These words are also what Murong has told him! Let him take the initiative to find Murong Cham, and perhaps still have some advantages. At least one of his life can be saved. However, his father has already made a living in order to save the descendants of Lin’s family. Now Shen’s family is his family. If he earns, let him be scattered like this. He is unwilling, isn’t he saying that Ye Yiqing loves his only daughter? Is Ye Family not because of Murong Zhan’s family?

Now he is looking for Lu Hao to cooperate. Those tax funds are enough for her to do what she wants. She should promise.

"Lu girl, don't you want those tax dollars?" Shen Yuexuan asked unwillingly.

Ye Hao’s lips smiled. “Who is not silver? If you want to see what kind of money, you will not cooperate with you. Those silver are also mine. Why should I tell you?”

Shen Yuexuan didn't understand Ye Hao's words, and frowned and asked, "Lu girl, what do you mean by this?"

"Nothing is meant." The merchants were originally unprofitable, and Shen Yuexuan said that it was useless. "Shen Bo, Jiangnan’s defamation case is bound to be re-examined. The collusion between officials and businessmen, the truth of the official thief collusion will sooner or later be made public. Is it true? You still want to change your name again?"

"Lu girl knows a lot." Shen Yuexuan said coldly.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "This is no longer a secret."

"So, Lu girl does not want to cooperate?" Shen Yuexuan's voice is cold, thinking that he will have nothing, he has a madness in his heart that wants to fight together, anyway, the last end is the same, why he doesn't gamble One?

"Shen Bo, if you are willing to take the initiative to surrender the sin of the year to the emperor, you may be able to make a sin, you and your family, do you want to see your nephew in the future?"

Ye Hao advised him.

Shen Yuexuan said, "It is better to be homeless in the future."

"Shen boss, then we have nothing to say." Ye Hao said faintly, "The disease of the child is only taking the medicine according to my prescription, it will not happen again."

"Thank you for Lu girl." Shen Yuexuan said.

Ye Hao nodded slightly, "Farewell."

She did not go back to Shen Shener, but left the Shen family with a red dragonfly, probably will not go to Shen family again in the future.

"Master, Lu Yan refused to agree, we can't find that place." Uncle Jing walked out from the corner of the study and looked at Shen Duoxuan, who looked dignified.

Shen Yuexuan gently nodded. "Li Yu Niang will definitely hand over the map to her. Although Ye Yisong is dead, his layout is definitely still there, maybe it is in Ye Yiqing's hand."

"You can only let Lu Hao hand over both pictures." Uncle Jing said quietly.

"Uncle Jing, let people leave the kingdom city with the old lady and girl." Shen Yuexuan said.

"Master, do you really want to emulate the old man?" Uncle Jing heard a shock.

Shen Yuexuan shook his head. "My father ran out of family wealth and escaped from Jiangnan. I managed to make these homes again. I didn't want to have nothing like my father. I didn't even have a life."

"What are you going to do?" asked Uncle Jing.

"I have already let people intercept Lu Yu, as long as she handed over the map and the layout, I will not hurt her." Shen Yuexuan whispered.

Uncle Jing was shocked. "Master, Lu Hao is the daughter of Ye Yiqing."

Shen Yuexuan said, "I know that it is the same ending anyway, I would rather fight together."

"Master, if you take the initiative to vote with the Emperor of the Kingdom of Korea..." Uncle Jing whispered.

"Mo Rong Zhan is not the same as the Emperor. He just registered and will copy Ye Yisong to the door. Do you think that I can go to Chengcheng, can he let us go? Uncle Jing, don't forget how many people involved in Ye Rongquan's case, as long as Re-examine the case of the year, we Lin will certainly not have a good end." Shen Yuexuan said.

Jing Shudao, "Don't you be able to leave safely now."

"It's all the same ending, I naturally have to fight together, Uncle Jing, don't say more, just take the old lady and the nephew first. I have prepared a carriage for you and go directly to Bohai City to leave by boat. Shen Shenxuan whispered.

"Master, what do you do?" asked Uncle Jing.

Shen Yuexuan smiled. "I am going to meet with Liu Ye. He will never see death."

"Master, then take care, the young first brought the old lady and the girl to leave here." Uncle Jing knows that time is tight, dare not hesitate, and immediately goes with Mrs. Shen and Shen.

On the other hand, Murong Zhan heard that Ye Hao had come to Shen, and he would go out immediately.

Ye Yinan thought that he was thinking about taking the opportunity to find his sister and reaching out to stop him.

Murong Zhan looked at Ye Xiaonan coldly. "Shen Yuexuan was the son of Lin Zhanhong. You asked me to go to Shenjia at this time. That is the sheep into the tiger!"

"Shen Yue Xuan dare to hurt her to try!" Ye Yannan changed his face, and Murong Chan came out of the door of Ye Family.

Ye Hao’s carriage was stopped shortly after she had just left the Shen family’s mansion. It was surrounded by houses and there were few people coming and going. Shen Yuexuan sent many people and surrounded her carriage.

"You want to do this?" Ye Hao looked at them with a funny smile. In Wangdu City, there are still people who dare to stop Ye Yiqing's daughter?

"Lu girl, we don't want to offend you, as long as you hand over the map and the layout, we will not embarrass you." The leader took the words to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "Shen Yuexuan is really capable, and he still came here."

"Lu girl..."

"If you don't have any pictures, you have the ability to tie me back." Ye Hao interrupted his words coldly, Shen Yuexuan was really tired.

"Then don't blame us for being rude!" said the leader, who tied Lu Hao anyway, and Ye Jia's people would definitely take the two pictures out, Shen Bo said, just find the one. Treasures, the silver inside is divided into five or five.

Ye Hao smiled and looked at them. "Where are you from the pirates?"

"You... how do you know that we are pirates?" someone cried in surprise.

"Isn't it sure now?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Please ask Lu girl to go back." The head with a calm face shouted.

The two people closest to the carriage wanted to catch Ye Hao, and the hand just stretched out, and a sword flashed. With the screams of the two men, the rut of the rut did not know when to have a long sword.

"Who are you?" Ye Hao looked at him in surprise.

"The county owner is his subordinate." The little scorpion stood in front of Ye Hao and looked coldly at the pirates around him.

Xue Lin? Ye Hao stunned and heard the voice of Xiao Xiao recognized that he was Xue Lin. "When did you become a small driver?"

"The subordinates have been secretly protecting you." Xue Lin whispered, "The county owner, you will not have anything to do."

Ye Haocai wants to say how he handled a dozen pirates, and he saw the appearance of Murong Cham and Ye Yinan in front.

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