."

"Where is my eccentricity, it is clearly that you are targeting Murong Zhan." Ye Hao cried.

Ye Xiaonan snorted. "Why should I target him? Hey, why don't you give up on it, if he can be good to you, he wouldn't have been like that in the first place. You forgot the original grievance?"

"I haven't forgotten, but my brother, I don't want to live in the past." Ye Hao whispered, "I know how Murong Cham used to be with me. There are too many misunderstandings between us. If we become us because of these misunderstandings." Regret, I will not be reconciled, he is good to me, I don’t want to die forever, I think this is enough."

"He saved you?" Ye Xiaonan groaned, why didn't he know about it.

Ye Hao told Ye Xiaonan what she had happened in Jin Guo. "... Brother, the person who really killed me is Lu Yizhi, not Murong Zhan."

"Even if he saved you, that is what he owes you, you didn't owe him at all." Ye Xiaonan listened to what Ye Hao said, and his grievances against Mo Rongzhan were slightly reduced, but they did not feel that they could The matter is written off.

"I just forgive him anyway." Ye Hao cried.

Ye Yannan took a deep breath. "Well, let's not say this. If Murong Zhan is really sincere to you, I will always know it later, but what is he going to do now to find Bai Ziqi? To turn over the case of Ye Rongquan that year. Although it is not related to 爹, do you think that those people in Dongqing will not use this article to attack 爹?"

"What does the uncle do, what does it have to do with 爹爹? Who doesn't know that 爹爹 was just idle at home." Ye Hao frowned.

"Yeah, everyone knows, but some people will still hold on." Ye Yinan said.

Ye Hao has been indulging for a moment. "What should I do with my brother? Don't take Bai Ziqi back, or don't you turn the case?"

It is impossible to not reverse the case! In the case of Ye Rongquan, there were too many people involved in the case. What's more, there is a Ye Yaoyao in Kyoto who knows the truth. Bai Ziqi killed Cao Lei, and he did not even lurk in Wangdu City. Isn't he trying to get a map? According to Murong Chan told her, Bai Ziqi actually wants to reverse the case.

Ye Yinan couldn't answer Ye Hao's words for a moment.

"Brother, if those people want to take the big uncle to make a fuss about it, they can do it at any time. The bad things that the uncle has done are not the only ones." Ye Hao said that she is telling the truth, Ye Yisong is killed. So many people, if they are useful in his past attacks, they can’t make a difference now.

"You have the most reason." Ye Xiaonan said, "I really don't know what is good about Murong Cham, so you are so obsessed with him."

Ye Hao said with a smile, "When your brother has a favorite person, you naturally know why."

"Not harmful!" Ye Xiaonan gave him a look.

Their brothers and sisters both teased their mouths, and Ye Yiqing and Murong Zhan also finished talking. The two walked back to the hall side by side.

"Hey, you..." When Ye Hao saw them, he hurriedly greeted him, and his eyes looked worriedly toward Murong Cham.

Murong's thin lips smirked and smiled, looking at her with a burning gaze, as if to comfort her.

"The emperor will temporarily stay in our house for two days and let the butler arrange the room." Ye Yiqing suddenly said.

"Hey, how can I let him live with us?" Ye Xiaonan screamed. He didn't want to see Murong Chan at all, let alone let him live in Ye Family.

Ye Yiqing said with a smile, "The door is a guest."

"He is a fart!" Ye Yannan couldn't help but swear.

"Brother!" Ye Hao roared at him.

Ye Yiqing glanced at her daughter. "Hey, you took the emperor to the room. I have something to say to your brother."

"Oh!" Ye Hao nodded immediately.

Ye Yinan was still convinced and waited for Murong Zhan, and was smashed by Ye Yiqing. "Follow me."

"Hey, I don't want to understand, why did you suddenly change your mind? Then, if Murong Zhan saved his life, he couldn't change the fact that he was a bastard." Ye Yanan followed Ye Yiqing, and his heart was unwilling to cry.

"He handed over the tax and silver that Cao Lei and your uncle had hidden." Ye Yiqing whispered.

Ye Xiaonan’s mouth was still screaming, and he didn’t understand what Ye Yiqing was saying. He paused for a while before he stopped. “Hey, what did you just say?”

"That kind of tax silver does not know much, but with your uncle's handwriting, how much money can you spend a decade? Murong Zhan knows that the picture is in the hands of the shackles, he did not take it back." Ye Yiqing said faintly.

"Just like this?" Ye Yinan could not believe that this is why his father forgave Murong Cham.

Nature is more than that.

What makes Ye Yiqing move is the words of Murong Cham.

For a passing person, Ye Yiqing is very clear that it is not easy for Murong Chan to say such a statement. If he does not really like it, he will certainly not do so.

Who can leave such a huge amount of money to a woman as her protection? If he has a burden in the future, then this money is awkward.

Although you only have a map in your hand, you can arrange it... Isn’t it in the hands of Ye Yuming?

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