There was a scream in the courtyard.

Shen Yuexuan couldn’t talk to Ye Hao and ran in quickly.

Ye Hao slightly frowned, followed Shen Shenxuan into the yard, only to enter the courtyard door to see a few shackles chasing the screaming children who are escaping and screaming for help.

"What is this?" Shen Yuexuan snorted and caught the sinking child who jumped into his arms.

"Cousin, how come you, my aunt invited the doctor to the deaf, but the deaf children refused to take the medicine." In the pursuit of Shen Yuer is a young woman who grows a long face, looks too savvy in the eyebrows, seeing The moment of Shen Yuexuan, it seems that the delicate gesture is too deliberate, but it is somewhat ridiculous.

Shen Yuer still didn't see Ye Hao, just grabbed Shen Yuexuan's sleeve and cried. "Hey, I don't want to drink those medicines. Those medicines will make my illness even heavier."

The young woman cried, "Hey, how can you talk like this? These medicines are all old ladies."

"Xie Cousin, I will not bother you if you take medicine in the future. You go back to the old lady and say, I have already invited the doctor to the other child." Shen Yuexuan said faintly to the Xiejia cousin.

Xie Manchun’s face changed slightly. She looked at her side and Ye Hao’s beautiful face caught her eyes and stabbed her eyes. “Cousin, who is she?”

Shen Yaner’s face came out from Shen Yuexuan’s arms and looked behind him, his round eyes staring at Ye Hao. “Who are you?”

Ye Hao Yang smiled, "Hey, it is me."

"You..." Shen Yaner heard Ye Hao’s voice stunned.

"Hey, she is Lu sister." Shen Yuexuan whispered.

Shen Yuer jumped out of his arms, "Lu Jie?"

Ye Hao smiled and touched her head. "I am, even if I don't recognize me, I always recognize my voice."

"A girl who knows how to be a slave?"

"Lu sister, you are so beautiful!" Shen Yaner yelled, "How come you come to me now."

Ye Hao touched her head. "I'm sorry, something is too late to delay."

Shen Yaner took Ye Hao’s hand and went back to see Xie Manchun. “Former aunt, Lu’s sister is a doctor, I only eat the medicine she prescribed.”

"Cousin, I will personally talk to the old lady about this matter." Shen Yuexuan said to Xie Manyan.

Xie Manchun glanced at Ye Hao and left the room with a ring.

"Leg sister, how did you become so beautiful? I am going to recognize it." Shen Yaner looked at Ye Hao curiously, only to think that Lu’s sister in front of her eyes and the previous one on board saw it as two people.

Ye Xiao smiled. "Before I put a little thing on my face, what happened to your body, will it still happen?"

"It was originally taken according to your prescription. The aunt had to ask the grandmother to ask me another doctor. I was very uncomfortable with those medicines." Shen Yuer whispered.

"We are in the house, I will give you another pulse." Ye Hao said to Shen Yuer.

Shen Yuexuan said to Ye Wei, "Lu girl, the little girl will ask you."

Ye Hao gave Shen Yuer a new diagnosis, and determined that her condition did not deteriorate before she was relieved.

"Hey, I have made some pills for you. You will have to eat one before going to bed every day." Ye Hao took out a porcelain bottle, and the pills inside were developed when she was free in the palace.

"Is there no need to take these pills with these pills?" Shen Yan's eyes lit up, and she did not like to take medicine at all.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Yeah, you should eat it for a few days. If you feel that you have improved, you will only eat pills later."

The smile on Shen’s face collapsed. “But I am leaving here.”

"Would you like to take you out?" Ye Hao frowned and asked, Shen Xuan Xuan likes to run around with his daughter, what should I do if I am on the way?

"No, I said that we can't live here. We have to go far and far. I don't know where it is." Shen Xiaoer whispered.

Shen Yuexuan knows that his identity is exposed and wants to change his name and leave his name to leave Wangducheng? Ye Xiaomei looked at Shen Yuer, "When are you taking you away?"

"Already let the next person pack up, it should be gone soon." Shen Yan said, she could not bear to leave here, finally saw Lu sister, did not expect to be separated, "Lu sister, small Seven?"

Ye Xiaoxiao said, "Small seven is at home, it is not convenient to bring it."

Shen Yuer held his shoulder in disappointment.

Probably before Shen Shener was tired, after eating the pills for a long time, she was a little tired. Ye Hao gave her acupuncture for a while and let her sleep well.

"Girl, my nephew is asleep." Hung Hom whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao gently nodded, and today Shen Yuexuan asked her to go to Shen, it should not be so simple to treat Shen Yuer.

"Let's go out first," said Ye Hao.

When she asked to leave early, she really came over and asked her to see Shen Yuexuan.

Shen Yuexuan waited for Ye Hao in the study room. When she saw her come, he took the initiative to give him a hand. "Tang Lu asked the girl to come, please forgive me."

"Shen boss has something to say." Ye Hao smiled lightly.

"Lu girl, Shen knows that Li Yuniang was giving you the real picture at the time." Shen Yuexuan whispered.

Ye Hao looked at him like a smile, "Shen Bo, what is the map? You want to tell me this today?"

"What Shen is saying, Lu girl is well-informed. In addition to the taxation of Jiangnan for many years, there are many gold and silver treasures... Anyone who gets a treasure trove is rich and enemies. Isn’t Lu’s girl not tempted?” Shen Yuexuan asked tentatively. He did not believe that anyone who heard this would not be tempted.

"It seems that Shen boss is very clear about the treasures there. It is no wonder that you will ban the Baizi Kaiguan. Shen Bo, it is better for you to have something to say." Ye Hao does not want to go to Shen Yuexuan circle, the treasure house has anything good. That doesn't belong to anyone.

Shen Yuexuan said, "I can help the girl find the treasure house. When we get the things inside, we are equally divided. What does the girl think?"

Ye Hao finally smiled, and his eyes showed sarcasm. "Shen Bo, you are really whimsical."

"Without my help, Lu girl can never find it there." Shen Yuexuan said.

"You have been difficult to protect yourself, but also want to get the treasure house, Shen Bo, why do you think I will cooperate with you?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

Shen Yuexuan’s face changed slightly. “Lu girl, what do you mean by this?”

"You don't have to think about borrowing the power of Ye Jia to get the treasure house. This is the taxation of Jin Guo. It's not yours or mine. Are you too small to see the emperor of Jin Guo? You think you can still bring Is the family again incognito?" Ye Hao’s voice asked crisply and sternly.

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