Ye Hao hooked the finger of Mo Rongzhan. "What did you say to me? Why would he stay with you at home?"

Murong Zhan gently held her hand and looked at him with a low smile. "I told you that Bai Ziqi had been sent back to Jin Guo. I continued to live in the inn and I was afraid that I would expose my identity. He would let me live. Going home."

"I don't believe it." Ye Hao smiled. "There is definitely another reason."

“What else is there?” Murong Zhan asked with a smile.

Ye Hao pinched the back of his hand. "Come tell me, what did you say to your aunt?"

Murong Zhan took her waist and leaned beside the rockery. "I told your father, Cao Lei's tax will be left to you as a dowry. If I have lost to you in the future, you can bring those Silver has been to the life you want."

"You are crazy!" Ye Hao blurted out. "Those are tax dollars."

"Hey, put these money on you, first, I want your father to believe that I am in your heart, and more importantly..." Murong Chan lowered his voice and said in Ye Hao’s ear, "This is also the detention." In the back road of yours, there are unpredictable things in the sky. Maybe you need to use this money in the future? Now that the national treasury is full, even if it is not used, it can be left to our children and grandchildren."

Today is not a peaceful life, countries seem calm, in fact, everyone wants to dominate the world, Murong Zhan has his ambition, so he wants to leave his back in the hands of the most trusted people.

Ye Hao understood his thoughts, and his heart was soft and unable to tell the instigation. She grabbed his hand tightly. "But what about the tax?"

Murong Zhan laughed. "It is not difficult to get a treasure chest to cover your eyes and ears."

" are not afraid that I really took the money away when I arrived?" Ye Hao looked at him like a water, and whispered casually. "In case, what if there is nothing inside?"

"So, after Ye Rongquan turned over the case, he and I went to see you personally." By that time, he could put together the money that the folks earned in these years.

After he left the palace, he already understood the importance of silver, so for many years, his people have been doing business in the world.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded, "Good!"

In fact, they all know very well that the treasure house cannot be without silver, or even silver. There should be gold and silver treasures that Ye Yisong and Cao Lei have accumulated for many years.



Murong Zhan lived in Ye Family, but he was the guest room in the front yard. It was not easy for Ye Hao to want to see him, because Ye Yannan looked at it.

When Ye Hao thought about how to convince his brother, he received a post from Shen at this time.

"Shen Jia?" Ye Hao slightly stunned, thinking of Shen Yuexuan is the son of Lin Zhanhong, she read the post, and my heart screamed, "I forgot to heal the sickness of the child."

"Who is going to cure?" Ye Yannan asked with a frown.

"Shen Yuexuan's daughter, who came together on the road before, brother, I went to Shenjia." Although Shen Yuexuan is the son of Lin Zhanhong, he also knows that the matter of the past chose to be anonymous, but Shen Yuer is innocent, and still himself. Promise, if you don't go to Shen Yuer to cure the disease, you don't want to break the contract.

Ye Yinan said, "I will go with you."

"What do you do with me, I am going to treat a little girl." Ye Hao said with a sigh of relief, let Hong Ling go back and take her medicine box over.

"Okay, be careful." Ye Xiaonan thought that as long as he was not with Murong Cham, let him go to Shen, just don't let her meet with Murong Cham.

Ye Hao went to Shen Jia with a red dragonfly.

She had thought about coming back to Shen Yuer a few days ago. I didn't expect to delay it and almost forgot about it.

However, she did not expect that Shen Yuexuan’s life experience was like this. If Murong Zhan returned to Jin Guo’s case, as a merchant colluding with Ye Yisong in the past, Shen Jiahui would become the wanted criminal of Jin Guo?

"Girl, Shen family is here," said Hung Hom.

Ye Hao returned to God and helped the red dragonfly's hand to get the carriage.

The post was handed over to the concierge, and Ye Hao was led to go to the lobby to see Shen Yuexuan.

Shen Yuexuan still doesn't know how Ye Hao restored his true appearance. When he saw Ye Hao, he was almost surprised to return to God. "This girl, you are..."

"Shen boss, it is me." Ye Hao smiled and said, "Before going out, so I made a slight change in appearance, let Shen boss laugh."

"Lu girl?" Shen Yuexuan was full of surprises. At that time, he looked at Lu Hao only as a beautiful girl. Now that she saw her true face, she realized that she was a beautiful woman. It is no wonder that Murong will be so addicted to her. "It’s Shen’s eyes. ""

Ye Hao returned a gift. "I don't know how the baby is, is it sick again?"

"Since the girl is separated from Lu, the little girl is thinking about seeing you every night. She is noisy and noisy this morning. She almost became ill. Shenmou is forced to do so, so only... Still, Murong reminded him to send the post to the Prime Minister's Office. He carefully inquired that Lu Hao was Lu Hao and Ye Qingqing's biological daughter.

Fortunately, he did not take her to exchange with Bai Ziqi, otherwise his family really does not have to live today.

"Shen boss, let me go and have a look at the children." Ye Hao said.

"Well, Lu girl, please here." Shen Yuexuan led the way in front and personally took Ye Hao to see Shen Yuer.

Shen Yuer’s yard was relatively quiet and had not yet entered the yard. She had heard her voice spread.

"I don't take medicine! These medicines can't cure me, you go out!"

"Girl, these medicines are all made by the old lady, so you can get better, drink, and obey when you drink."

"Don't drink or drink! Lu's sister's medicine can cure my disease. These medicines are killing me." Shen Yuer was crying again.

Then there was another strange voice. "Hey, what do you mean by this, is the old lady wanting to deliberately harm you?"

"You go out, I don't want to see you!" Shen Yaner called.

Shen Yuexuan’s brows have been wrinkled.

Ye Hao faintly opened, "Shen Bo, is it so troublesome to take medicine every time? Her illness can not be noisy, so there is no benefit to her illness."

"The little girl's temper is relatively poor, often refuse to take medicine." Shen Yuexuan said helplessly.

"When I gave her medicine, her temper was very good." Ye Hao looked at Shen Yuexuan and remembered that Shen Yuer had told her about Shen's family. It seems that Shen Yuexuan is still unclear.

Shen Yuexuan whispered, "Lu girl, if it can cure the disease of the little girl, Shen is grateful."

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