These pirates really are the former men of Bai Ziqi. I don’t know how to be countered by Shen Yuexuan. I believe that as long as I grab the leaves and get the map and the map, I will be able to find the treasure house and believe that Shen Yuexuan will follow them. Five to five.

Ye Xiaonan’s face was iron and blue, and people brought these pirates back.

This is not a Jin Guo. Some things are not allowed to be his master. Murong Zhan did not intend to ask Ye Haonan how to deal with these pirates. He only ordered Shen Chong and Wu Chong to go to the Shen family to arrest Shen Yuexuan.

"It's okay." He walked over to Ye Hao and reached for her to hold the carriage. Jun's face was covered with frost.

Ye Hao smiled at him. "I'm fine. How do you know my brother and I are here?"

"You know that Shen Yuexuan is the son of Lin Zhanhong. Do you dare to swear?" Murong Zhan reprimanded her face. "You don't know if there is danger?"

"I know that he is the son of Lin Zhanhong, but I didn't expect him to be so stupid. I actually threatened me in this way. I promised that Shen Shener would cure her illness, so I went to see it." Whispered, she also considered before she went to Shen, she thought that Shen Yuexuan would not be stupid at this time.

It turns out that he is really stupid! Probably an emergency doctor.

Murong Zhan’s eyes floated with anger. “What is the relationship between Shen’s daughter’s illness and you? Do you have to put yourself in danger every time? If it’s not Xue Lin, if you’re not in time, you What kind of danger will you encounter, have you ever thought about it?"

The smile of Ye’s mouth is a little bit stiff. “I don’t know Shen Yuexuan, he will...”

"Danger is not going to let you know in advance." Murong Chong's voice is cold. He thought that he would leave Wangdu City in two days. He could not protect her at all times. Even the news about her should wait for others to tell her. He knew that her heart was soft and kind, but sometimes goodness would harm her.

"I am not okay now?" Ye Hao did not understand why he was so angry, and his heart was a little wrong.

Murong glanced at her with a deep look, and the thin lips were tight and did not speak again.

Ye Hao bit his teeth and opened his face and didn't want to talk to him.

Ye Xiaonan came over and said to Ye Hao, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Nothing, my brother, let's go back!" Ye Hao turned and re-entered the carriage.

Murong Zhan's face was gloomy and sorrowful. He didn't look at Ye Xiaonan and he had turned his back on the horse.

The surrounding atmosphere seemed to froze at once.

"Go!" Ye Xiaonan grinned, and he was probably the only one who didn't care about the cold war between Murong Cham and Ye Hao.

Xue Lin and Hung Hom took a look at each other and chose not to speak.

Back to Ye Family, the worry and the fear of the ink mouth of Murong Zhan were also suppressed. When I looked back at Ye Hao, I saw that she had a small face and walked in front of him. She didn’t even look at him. .

Ink yin Zhan again angered and rushed up.

Ye Yannan was in a good mood, and he confessed to Ge Kuan. "Bring those pirates back for a trial."

Ge Kuan left with a cry.

Murong Zhan's face turned into the door, watching the slender figure in front, his hands clenched into fists, and when he wanted to catch up, Ye Yinan had stopped him.

"The emperor, there is the home of our Ye family, and you may not be suitable for the past." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile.

"Let's go!" The dark black scorpion of Murong Chan seemed to flash a cold light, and the sound was cold and embarrassing.

Ye Xiaonan snorted a little and snorted. "Imperial, is it hard that you want to break in?"

Murong Zhan looked at him with cold eyes, and the whole body exuded the tension of the monks. The people around him could not look directly at him. "Hey, go in."

"My sister doesn't want to see you." Ye Xiaonan is a little shorter than Murong Cham. He straightens his waist and does not let the ink go up.

"Look at you is her brother, I don't care about you." Murong Zhan whispered, the anger of forbearance has reached the extreme, no one can see how he shot, just think that there is a black shadow flashing Ye Yinan has been spotted in the acupuncture point.

Murong Zhan's tall and slender figure has entered the hanging flower door.

Ye Xiaonan screamed, "Mu Rongzhan, you dare to point me! Let me go!"

Everyone else has been shocked. This... The original martial arts of the emperor have already been so fascinating.

"Ink-Chan, you can't marry you, you will marry you!" Ye Xiaonan screamed and screamed at the same time. His martial arts was already a master. When he and Murong Cham played against each other, he thought they were not between them. Up and down, it seems that the martial arts of Murong Chong does not know how much higher than him.

"Young master, do you want to find someone to solve the acupuncture points for you?" Chen Guanjia asked in a low voice.

"Not looking for it!" Ye Xiaonan said almost gnashing his teeth.



Ye Hao actually screamed back to the house, untied the cloak and still on the screen, saw the purse that had been embroidered on the table, so that she would pick it up when she picked it up, and finally she couldn’t bear it.

"Girl, what's wrong with you?" Hong Ling asked in a low voice.

"Nothing!" Ye Hao snorted. She knew that she had not considered too much. However, he had never been so angry with her before. Today, she was so cold-faced to say that she would feel uncomfortable in her heart.

Hong Ling looked at the red dragonfly and wanted to ask what happened.

Hung Hom was trying to explain it in a low voice, and he heard an exclamation from outside.

"What's the matter?" asked Hong Ling's frown. He opened the curtain and went out to see the ink-filled Murong Zhan. "Imperial? can't go in."

Murong Zhan opened the curtain and looked at the little man who was facing him. He said coldly to the two rings, "Go out."

Hong Ling still does not want to move, the red dragonfly is hard to pull her out of the house.

Ye Hao knew that he was behind him. She stood up and wanted to avoid him.

"Do you really want to be angry with you?" Murong Chong grabbed her arm and pulled her into her arms. "Do you think it was wrong to say that?"

Ye slammed his mouth and didn't talk.

"Hey, can't be childish, let's talk." Murong Chan said helplessly.

childish? Does he think she is self-willed?

"If you talk well, don't hold me!" Ye Hao said coldly.

Murong Zhan chuckled and let go of her waist and sat down with her. "Well, let's talk."

Ye Hao looked cold without looking at him. "You can say anything if you want to say it!"

"You don't seem to talk to me like this." Murong Zhan whispered, "Hey, Shen Yuexuan is not an ordinary businessman, he is a person who often deals with pirates."

"You just think that I should not go to Shenjia today!" Ye Haodao.

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